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Squeak: a quick trip to ObjectLandDecember 2001
  • Addison-Wesley Longman Publishing Co., Inc.
  • 75 Arlington Street, Suite 300 Boston, MA
  • United States
Published:13 December 2001
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Both informative and conversational, this unique how-to guide follows a dialogue between programmer Jim and a Wizard from ObjectLand---allowing the reader to easily understand and implement solutions using Squeak's object-oriented paradigm. Beginning with an overview of object-oriented fundamentals, Squeak---A Quick Trip to ObjectLand, then builds on the basics and progresses to more complex language concepts. Throughout the book, topics, goals, and "words of wisdom" are clearly outlined, allowing any programmer to gain a complete understanding of the Squeak programming environment at their own pace.

  • University of the Pacific, California
  • Tech-X Corporation
