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Volume 22, Issue 4Aug 1985
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Sharp Estimates for Multigrid Rates of Convergence with General Smoothing and Acceleration

In this paper, we prove the convergence of the multilevel iterative method for solving linear equations that arise from elliptic partial differential equations. Our theory is presented entirely in terms of the generalized condition number $\kappa $ of the ...

Multigrid Methods for Variational Problems: General Theory for the V-Cycle

In two earlier papers [SIAM J. Numer. Anal., 19 (1982), pp. 924–929; 21 (1984), pp. 255–262], we developed an algebraic convergence theory for a class of multigrid methods applied to positive definite self-adjoint linear operator equations. The purpose of ...

Fundamental Solutions Method for Elliptic Boundary Value Problems

We consider a procedure for solving boundary value problems for elliptic homogeneous equations, known as the fundamental solutions method. We prove its applicability for some second order operators as well as for fourth order ones. The boundary conditions ...

The Numerical Solution of Helmholtz’s Equation for the Exterior Dirichlet Problem in Three Dimensions

A numerical method is described and analyzed for the solution of the exterior Dirichlet problem for the Helmholtz equation in three dimensions. The problem is first reformulated as a Fredholm integral equation of the second kind, based on an approach of ...

A Scheme for Computing Solutions and Interface Curves for a Doubly-Degenerate Parabolic Equation

In this paper we present and analyze a finite difference scheme for computing approximate solutions and interface curves for the Cauchy problem for the doubly-degenerate parabolic equation $u_t = (u(1 - u)u_x )_x $. Our scheme requires only that linear, ...

The Moving Grid Method for Nonlinear Hyperbolic Conservation Laws

Numerically, moving grids are often found to improve the resolution of approximate solutions to nonlinear hyperbolic conservation laws. In this paper we show how to modify many standard numerical flux functions to incorporate this idea. A generalized ...

Local Error Estimates for Parametrized Nonlinear Equations

This paper is concerned with the development of error estimates for parametrized nonlinear equations $F(z,\lambda ) = 0$ and their discretizations $F_h (z,\lambda ) = 0$. The estimates obtained are local error estimates in the sense of the local error in ...

The Numerical Solution of Nonlinear Equations Having Several Parameters I: Scalar Equations

We consider nonlinear problems of the form $f(x,\lambda ,{\bf \alpha }) = 0$, where $x \in \mathbb{R}$ is a state variable, $\lambda \in \mathbb{R}$ is a bifurcation parameter, $\alpha \in \mathbb{R}^p $ is a vector of auxiliary parameters, and f is a ...

Least-Change Sparse Secant Update Methods with Inaccurate Secant Conditions

We investigate the role of the secant or quasi-Newton condition in the sparse Broyden or Schubert update method for solving systems of nonlinear equations whose Jacobians are either sparse, or can be approximated acceptably by conveniently sparse ...

A Convergence Test and Componentwise Error Estimates for Newton Type Methods

A new computational test is presented for convergence of Newton-type methods. We obtain componentwise error bounds. The test does not require the second derivative. Numerical examples are given.

Krawczyk-Like Algorithms for the Solution of Systems of Nonlinear Equations

In this paper we present interval arithmetic methods for the solution of systems of nonlinear equations. These methods are based on the algorithm of R. Krawczyk [5] and a modification introduced in [3]. Starting with an interval vector containing a ...

A Characterization of Certain $C^1 $ Discrete Triangular Interpolants

Triangular interpolants have been receiving attention recently as a tool for use in free form surface design in computer aided design environments. Traditionally, rectangular patches have been used in most applications; however there are many surfaces ...
