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Volume 8, Issue 4Dec 1971
  • Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics
  • 3600 University City Science Center Philadelphia, PA
  • United States
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Some Properties of Reduced Polynomial Equations

Any algebraic equation of degree $n \geqq 2$ can be easily transformed into the “reduced form :” \[ f_n (z): = z^n + a_2 z^{n - 2} + \cdots + a_n = 0,\quad \left| {a_v } \right| \leqq 1\qquad (v = 2, \cdots ,n).\]

Denote the zeros of $f(z)$ by $\zeta _...

Direct Methods for Solving Symmetric Indefinite Systems of Linear Equations

Methods for solving symmetric indefinite systems are surveyed including a new one which is stable and almost as fast as the Cholesky method.

Analysis of the Diagonal Pivoting Method

A backwards error analysis of the diagonal pivoting method for solving symmetric (indefinite) systems of linear equations shows that the elements of the associated error matrix can be bounded in terms of the elements of the reduced matrices. The elements ...

Some Second and Third Degree Harmonic Interpolation Formulas

This paper discusses some interpolation formulas \[u(x_{ * 1} , \cdots ,x_{ * n} ) \simeq \sum _{i = 1}^N {A_i u(v_{i1} , \cdots ,v_{in} )} \] which are exact for all harmonic polynomials in n variables of degrees $\leqq 2$ and $\leqq 3$. The points $(v_{...

A Posteriori Bounds for the Truncation Error of Continued Fractions

Truncation error bounds for continued fractions are obtained in terms of general conditions which ensure that the approximants $\{ {w_n } \}$ form a simple sequence; i.e., that $| {w_{n + m} - w_n } | \leqq c| {w_n - w_{n - 1} } |$, where c is a ...

Approximation of the Bessel Eigenvalue Problem by Finite Differences

Difference equation problems are studied whose solutions are estimates of the solutions of the eigenvalue problem \[\begin{gathered} Ly \equiv y'' - \frac{1}{x}y' + \frac{{v^2 }}{{x^2 }}y = \lambda y,\quad x \in (0,1), \hfill \\ y(0) = 0,\quad y(1) = 0,...

Best Approximation with Chebyshev Polynomials

Let $\{ {T_j ( X )} \}_{j = 0}^n $ be the Chebyshev polynomials of the first kind, where $T_j (x)$ is the polynomial of jth degree. It is shown that there exists a unique best approximation of $T_1 (x)$ with respect to the linear space spanned by ...

The Direct Solution of the Discrete Poisson Equation on Irregular Regions

There are several very fast direct methods which can be used to solve the discrete Poisson equation on rectangular domains. We show that these methods can also be used to treat problems on irregular regions.

$L^2 $ Error Bounds for the Rayleigh–Ritz–Galerkin Method

In this paper we adapt a technique of J. Nitsche to obtain new sharp a priori $L^2 $-bounds for the error involved in approximating the solutions to a wide variety of boundary value problems for nonlinear elliptic partial differential equations by the ...

Chebyshev Approximation with the Local Haar Condition

Chebyshev approximation by nonlinear families on a general compact space is studied. Attention is restricted to approximants satisfying a local Haar condition. A necessary and sufficient condition for the approximant to be locally best is given. A linear ...

Note on a Truncated Chebyshev Series Modified to Match Function Values at Interval Endpoints

A technique for modifying a truncated Chebyshev series so that the values of the approximated function at the endpoints are exactly duplicated is presented.

Orthogonal Polynomials and Approximate Multiple Integration

Let $R_n $ denote an n-dimensional region and w a weight function defined on $R_n $. This paper is concerned with the existence and construction of approximations of the type \[ \int_{R_n} {wf \cong \sum\limits_{k = 1}^N {A_k f(\mu _k )} } ,\] where the ...

The Solution of Nonlinear Systems of Equations by A-Stable Integration Techniques

It is well known that a damped or underrelaxed Newton’s method will sometimes solve a system of nonlinear equations when the full Newton’s method cannot. This happens, for example, when only a poor initial approximation to the solution is known. By ...

One-Step Methods for the Numerical Solution of Volterra Functional Differential Equations

This paper presents a class of numerical methods for the approximate solution of ordinary differential equations where the derivatives depend on the history of the solution. These methods, which are self-starting and always stable, are analogues of the ...

Error Bounds for Approximate Invariant Subspaces of Closed Linear Operators

Let A be a closed linear operator on a separable Hilbert space $\mathcal{H}$ whose domain is dense in $\mathcal{H}$ Let $\mathcal{X}$ be a subspace of $\mathcal{H}$ contained in the domain of A and let $\mathcal{Y}$ be its orthogonal complement. Let B and ...
