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A Stakeholder Visualization Tool Study

Published: 01 October 2023 Publication History


Professional codes of ethics and conduct provide a convenient pedagogy for teaching students to consider social, ethical, and professional issues related to computing. Case studies offer a means for using these codes to analyze such issues, which include the importance of identifying all stakeholders impacted by a computing decision. The research in this article suggests that the introduction of a stakeholder visualization tool into a professional code's text-based case study can positively affect the number of stakeholders considered by students.


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Published In

cover image Journal of Computing Sciences in Colleges
Journal of Computing Sciences in Colleges  Volume 39, Issue 2
Papers of the 32nd Annual CCSC Rocky Mountain Conference
October 2023
112 pages
Issue’s Table of Contents


Consortium for Computing Sciences in Colleges

Evansville, IN, United States

Publication History

Published: 01 October 2023
Published in JCSC Volume 39, Issue 2


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