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Modernizing Legacy Systems: Software Technologies, Engineering Process and Business PracticesFebruary 2003
  • Addison-Wesley Longman Publishing Co., Inc.
  • 75 Arlington Street, Suite 300 Boston, MA
  • United States
Published:01 February 2003
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From the Book: Software systems become legacy systems when they begin to resist modification and evolution. However, the knowledge embodied in legacy systems constitutes significant corporate assets. Assuming these system still provide significant business value, they must then be modernized or replaced. This book describes a risk-managed approach to legacy system modernization that applies a knowledge of software technologies and an understanding of engineering processes within a business context. Audience Modernizing Legacy Systems: Software Technologies, Engineering Processes and Business Practices should be useful to anyone involved in modernizing a legacy system. As a software engineer, it should help you understand some of the larger business concerns that drive a modernization effort. As a software designer, this book should help you understand the impact of legacy code, coupled with incremental development and deployment practices, on design activities. As a system architect, this book explains the processes and techniques that have failed or succeeded in practice. It should also provide insight into how you can repeat these successes and avoid the failures. As an IT manager, this book explains how technology and business objectives influence the software modernization processes. In particular, it should help you answer the following questions: When and how do I decide if a modernization or replacement effort is justified How do I develop an understanding of the legacy system How do I gain an understanding of, and evaluate the applicability of, infsystem technologies that can be used in the modernization of my system When do I involve the stakeholders and how can I reconcile their conflicting needs What role does architecture play in legacy system modernization How can I estimate the cost of a legacy system modernization How can I evaluate and select a modernization strategy How can I develop a detailed modernization plan Organization and Content Modernizing Legacy Systems: Software Technologies, Engineering Processes and Business Practices shows how legacy systems can be incrementally modernized. It uses and extends the methods and techniques described in Building Systems from Commercial Components Wallnau, 2001 to draw upon engineering expertise early in the conceptual phase to ensure realistic and comprehensive planning. This book features an extensive case study involving a major modernization effort. The legacy system in this case study consists of nearly 2 million lines of COBOL code developed over 30 years. The system is being replaced with a modern system based on the Java 2 Enterprise Edition (J2EE) architecture. Additional challenges include a requirement to incrementally develop and deploy the system. We look at the strategy used to modernize the system; the use of Enterprise JavaBeans, message-oriented middleware, Java, and other J2EE technologies to produce the modern system; the supporting software engineering processes and techniques; and the resulting system. Chapters 1 of this book provides an introduction to the challenges and practices of software evolution and Chapter 2 introduces the major case study in the bo introduces the Risk-Managed Modernization (RMM) approach which is elaborated in Chapters 4 through 17 and illustrated by the case study. Throughout Chapters 4 through 17 we provide an activity diagram of RMM as a road map to each chapter. Chapter 18 provides some recommendations to help guide your modernization efforts (although these recommendations cannot be fully appreciated without reading the main body of the book).Throughout this book we use the Unified Modelling Language (UML) to represent architecture drawings and design patterns. A brief introduction to UML is provided in Chapter 6.

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  • NCC Group, plc
  • Carnegie Mellon University
  • Software Engineering Institute


Boniface C Nwugwo

If your organization is planning to evolve a legacy system or some elements of a legacy system, this book is for you. If you are particularly interested in refactoring or the functional transformation of a legacy system, this book is a must read. The authors provide a risk-managed approach to modernizing systems that no longer respond to new and constantly changing business requirements. Their proposed approach is called risk-managed modernization (RMM). Using RMM, the authors demonstrated how their approach can be applied to real life situations by utilizing a case study of the retail supply system (RSS), written primarily in Cobol. After a quick introduction to legacy systems and some of the modern technologies that could be used to modernize a system, the remainder of the book was dedicated to the details of how the RMM process works, illustrating each step with the RSS case study. These steps include understanding the legal system in question, understanding the target technology, evaluating the technology, defining the target architecture, defining the modernization strategy, reconciling strategies with stakeholder needs, and resource estimation. Each of these steps is presented in a brief, readable, and coherent fashion, in which the reader should have no problem understanding what the authors are trying to communicate. If there is any criticism of the book, it is in its simplification of the topics. Although the book does a good job of discussing concepts like transaction processing technologies, component architecture, transactional and non-transactional architectures, and the overall broad topic of legacy systems, its treatment of such topics is introductory at best. However, the introduction to these topics is good enough for the reader to grasp what the authors are trying to say. But if one is interested in more detailed knowledge about these concepts, this is not the book for such knowledge acquisition. These criticisms aside, I think the authors have presented a very practical approach to tackling legacy systems modernization. The book offers a good treatment of the very important broad topic of legacy systems evolution, and is an excellent starting point for software professionals who find themselves in the unenviable position of having to modernize their legacy systems in order to survive. Online Computing Reviews Service

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