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Multi-view Bipartite Graph Clustering with Collaborative Regularization
Despite the meaningful advancements in graph-based multi-view clustering methods, several challenges persist. Firstly, these methods often suffer from high computational costs, limiting their application to large-scale datasets. Secondly, direct ...
NVCGAN: Leveraging Generative Adversarial Networks for Robust Voice Conversion
Recently, in order to improve the naturalness and similarity of speaker features after voice conversion while retaining most of the speaker content, research on voice conversion under non-parallel text conditions has made great progress. This ...
HopMAE: Self-supervised Graph Masked Auto-Encoders from a Hop Perspective
With increasing popularity and larger real-world applicability, graph self-supervised learning (GSSL) can significantly reduce labeling costs by extracting implicit input supervision. As a promising example, graph masked auto-encoders (GMAE) can ...
Energy-Efficient UAV-Enabled Wireless Power Transfer for Real-Time Charging Requirements
Due to the varying energy capacities and power consumption rates of Sensor Nodes (SNs), their charging needs may not coincide. Traditional Wireless Power Transfer (WPT) systems cannot handle the additional charging requirements from energy-...
Lowering Costs and Increasing Benefits Through the Ensemble of LLMs and Machine Learning Models
Due to the remarkable capabilities of generative AI technologies, pre-trained large language models (LLMs) have been widely used. However, the high computational and memory requirements limit the widespread adoption of LLMs. It is a challenging ...
Long-Tailed Recognition Based on Self-attention Mechanism
The long-tailed distribution data poses significant challenges for visual classification tasks. The existing solutions can be categorized into three main categories, i.e., class re-balancing, information augmentation, and module improvement. ...
Extending Knowledge Distillation for Personalized Federation
Personalized federated learning (PFL) develops a customized model for each local client to mitigate accuracy issues caused by data and system heterogeneity of different local clients. Most works on PFL adopt a centralized federation and therefore ...
Dynamic Weight Distribution Method of Loss Function Based on Category Theory
Imbalanced datasets are prevalent in real life, which have a skewed data distribution. In the research of imbalanced datasets, the inherent patterns of minority class affect the generalization performance of Machine Learning models. The re-...
Learning Reconstruction Models of Textured 3D Mesh Using StyleGAN2
The current field of 3D generation has made significant progress, yet achieving high-fidelity 3D object reconstruction from a single-view image remains a challenging task. However, we find that recent StyleGAN-based 3D GANs are primarily used for ...
Learning from Multiple Noisy Annotations via Trustable Data Mixture
Our model-free approach utilizes Vicinal Risk Minimization (VRM) to address label noise in crowd-sourced datasets, avoiding complex adjustments based on Annotator-Specific Parameters (ASPs) that struggle with sparse data and identifiability ...
Federated Learning for Assigning Weights to Clients on Long-Tailed Data
Federated learning enables multiple clients to collaboratively train a shared model without transmitting their data. Although this novel approach offers significant advantages in data privacy protection, the variations in data distribution among ...
TensorRT Acceleration and SuperGlue Feature Matching in SFM: Performance Improvement and Dense 3D Reconstruction
Currently, in the field of computer vision and 3D reconstruction, the pursuit of perfor mance improvement and efficiency optimization has been a common focus of researchers and engineers. To cope with the growing application demands, especially in ...
SuperPoint and SuperGlue-Based-VINS-Fusion Model
With the arrival of modern technology, research on safety inspection techniques in complex environments is crucial. Using hardware devices such as mobile devices and vision sensors combined with many algorithmic techniques can effectively improve ...
Feature Selection via Label Enhancement and Weighted Neighborhood Mutual Information for Multilabel Data
This work presents a multilabel feature selection approach via label enhancement and weighted neighborhood mutual information. First, the Fuzzy C-Means (FCM) clustering is optimized by the Whale Optimization Algorithm (WOA) to obtain the initial ...
LDCM-MVIT: A Lightweight Depth Completion Model Based on MViT
In the field of computer vision, many perception methods rely on depth information captured by depth cameras. However, the integrity of depth maps is hindered by the reflection and refraction of light on transparent objects. Existing methods of ...
Index Terms
- Advanced Intelligent Computing Technology and Applications: 20th International Conference, ICIC 2024, Tianjin, China, August 5–8, 2024, Proceedings, Part II