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Cited By
- Koster A Compiling APL for parallel execution on an FFP machine Proceedings of the international conference on APL: APL and the future, (29-37)
- Koster A (1985). Compiling APL for parallel execution on an FFP machine, ACM SIGAPL APL Quote Quad, 15:4, (29-37), Online publication date: 12-May-1985.
- Koster A Compiling prolog programs for parallel execution on a cellular machine Proceedings of the 1984 annual conference of the ACM on The fifth generation challenge, (167-178)
- Magó G Data sharing in an FFP machine Proceedings of the 1982 ACM symposium on LISP and functional programming, (201-207)
- Islam N, Myers T and Broome P A simple optimizer for FP-like languages Proceedings of the 1981 conference on Functional programming languages and computer architecture, (33-40)
- Stanat D and Williams E Optimal associative searching on a cellular computer Proceedings of the 1981 conference on Functional programming languages and computer architecture, (99-106)
- Frank G Specification of data structures for FP programs Proceedings of the 1981 conference on Functional programming languages and computer architecture, (221-228)
General-purpose multiparadigm programming languages: an enabling technology for constructing complex systems
ICECCS '95: Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Engineering of Complex Computer SystemsMultiparadigm programming languages have been envisioned as a vehicle for constructing large and complex heterogeneous systems, such as a stock market exchange or a telecommunications network. General-purpose multiparadigm languages, as opposed to ...