From the Book: Welcome to Java 3D API Jump-Start. This book was designed to enable Java programmers to jump directly into the exciting and powerful world of 3D. Written by professional Java 3D developers, this book covers everything you need to know to get up and running with Sun Microsystems Java 3D application programming interface (API) in no time flat. About This Book Java 3D API Jump-Start was written for Java programmers by Java programmers. Assuming that you're already comfortable with the basics of Java development, this book walks you start-to-finish through the most important and useful aspects of programming with the Java 3D API. To this end, Java 3D API Jump-Start is organized into the following six chapters: Chapter 1, "Java 3D Overview" Chapter 2, "Scene Graph Basics" Chapter 3, "Creating and Loading Geometry" Chapter 4, "Appearances" Chapter 5, "Environment Nodes" Chapter 6, "Tools: Transforms, Viewing, and Picking" The first two chapters form an introduction to Java 3D. Chapter 1 gives examples of Java 3D applications and describes the basic features; Chapter 2 describes the basic structure of Java 3D programs. Chapter 3, 4 and 5 describe the three basic "building blocks" of Java 3D programs. Chapter 6 covers three tools that most Java 3D programs use. Upon completing each chapter, you'll have gained valuable knowledge and hands-on experience related to a specific area of Java 3D capabilities and features, enabling you to explore that topic in more detail on your own as you see fit. By the time you finish all six chapters you'll be experienced with the most important aspects of Java 3D necessary to create your very own interactive 3D applications. Web3D Series Java 3D Jump-Start is part of a new "Web3D" series of books produced by Prentice Hall, and dedicated to 3D and the Internet. To get your hands on additional resources related to Java 3D Jump-Start (such as the freely available Java 3D Explorer application used extensively throughout this book), or to learn more about related 3D technologies, visit the Web site at
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