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- ArticleJuly 2011
The impact of community structure of social contact network on epidemic outbreak and effectiveness of non-pharmaceutical interventions
PAISI'11: Proceedings of the 6th Pacific Asia conference on Intelligence and security informaticsPages 108–120The topology structure of social contacts network has a big impact on dynamic patterns of epidemic spreading and effectiveness of nonpharmaceutical interventions. Corresponding to individuals' behavioral or functional units, people are commonly ...
- ArticleJuly 2011
A geospatial analysis on the potential value of news comments in infectious disease surveillance
PAISI'11: Proceedings of the 6th Pacific Asia conference on Intelligence and security informaticsPages 85–93With the development of Internet, widely kind of web data have been applied in influenza surveillance and epidemic early warning. However there were less works focusing on the estimation of geospatial distribution of influenza. In order to evaluate the ...