Surrogate Modeling for HPC Application Iteration Times Forecasting with Network Features

Xiongxiao Xu, Illinois Institute of Technology, USA, [email protected]
Kevin A. Brown, Argonne National Laboratory, USA, [email protected]
Tanwi Mallick, Argonne National Laboratory, USA, [email protected]
Xin Wang, University of Illinois Chicago, USA, [email protected]
Elkin Cruz-Camacho, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, USA, [email protected]
Robert B. Ross, Argonne National Laboratory, USA, [email protected]
Christopher D. Carothers, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, USA, [email protected]
Zhiling Lan, University of Illinois Chicago, USA, [email protected]
Kai Shu, Illinois Institute of Technology, USA, [email protected]

Interconnect networks are the foundation for modern high performance computing (HPC) systems. Parallel discrete event simulation (PDES), serving as a cornerstone in the study of large-scale networking systems by modeling and simulating the real-world behaviors of HPC facilities, faces escalating computational complexities at an unsustainable scale. The research community is interested in building a surrogate-ready PDES framework where an accurate surrogate model can be used to forecast HPC behaviors and replace computationally expensive PDES phases. In this paper, we focus on forecasting application iteration times, the key indicator of large-scale networking performance, with network features, such as bandwidth-consumed and busy time on routers. We introduce five representative methods, including LAST, Average, ARIMA, LSTM, and the proposed framework LSTM-Feat, to forecast the iteration times of an exemplar application MILC running on a dragonfly system. By incorporating network features, LSTM-Feat can understand dependencies between network features and iteration times, thus facilitating forecasts. The experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of incorporating network features into surrogate models and the potential of surrogate models to accelerate PDES.

CCS Concepts:Computing methodologies → Machine learning; • Networks → Network simulations;

Keywords: Machine Learning, Parallel Discrete Event Simulation, HPC

ACM Reference Format:
Xiongxiao Xu, Kevin A. Brown, Tanwi Mallick, Xin Wang, Elkin Cruz-Camacho, Robert B. Ross, Christopher D. Carothers, Zhiling Lan, and Kai Shu. 2024. Surrogate Modeling for HPC Application Iteration Times Forecasting with Network Features. In 38th ACM SIGSIM Conference on Principles of Advanced Discrete Simulation (SIGSIM PADS '24), June 24--26, 2024, Atlanta, GA, USA. ACM, New York, NY, USA 5 Pages.


The computing power of High-performance computing (HPC) systems makes them critical for a variety of applications, such as climate modeling, molecular dynamics and drug discovery. The performance of HPC systems depends on the effectiveness and scalability of their interconnect networks. One noteworthy example is the dragonfly network topology, a hierarchical, high-radix, low-diameter architecture which is able to incur reduced network cost while achieving high-bandwidth and low-latency performance [15, 16]. This topology has gained widespread adoption across various HPC facilities, e.g., the National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center and the Argonne Leadership Computing Facility.

Parallel discrete event simulation (PDES) is a computational technique used to simulate dynamic behaviors of complex systems, including internet and cybersecurity simulations, transportation and mobility applications, and hardware co-design simulations [24]. Despite the success of PDES modeling frameworks such as ROSS [4] and CODES [23], the simulation requirements and computational complexity are growing at an intractable rate. For instance, PDES requires four hours to simulate behaviors of a 4,096-node system over a 12 millisecond period [26].

To address the computational issue, an active research topic is to construct fast surrogate models to forecast specific activities and accelerate PDES. However, there still remain several unsolved challenges. One such challenge is accurately and efficiently forecasting workload-level activities, e.g., application iteration times, using data available from fine-grain simulations. For applications that work by iteratively looping over a set of recurring computing and communication tasks, such as the tasks required for daily weather predictions, the time to complete each iteration can vary significantly when network congestion delays communication operations. Furthermore, network features such as router port bandwidth and busy time can expose the state of the network congestion, but it is not straightforward how such features can be leveraged to facilitate iteration times forecasting.

To tackle the above challenges, we explore several representative surrogate modeling approaches, including LAST, Average, ARIMA, LSTM, and LSTM-Feat, for application iteration times forecasting. By taking network features into account, the proposed LSTM-Feat is able to leverage dependencies between network features and iteration times. The experiments show that incorporating network features into a surrogate model is beneficial to forecasts and promising surrogate modeling approaches to accelerate PDES. We envision a surrogate-ready PDES that seamlessly shifts between a detailed simulation of the application workload and a fast-forward surrogate phase based on forecasts of surrogate models.


2.1 ML for Time Series Forecasting

Machine learning (ML) for time-series forecasting has been studied for a long time [9]. The task aims to forecast a period of future data given a sequence of historical data and has a variety of applications, including transportation, finance and medicine. The earlier researchers leverage the statistical methods, e.g., ARIMA (AutoregRessive Integrated Moving Average) [3, 18], and traditional machine learning methods, such as SVM (Support Vector Machine) [5, 14] to forecast time-series data. However, they may not achieve desirable performance due to their linear assumptions. Recently, time-series forecasting has made a significant progress due to the emergence of the deep learning. Deep learning models deliver expressive performance because they can capture complex pattern in time-series data, like Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) [29, 34, 36], Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) [7, 22, 29], LSTM [1, 21, 34], Graph neural network (GNN) [6, 30, 37], Transformer [20, 25, 28] and State Space Models [2, 10, 32]. However, none of the above work aim at forecasting application iteration times in the HPC system. This paper is focused on forecasting application iteration times in the dragonfly system.

2.2 Accelerate PDES with Surrogate Models

Various multi-resolution and hybrid PDES models [11, 12, 17, 19] have been proposed to accelerate high-fidelity PDES simulations and have shown promising results. With the emergence of machine learning, the community is interested in designing [8, 31, 33] a high-fidelity ML-based surrogate model to accelerate PDES by forecasting port-level network traffic in the dragonfly system. Different from the existing work focusing on port-level network traffic forecasting, we forecast application iteration times, a workload-level characteristics, and take network features into account to facilitate forecasting accuracy with machine learning surrogate models.


3.1 Background

We focus on the 1D dragonfly network as shown in Figure 1. The dragonfly network [16] has a hierarchical architecture with three levels: router, group, and system. The system are divided into multiple groups, and a group has multiple routers. A router connects to computer nodes (terminal) by terminal channel links, connects to other routers within a group by local channel links and connects to other routers outside the group by global channel links. The connection points between routers and links are ports on routers. When running on the dragonfly network, applications are divided into multiple processes, which are then placed on the computer nodes. Each process occupies a computer nodes and the processes collaborate with each other on executing applications. The execution commonly consists of multiple steps, so each process has multiple iterations to complete. Each process is assigned a unique identifier known as a "rank"1. We aim to forecast application iteration times for each rank, which refers to the time it takes to complete one iteration. Iteration denotes the repetitive execution of a set of computational and communication tasks. The processes communicate with each other by sending messages, and routers forward the messages through the ports. During the communication, the ports have key characteristics in the dragonfly network, e.g., bandwidth-consumed, busy time, etc. The system characteristics reflect the status of the dragonfly network and can be potentially used to improve the accuracy of forecasts.

Table 1: Performance and inference time overhead comparison results on all ranks. I.T.O. means inference time overhead. The lower MSE and MAE denote more effective, and the lower I.T.O. denotes more efficient. The best results are in bold.
Methods cont-adp rand-adp
MSE MAE I.T.O. (s) MSE MAE I.T.O. (s)
LAST 0.0034 ± 0.0000 0.0291 ± 0.0000 0.0057 ± 0.0017 0.0026 ± 0.0000 0.0176 ± 0.0000 0.0034 ± 0.0001
Average 0.0048 ± 0.0000 0.0309 ± 0.0000 0.0926 ± 0.0013 0.0110 ± 0.0000 0.0343 ± 0.0000 0.0680 ± 0.0005
ARIMA 0.0047 ± 0.0000 0.0330 ± 0.0000 15120.1573 ± 34.715 0.0107 ± 0.0000 0.0315 ± 0.0000 11473.6628 ± 19.4696
LSTM 0.0032 ± 0.0001 0.0265 ± 0.0004 5.8233 ± 0.1117 0.0020 ± 0.0001 0.0170 ± 0.0004 4.6101 ± 0.0371
LSTM-Feat 0.0025 ± 0.0001 0.0253 ± 0.0016 6.1617 ± 0.0107 0.0013 ± 0.0001 0.0167 ± 0.0007 4.5913 ± 0.0244
Figure 1
Figure 1: The illustration of the 1D Dragonfly network.

3.2 Problem Definition

Let the dragonfly network have nr routers and nc computer nodes and np processes placed on the computer nodes for execution. In the execution, the np processes work together to complete T iterations. For a rank p ∈ {1, 2,..., np} at an iteration t ∈ {1, 2,..., T}, we use yp, t to denote its application iteration time, and use xp, t to denote network features of a router connecting to a compute node where the rank p exists. For ease of expression, we ignore the subscript p in the following descriptions and formally define a problem:

Problem Statement.Given a application iteration times and network features sequence for a rank p with look-back window $\mathcal {B}=\lbrace y_{t-(L_x-1)},y_{t-(L_x-2)},...,y_{t}; x_{t-(L_x-1)},x_{t-(L_x-2)},...,x_{t}\rbrace$ with length Lx, we aim to forecast a sequence of future application iteration times $\mathcal {F}=\lbrace y_{t+1},y_{t+2},...,y_{t+L_y}\rbrace$ with length Ly.

3.3 Surrogate Modeling

We investigate four surrogate modeling approaches to forecast iteration times in a distributed setting where each compute node holding a rank has a surrogate model. The details are as follows:

LAST is a heuristic method and forecasts the application iteration time of a future iteration as the latest historical application iteration time, i.e., yt + 1 = yt. Note that the length of the foretasted sequence and the look-back window both have to be 1, i.e., Lx = Ly = 1.

Average is also a heuristic method and forecasts application iteration time of a future iteration as the average of the look-back window $\mathcal {B}$, i.e., $y_{t+1}=\frac{\sum _{i=t-(L_x-1)}^{t}y_i}{L_x}$. Note that we have settled for the length of the foretasted sequence to be 1 and a length of the look-back window of 10, i.e. Lx = 10 and Ly = 1.

ARIMA (AutoRegressive Integrated Moving Average)  [3] is a classical statistical time series analysis method and can handle non-stationary time series. The look-back window Lx is 250 due to the frequent occurrence of matrix decomposition errors for small Lx, i.e. Lx = 250. The forecasted sequence has size of 1, i.e. Ly = 1.

LSTM (Long Short-Term Memory) [13] is a well-known machine learning model and widely used in time series data. LSTM is effective in addressing the gradient vanishing issue in sequential modeling problems. We set Lx = 10 and Ly = 1.

LSTM-Feat is a variant of LSTM. Different from the above surrogate modeling methods where the input and output are both application iteration times, it leverages a combination of application iteration times sequences and network features sequences to forecast iteration times sequences. The motivation is to leverage the potential correlation among network features and application iteration times. We set Lx = 10 and Ly = 1.

Figure 2
Figure 2: Feature importance analysis. The legend name denotes removing corresponding features in LSTM-Feat.


4.1 Experimental Setting

Network Topology. The dragonfly network (see Figure 1) has a hierarchical design, consisting of the all-to-all inter-group connection and intra-group connection. Our network has 72 compute nodes and 36 routers equally divided across 9 groups. Each router has 7 ports: 2 terminal ports, 3 local ports, and 2 global ports.

Network Simulator. We utilize CODES [23] to simulate our workload. Times are collected for 2000 iterations along with network features from each port collected at 250 μ s.

Network Features. The network features consist of bw-consumed, qos-data, busy-time, vc-occupancy, and downstream-credits. Qos-data is the amount of data sent by the port; bw-consumed is the percentage of the consumed bandwidth; busy-time is the total time the port was stalled, i.e. chunks were blocked from sending due to flow control; vc-occupancy is the number of bytes in each VoQ buffer of the port at the point in time when the measurement was taken; downstream-credits is the number of credits available for the respective downstream virtual channels at the point in time when the measurement was taken.

Align Datasets. We align application iteration times and network features datasets to resolve the inconsistency between them. Iteration times are on compute nodes while network features are on routers; an iteration time is recorded when an iteration completes while network features are collected at a fixed time interval. To eliminate the inconsistency, we combine the iteration time on a compute node with network features on a router connecting to the compute node; we search time points in network features dataset that are the nearest to iteration times, and take the network features of the time points to combine the iteration times.

HPC Workload. The workload includes: (1) MILC is a HPC application used to study quantum chromodynamics (QCD) and features numerous nonblocking send/receive communication operations. (2) UR is a synthetic traffic featuring each node sending successive messages to a random destination. The messages are streamed at user-defined injection loads, alternating between 10% and 100%.

Job Placement. We investigate two job placements: (1) Contiguous Placement selects computer nodes consecutively for the processes of the job to occupy. (2) Random Placement selects computer nodes randomly for the processes of the job to occupy.

Routing Policy.Progressive adaptive routing [27] is used in our simulation. Packets are routed along minimal or non-minimal paths based on the network congestion state. When a non-minimal path is selected, the packet will be minimally routed into a randomly intermediate router, and then minimally forwarded to its destination. According to job placement and routing policy strategies, we denote the two settings as cont-adp and rand-adp, respectively.

Evaluation Metrics. We use metrics MSE (Mean Square Error) and MAE (Mean Absolute Error) to assess the effectiveness of models [34, 35], and I.T.O. (Inference Time Overhead) measures time overhead when the surrogate models do forecasts.

Implementation Details. We split 2000 iterations into training, validation, and test data. The split ratio is 6:2:2 for cont-adp and 7:1.5:1.5 for rand-adp due to their different distributions. We normalize iteration times into range [0, 1] for stability of training. We run experiments 3 times and report the average and standard deviation.

Figure 3
Figure 3: The impact of the length Ly on the MSE and inference time overhead in LSTM-Feat.

4.2 Experimental Results

Application Iteration Times Forecasting. We show the performance comparison for the foreasts in Table 1. According to the experimental results, we have the following observations:

  • In terms of MSE and MAE, the LSTM-Feat outperforms other surrogate models, including heuristical methods, i.e., LAST and Average, traditional statistical method, i.e., ARIMA, and deep learning methods without considering network features, i.e., LSTM. For instance, LSTM-Feat outperforms LAST and LSTM by $50\%$ and $35\%$, respectively, w.r.t. MSE. It demonstrates LSTM-Feat can capture temporal patterns in iteration times sequences and dependencies between network features and iteration times.
  • In terms of I.T.O., LAST and Average are the two fastest methods as the implementation of the heuristic methods are simple. ARIMA is the slowest method as such a statistical method needs to calculate parameters by fitting a set of data in a long look-back window per step. The efficiency of deep learning methods are between the above two kind of methods. For exmaple, LSTM-Feat is slower than LAST but faster than ARIMA. However, we show deep learning is potential w.r.t. I.T.O. in the sensitivity analysis.

Feature Importance Analysis. We conduct feature importance analysis in Figure 2. In detail, we remove a specific network feature across all ports of a router, e.g., bw-consumed or busy-time, and remove all features from a type of ports of a router, e.g.., local or global ports, to observe the performance change of the LSTM-Feat. Accordingly, we observe the following points:

  • Network features are generally helpful to iteration times forecasting. For example, in the rand-adp configuration, if we remove bw-consumed feature, MAE increases from 0.0167 to 0.0191. It shows dependencies exist between bw-consumed and iteration times. On the other hand, we also note that vc-occupancy and downstream-credits are useful in cont-adp configuration while they cannot help forecast iteration times in rand-adp configuration. It may be because both features capture the state of port buffers for a single point in time during an iteration unlike other features that capture the behavior of the port throughout the iteration. Furthermore, adaptive routing causes buffer occupancies to vary somewhat stochastically, making it difficult to associate occupancy trends to specific per-rank application activities.
  • Network features on all types of ports of a router are important to forecast application iteration times. For instance, in the cont-adp configuration, MAE of LSTM-Feat increases from 0.0253 to 0.0261 with the removal of network features on local ports.
Figure 4
Figure 4: The forecast visualization for rank 0 of LSTM-Feat.

Sensitivity Analysis. We investigate the impact of the length Ly of the future values sequence $\mathcal {F}$ on LSTM-Feat. Particularly, we vary the Ly and record values of metrics as shown in Figure 3. We observe there is a trade-off between effectiveness (MSE) and efficiency (I.T.O.) for LSTM-Feat. When the length Ly increases, MSE generally increases but I.T.O. consistently decreases. It means the effectiveness of LSTM-Feat decreases but the efficiency increases with the Ly increasing. For effectiveness diminishing, the reason is that forecasting farther length at a time is more difficult due to more uncertainty in the father length. With regard to efficiency increasing, it is because the required inference times are reduced if increasing forecasting length at a time given the fixed total forecasting length. For instance, if the total forecasting length is 200 and the Ly is 1, the required inference times are 200; if the Ly is 10, the required inference times are reduced to 20. It shed light to a promising direction where deep learning methods can achieve both satisfactory effectiveness and efficiency if choosing appropriate Ly.

Visualization. The visualization of a rank is shown in Figure 4. LSTM-Feat can achieve satisfactory forecasting performance.


In this paper, we investigate surrogate modeling approaches to forecast application iteration times for computational challenges in PDES. Our results demonstrate the superiority of LSTM-Feat as a surrogate model and potential to incorporate network features. The future work may include: (1) decreasing the time overhead of deep learning methods, and (2) improving long-term forecast accuracy as the length of future value sequence Ly grows.

Acknowledgement: This work is supported by the Director, Office of Advanced Scientific Computing Research, Office of Science, of the U.S. Department of Energy under Contract No. DE-AC02-06CH11357.


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1We might use process and rank interchangeable in this paper.

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SIGSIM PADS '24, June 24–26, 2024, Atlanta, GA, USA

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