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Optimal Control of Nonlinear Inverted Pendulum System Using PID Controller and LQR: Performance Analysis Without and With Disturbance Input
Linear quadratic regulator (LQR) and proportional-integral-derivative (PID) control methods, which are generally used for control of linear dynamical systems, are used in this paper to control the nonlinear dynamical system. LQR is one of the optimal ...
Nonserial dynamic programming is optimal
STOC '77: Proceedings of the ninth annual ACM symposium on Theory of computingWe show that nonserial dynamic programming is optimal among one class of algorithms for an important class of discrete optimization problems. We consider discrete, multivariate, optimization problems in which the objective function is given as a sum of ...
Adaptive optimal output regulation via output-feedback: An adaptive dynamic programing approach
2016 IEEE 55th Conference on Decision and Control (CDC)This paper studies the problem of adaptive optimal output regulation for discrete-time linear systems. A data-driven output-feedback control approach is developed via approximate/adaptive dynamic programming (ADP). Different from the existing literature ...