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No Place to Hide: Catching Fraudulent Entities in Tensors

Published: 13 May 2019 Publication History


Many approaches focus on detecting dense blocks in the tensor of multimodal data to prevent fraudulent entities (e.g., accounts, links) from retweet boosting, hashtag hijacking, link advertising, etc. However, no existing method is effective to find the dense block if it only possesses high density on a subset of all dimensions in tensors. In this paper, we novelly identify dense-block detection with dense-subgraph mining, by modeling a tensor into a weighted graph without any density information lost. Based on the weighted graph, which we call information sharing graph (ISG), we propose an algorithm for finding multiple densest subgraphs, D-Spot, that is faster (up to 11x faster than the state-of-the-art algorithm) and can be computed in parallel. In an N-dimensional tensor, the entity group found by the ISG+D-Spot is at least 1/2 of the optimum with respect to density, compared with the 1/N guarantee ensured by competing methods. We use nine datasets to demonstrate that ISG+D-Spot becomes new state-of-the-art dense-block detection method in terms of accuracy specifically for fraud detection.


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Published: 13 May 2019


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  1. Dense-block Detection
  2. Fraud Detection
  3. Graph Algorithms


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