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Multifacetted modelling and discrete event simulationMay 1984
  • Academic Press Professional, Inc.
  • 525 B Street Suite 1900 San Diego, CA
  • United States
Published:01 May 1984
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  1. Mello B and Wainer G (2022). Integrating I-DEVS and schedulability methods for analyzing real-time systems constraints, Simulation, 98:12, (1143-1159), Online publication date: 1-Dec-2022.
  2. Koné Y, Maïga O and Traoré M Using hills as a common concrete syntax for ses and devs Proceedings of the 2020 Summer Simulation Conference, (1-11)
  3. Barros F Rollback support in hyflow modular models Proceedings of the Winter Simulation Conference, (1039-1050)
  4. Lyoo C, Jung J, Choi C and Kim E Modeling and simulation of a municipal solid waste management system based on discrete event system specification Proceedings of the 11th Annual Symposium on Simulation for Architecture and Urban Design, (1-8)
  5. Barros F A modular stabilization approach for chattering-free simulation Proceedings of the Theory of Modeling and Simulation Symposium, (1-12)
  6. Van Acker B, De Meulenaere P, Denil J, Durodie Y, Van Bellinghen A and Vanstechelman K Valid (re-)use of models-of-the-physics in cyber-physical systems using validity frames Proceedings of the Theory of Modeling and Simulation Symposium, (1-12)
  7. Traoré M, Zacharewicz G, Duboz R and Zeigler B (2020). Modeling and simulation framework for value-based healthcare systems, Simulation, 95:6, (481-497), Online publication date: 1-Jun-2019.
  8. Djitog I, Aliyu H and Traoré M (2018). A model-driven framework for multi-paradigm modeling and holistic simulation of healthcare systems, Simulation, 94:3, (235-257), Online publication date: 1-Mar-2018.
  9. Barros F Modular simulation of 2nd-order energy preserving systems Proceedings of the 2018 Winter Simulation Conference, (1310-1321)
  10. Barros F Composition of numerical integrators in the HyFlow formalism Proceedings of the 2018 Winter Simulation Conference, (1238-1249)
  11. Jang J, Park S and Qiu Z (2018). Discrete Event Simulation-Based Reliability Evaluation of a Traffic Signal Controller, Modelling and Simulation in Engineering, 2018, Online publication date: 1-Jan-2018.
  12. Traoré M Ontology for Healthcare Systems Modeling and Simulation Proceedings of the 50th Computer Simulation Conference, (1-12)
  13. Tolk A, Barros F, D'Ambrogio A, Rajhans A, Mosterman P, Shetty S, Traoré M, Vangheluwe H and Yilmaz L Hybrid simulation for cyber physical systems Proceedings of the Symposium on Modeling and Simulation of Complexity in Intelligent, Adaptive and Autonomous Systems, (1-19)
  14. Van Tendeloo Y and Vangheluwe H Introduction to parallel DEVS modelling and simulation Proceedings of the Model-driven Approaches for Simulation Engineering Symposium, (1-12)
  15. Deatcu C, Folkerts H, Pawletta T and Durak U Design patterns for variability modeling using SES ontology Proceedings of the Model-driven Approaches for Simulation Engineering Symposium, (1-12)
  16. Jo H and Choi C Hierarchical Modeling Framework for ICT Application to Measure the User Experience Design, User Experience, and Usability: Theory and Practice, (417-428)
  17. Toba A, Seck M, Amissah M and Bouazzaoui S An approach for DEVS based modeling of electrical power systems Proceedings of the 2017 Winter Simulation Conference, (1-12)
  18. Balci O, Fujimoto R, Goldsman D, Nance R and Zeigler B The state of innovation in modeling and simulation Proceedings of the 2017 Winter Simulation Conference, (1-16)
  19. Roberts S and Pegden D The history of simulation modeling Proceedings of the 2017 Winter Simulation Conference, (1-16)
  20. Sargent R and Balci O History of verification and validation of simulation models Proceedings of the 2017 Winter Simulation Conference, (1-16)
  21. Denil J, Klikovits S, Mosterman P, Vallecillo A and Vangheluwe H The experiment model and validity frame in M&S Proceedings of the Symposium on Theory of Modeling & Simulation, (1-12)
  22. Jafer S and Durak U Tackling the complexity of simulation scenario development in aviation Proceedings of the Symposium on Modeling and Simulation of Complexity in Intelligent, Adaptive and Autonomous Systems, (1-10)
  23. Durak U, Pawletta T, Oguztuzun H and Zeigler B System entity structure and model base framework in model based engineering of simulations for technical systems Proceedings of the Symposium on Model-driven Approaches for Simulation Engineering, (1-10)
  24. Kang D, Bing Z, Song W, Hu Z, Chen S, Zhang J and Xi H Automatic Construction of Agent-based Simulation Using Business Process Diagrams and Ontology-based Models Proceedings of the 16th Conference on Autonomous Agents and MultiAgent Systems, (1793-1795)
  25. Ajit S, Holmes C, Johnson J, Kolovos D and Paige R (2017). Model-based tool support for Tactical Data Links, Software and Systems Modeling (SoSyM), 16:2, (559-586), Online publication date: 1-May-2017.
  26. Diallo S, Lynch C, Padilla J and Gore R The impact of modeling paradigms on the outcome of simulation studies Proceedings of the 2016 Winter Simulation Conference, (1451-1462)
  27. Li W, Mani R and Mosterman P Extensible discrete-event simulation framework in simevents Proceedings of the 2016 Winter Simulation Conference, (943-954)
  28. Schmidt A, Durak U and Pawletta T (2016). Model-based testing methodology using system entity structures for MATLAB/Simulink models, Simulation, 92:8, (729-746), Online publication date: 1-Aug-2016.
  29. ACM
    Steiniger A and Uhrmacher A (2016). Intensional Couplings in Variable-Structure Models, ACM Transactions on Modeling and Computer Simulation, 26:2, (1-27), Online publication date: 28-Jan-2016.
  30. Lynch C and Diallo S A taxonomy for classifying terminologies that describe simulations with multiple models Proceedings of the 2015 Winter Simulation Conference, (1621-1632)
  31. Schmidt A, Durak U, Rasch C and Pawletta T Model-based testing approach for MATLAB/simulink using system entity structure and experimental frames Proceedings of the Symposium on Theory of Modeling & Simulation: DEVS Integrative M&S Symposium, (69-76)
  32. Barroca B, Mustafiz S, Van Mierlo S and Vangheluwe H Integrating a neutral action language in a DEVS modelling environment Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Simulation Tools and Techniques, (19-28)
  33. Schützel J, Peng D, Uhrmacher A and Perrone L Perspectives on languages for specifying simulation experiments Proceedings of the 2014 Winter Simulation Conference, (2836-2847)
  34. Bursi F, Ferrara A, Grassi A and Ronzoni C On the generalization of continuous-time stochastic processes simulation for industrial production modeling Proceedings of the 2014 Annual Simulation Symposium, (1-8)
  35. ACM
    Zhang Y, Wang J, Ponomarev D and Abu-Ghazaleh N Exploring many-core architecture design space for parallel discrete event simulation Proceedings of the 2nd ACM SIGSIM Conference on Principles of Advanced Discrete Simulation, (95-104)
  36. Yacoub A, Hamri M and Frydman C A Method for Improving the Verification and Validation of Systems by the Combined Use of Simulation and Formal Methods Proceedings of the 2014 IEEE/ACM 18th International Symposium on Distributed Simulation and Real Time Applications, (155-162)
  37. Mittal S and Martín J Model-driven systems engineering for netcentric system of systems with DEVS unified process Proceedings of the 2013 Winter Simulation Conference: Simulation: Making Decisions in a Complex World, (1140-1151)
  38. Kim B, Choi C and Kim T Multifaceted modeling and simulation framework for system of systems using HLA/RTI Proceedings of the 16th Communications & Networking Symposium, (1-7)
  39. Guin P and Syriani E Model-based animation of micro-traffic simulation (WIP) Proceedings of the Symposium on Theory of Modeling & Simulation - DEVS Integrative M&S Symposium, (1-6)
  40. Barros F On the representation of product lines using pluggable software units Proceedings of the Symposium on Theory of Modeling & Simulation - DEVS Integrative M&S Symposium, (1-8)
  41. Haimes Y (2012). Modeling complex systems of systems with Phantom System Models, Systems Engineering, 15:3, (333-346), Online publication date: 1-Sep-2012.
  42. Uhrmacher A Seven pitfalls in modeling and simulation research Proceedings of the Winter Simulation Conference, (1-12)
  43. Seo C and Zeigler B Simulation model standardization through web services Proceedings of the 2012 Symposium on Theory of Modeling and Simulation - DEVS Integrative M&S Symposium, (1-8)
  44. Syriani E, Vangheluwe H and Al Mallah A Modelling and simulation-based design of a distributed devs simulator Proceedings of the Winter Simulation Conference, (3007-3021)
  45. Giambiasi N ISTSM Proceedings of the 2011 Symposium on Theory of Modeling & Simulation: DEVS Integrative M&S Symposium, (146-151)
  46. Lettmann T, Baumann M, Eberling M and Kemmerich T Modeling agents and agent systems Transactions on computational collective intelligence V, (157-181)
  47. Bae S, Park J, Oh H and Seong Y A centralized arbitration scheme for UHF band RFID readers Proceedings of the 5th international conference on Convergence and hybrid information technology, (550-557)
  48. Ko M, Shin H, Wang G and Park S Machine control level simulation of an as/rs in the automotive industry Proceedings of the Winter Simulation Conference, (1727-1738)
  49. Nader B, Filippi J and Bisgambiglia P A DEVS fire jumps model and associated simulations using ForeFire Proceedings of the 2010 Summer Computer Simulation Conference, (228-235)
  50. Chen B and Vangheluwe H Symbolic flattening of DEVS models Proceedings of the 2010 Summer Computer Simulation Conference, (209-218)
  51. Evans N, GauthierDickey C, Grothoff C, Grothoff K, Keene J and Rutherford M Simplifying parallel and distributed simulation with the DUP system Proceedings of the 2010 Spring Simulation Multiconference, (1-8)
  52. Hamri M and Baati L On using design patterns for DEVS modeling and simulation tools Proceedings of the 2010 Spring Simulation Multiconference, (1-9)
  53. Giambiasi N Reducing the state space of incompletely specified timed Moore machines Proceedings of the 2010 Spring Simulation Multiconference, (1-8)
  54. Sung C, Hong J and Kim T Interoperation of DEVS models and differential equation models using HLA/RTI Proceedings of the 2009 Spring Simulation Multiconference, (1-6)
  55. Chreyh R and Wainer G CD++ repository Proceedings of the 2009 Spring Simulation Multiconference, (1-8)
  56. Byun J, Choi C and Kim T Verification of the DEVS model implementation using aspect embedded DEVS Proceedings of the 2009 Spring Simulation Multiconference, (1-7)
  57. Broutin E, Paul B and Santucci J Simulation of heterogeneous DEVS models; application to the study of natural systems Proceedings of the 2009 Spring Simulation Multiconference, (1-8)
  58. Santucci J and de Gentili E Dynamic variable structure modelling and simulation of the Claude Levi-Strauss's mythical thought morphodynamics Proceedings of the 2009 Spring Simulation Multiconference, (1-8)
  59. You Y and Chi S SIMVA Proceedings of the 2009 Spring Simulation Multiconference, (1-5)
  60. Chi S, You Y, Jung C, Lee J and Kim J FAMES Proceedings of the 2009 Spring Simulation Multiconference, (1-8)
  61. ACM
    d'Orazio L and Traoré M Cache sémantique pour grilles pervasives Proceedings of the 5th French-Speaking Conference on Mobility and Ubiquity Computing, (65-72)
  62. ACM
    d'Orazio L and Traoré M Semantic caching for pervasive grids Proceedings of the 2009 International Database Engineering & Applications Symposium, (227-233)
  63. Garredu S, Vittori E and Santucci J A DEVS-oriented intuitive modeling language Proceedings of the 2009 Spring Simulation Multiconference, (1-8)
  64. Ryu W, Ahn S, Bae S, Yang J, Kim Y, Roh H, Kim J, Park J, Seong Y and Oh H A centralized arbitration scheme to avoid collisions of RFID readers Proceedings of the WSEAS International Conference on Applied Computing Conference, (280-287)
  65. Park S, Park C, Wang G, Kwak J and Yeo S PLCStudio Proceedings of the 40th Conference on Winter Simulation, (222-228)
  66. Hagendorf O and Pawletta T An approach for simulation based structure optimisation of discrete event systems Proceedings of the 2008 Spring simulation multiconference, (431-438)
  67. ACM
    Marquardt F and Uhrmacher A Evaluating AI planning for service composition in smart environments Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Multimedia, (48-55)
  68. Kim T, Han Y, Kim T and Lee J Ontology methodology based context awareness using system entity structure for network analysis Proceedings of the 2nd KES International conference on Agent and multi-agent systems: technologies and applications, (232-241)
  69. Cheon S and Zeigler B Experimental frame structuring and aggregation of source data Proceedings of the 2007 spring simulation multiconference - Volume 2, (243-248)
  70. Traoré M Easy DEVS Proceedings of the 2007 spring simulation multiconference - Volume 2, (214-216)
  71. Sarjoughian H and Flasher R System modeling with mixed object and data models Proceedings of the 2007 spring simulation multiconference - Volume 2, (199-206)
  72. Naamane A and M'sirdi N An event based control architecture for non linear systems diagnosis Proceedings of the 2007 Summer Computer Simulation Conference, (1-5)
  73. Ören T The importance of a comprehensive and integrative view of modeling and simulation Proceedings of the 2007 Summer Computer Simulation Conference, (996-1006)
  74. Carmona J and Giambiasi N New design and simulation of the GDEVS abstraction of an integrator Proceedings of the 2007 Summer Computer Simulation Conference, (331-338)
  75. Kim T and Sung C Objective-driven DEVS modeling using OPI matrix for performance evaluation of discrete event systems Proceedings of the 2007 Summer Computer Simulation Conference, (305-311)
  76. Röhl M, Marquardt F and Uhrmacher A Exploiting web service techniques for composing simulation models Proceedings of the 39th conference on Winter simulation: 40 years! The best is yet to come, (833-841)
  77. Ko E, Park J, Lee D, Bang K and Kim S A centralized-abstraction and replicated-view architecture running on ubiquitous networks for collaborative multimedia distance education services Proceedings of the 13th International conference on Multimedia Modeling - Volume Part II, (528-535)
  78. Kim S and Ko E An application program sharing model with fault-tolerance for multimedia distance education system based on RCSM Proceedings of the intelligent computing 3rd international conference on Advanced intelligent computing theories and applications, (240-250)
  79. Kim S and Ko E An adaptive dynamic window binding model for RCSM Proceedings of the intelligent computing 3rd international conference on Advanced intelligent computing theories and applications, (371-380)
  80. Traoré M Analyzing static and temporal properties of simulation models Proceedings of the 38th conference on Winter simulation, (897-904)
  81. Heavey C and Ryan J Process modelling support for the conceptual modelling phase of a simulation project Proceedings of the 38th conference on Winter simulation, (801-808)
  82. Himmelspach J, Lecca P, Prandi D, Priami C, Quaglia P and Uhrmacher A Developing An Hierarchical Simulator for Beta-binders Proceedings of the 20th Workshop on Principles of Advanced and Distributed Simulation, (92-102)
  83. Gierke M, Himmelspach J, Röhl M and Uhrmacher A Modeling and simulation of tests for agents Proceedings of the 4th German conference on Multiagent System Technologies, (49-60)
  84. Ko E An error sharing agent for multimedia collaboration environment running on pervasive networks Proceedings of the 1st international conference on Advances in hybrid information technology, (385-394)
  85. Ko E An access control mechanism based on situation-aware ubiquitous computing for seamless multimedia view sharing Proceedings of the 2006 international conference on Intelligent computing: Part II, (1300-1305)
  86. Li X, Cao J, He Y and Zhou J A discrete event system model for simulating mobile agent Proceedings of the Third international conference on Parallel and Distributed Processing and Applications, (701-712)
  87. Ko E A comparison of hooking with snatch method for an error detection on multimedia collaboration environment Proceedings of the 4th WSEAS International Conference on Applied Mathematics and Computer Science, (1-5)
  88. Cunning S and Rozenblit J (2005). Automating test generation for discrete event oriented embedded systems, Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems, 41:2-3, (87-112), Online publication date: 10-Jan-2005.
  89. Zia M, Mustafiz S, Vangheluwe H and Kienzle J A modelling and simulation based approach to dependable system design Proceedings of the 8th international conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems, (217-231)
  90. Lee J, Kim D, Park J and Chi S Design of intelligent security management system using simulation-based analysis Proceedings of the 18th Australian Joint conference on Advances in Artificial Intelligence, (766-775)
  91. Ko E Performance analysis of an error sharing agent running on a multimedia collaboration home study system Proceedings of the 7th WSEAS International Conference on Mathematical Methods and Computational Techniques In Electrical Engineering, (140-145)
  92. Uhrmacher A, Degenring D and Zeigler B Discrete event multi-level models for systems biology Transactions on Computational Systems Biology I, (66-89)
  93. Uhrmacher A, Degenring D, Lemcke J and Krahmer M Towards reusing model components in systems biology Proceedings of the 20 international conference on Computational Methods in Systems Biology, (192-206)
  94. Hamri M, Giambiasi N and Frydman C Simulation semantics for min-max DEVS models Proceedings of the 13th international conference on AI, Simulation, and Planning in High Autonomy Systems, (699-708)
  95. Overstreet C and Nance R Characterizations and relationships of world views Proceedings of the 36th conference on Winter simulation, (279-287)
  96. Carmona J, Giambiasi N and Naamane A (2004). Generalized Discrete Event Abstraction of Continuous Systems, Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems, 41:1, (37-64), Online publication date: 1-Sep-2004.
  97. Le Goc M and Frydman C (2004). The Discrete Event Concept as a Paradigm for the “Perception-Based Diagnosis” of Sachem, Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems, 40:2, (207-232), Online publication date: 1-Jun-2004.
  98. Röhl M and Uhrmacher A Controlled experimentation with agents Proceedings of the 5th international conference on Engineering Societies in the Agents World, (292-304)
  99. Lee J, Jung J, Park J and Chi S Linux-Based system modelling for cyber-attack simulation Proceedings of the 13th international conference on AI, Simulation, and Planning in High Autonomy Systems, (585-596)
  100. Park J and Aung K Transient time analysis of network security survivability using DEVS Proceedings of the 13th international conference on AI, Simulation, and Planning in High Autonomy Systems, (607-616)
  101. Sato R Discrete-Event semantics for tools for business process modeling in web-service era Proceedings of the 13th international conference on AI, Simulation, and Planning in High Autonomy Systems, (635-644)
  102. Muzy A, Innocenti E, Santucci J and Hill D Optimization of Cell Spaces Simulation for the Modeling of Fire Spreading Proceedings of the 36th annual symposium on Simulation
  103. Fishwick P, Lee J, Park M and Shim H Next generation modeling I Proceedings of the 35th conference on Winter simulation: driving innovation, (755-762)
  104. Jumpamule W, Paillet J and Giambiasi N (2003). Using Simulation for the Validation of High Level Specifications of Control Systems, Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems, 38:3-4, (345-375), Online publication date: 1-Dec-2003.
  105. ACM
    Barros F (2003). Dynamic structure multiparadigm modeling and simulation, ACM Transactions on Modeling and Computer Simulation, 13:3, (259-275), Online publication date: 1-Jul-2003.
  106. Paillet J and Giambiasi N (2002). DECM, A User Oriented Formalism for High Level Discrete Event Specifications of Real-Time Systems, Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems, 34:1, (27-81), Online publication date: 1-May-2002.
  107. Wainer G and Giambiasi N (2002). N-dimensional Cell-DEVS Models, Discrete Event Dynamic Systems, 12:2, (135-157), Online publication date: 1-Apr-2002.
  108. Giambiasi N, Escude B and Ghosh S (2001). Generalized discrete event simulation of dynamic systems, Transactions of the Society for Computer Simulation International, 18:4, (216-229), Online publication date: 1-Dec-2001.
  109. Shi J Practical approaches for validating a construction simulation Proceedings of the 33nd conference on Winter simulation, (1534-1540)
  110. Chwif L, Barretto M and Paul R On simulation model complexity Proceedings of the 32nd conference on Winter simulation, (449-455)
  111. Sarjoughian H and Zeigler B Models and representation of their ownership Proceedings of the 32nd conference on Winter simulation, (440-448)
  112. ACM
    Daum T and Sargent R Scaling, hierarchical modeling, and reuse in an object-oriented modeling and simulation system Proceedings of the 31st conference on Winter simulation: Simulation---a bridge to the future - Volume 2, (1470-1477)
  113. ACM
    Pidd M, Oses N and Brooks R Component-based simulation on the Web? Proceedings of the 31st conference on Winter simulation: Simulation---a bridge to the future - Volume 2, (1438-1444)
  114. Praehofer H, Sametinger J and Stritzinger A Component Frameworks - A Case Study Proceedings of the Technology of Object-Oriented Languages and Systems
  115. Rosenberger R and Huss S A systems theoretic approach to behavioural modeling and simulation of analog functional blocks Proceedings of the conference on Design, automation and test in Europe, (721-728)
  116. Chandramouli V, Whittemore J and Sakallah K AFTA Proceedings of the conference on Design, automation and test in Europe, (350-355)
  117. Barros F, Zeigler B and Fishwick P Multimodels and dynamic structure models Proceedings of the 30th conference on Winter simulation, (413-420)
  118. Barros F Abstract simulators for the DSDE formalism Proceedings of the 30th conference on Winter simulation, (407-412)
  119. Pidd M and Castro R Hierarchical modular modelling in discrete simulation Proceedings of the 30th conference on Winter simulation, (383-390)
  120. Chen J (1998). Problem Solving with a Perpetual Evolutionary Learning Architecture, Applied Intelligence, 8:1, (53-71), Online publication date: 1-Jan-1998.
  121. Kim K, Kim T and Park K A concurrency preserving partitioning algorithm for parallel simulation of hierarchical, modular discrete event models Proceedings of the High-Performance Computing on the Information Superhighway, HPC-Asia '97
  122. Jang H, Kim B, Shim K and Park K Model Validation of a Wormhole Router System Proceedings of the High-Performance Computing on the Information Superhighway, HPC-Asia '97
  123. Hong J Modeling and Simulation of A Parallel Operating System Proceedings of the High-Performance Computing on the Information Superhighway, HPC-Asia '97
  124. Antoniotti M and Göllü A SHIFT and SMART-AHS Proceedings of the Conference on Domain-Specific Languages on Conference on Domain-Specific Languages (DSL), 1997, (14-14)
  125. Daum T and Sargent R A Java based system for specifying hierarchical control flow graph models Proceedings of the 29th conference on Winter simulation, (150-157)
  126. Hong J, Song H, Kim T and Park K (1997). A Real-Time Discrete Event System Specification Formalismfor Seamless Real-Time Software Development, Discrete Event Dynamic Systems, 7:4, (355-375), Online publication date: 1-Oct-1997.
  127. Voss M and Hammerschmidt O Implications of Codesign as a Natural Constituent of a Systems Engineering Discipline for Computer Based Systems Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on Hardware/Software Co-Design
  128. Sarjoughian H and Zeigler B Abstraction mechanisms in discrete-event inductive modeling Proceedings of the 28th conference on Winter simulation, (748-755)
  129. Pidd M Five simple principle of modelling Proceedings of the 28th conference on Winter simulation, (721-728)
  130. Mazumdar S and Lazar A (1996). Objective-Driven Monitoring for Broadband Networks, IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, 8:3, (391-402), Online publication date: 1-Jun-1996.
  131. Frantz F A taxonomy of model abstraction techniques Proceedings of the 27th conference on Winter simulation, (1413-1420)
  132. Barros F Dynamic structure discrete event system specification Proceedings of the 27th conference on Winter simulation, (781-785)
  133. Rüger M and Behlau T Create! Proceedings of the 27th conference on Winter simulation, (775-780)
  134. Padmanaban N, Benjamin P and Mayer R Integrating multiple descriptions in simulation model design Proceedings of the 27th conference on Winter simulation, (714-719)
  135. Chow A and Zeigler B Parallel DEVS Proceedings of the 26th conference on Winter simulation, (716-722)
  136. Park H, Lee W and Kim T A relational algebraic framework for models management Proceedings of the 26th conference on Winter simulation, (649-656)
  137. Paul R and Hlupic V The CASM environment revisited Proceedings of the 26th conference on Winter simulation, (641-648)
  138. Cota B, Fritz D and Sargent R Control flow graphs as a representation language Proceedings of the 26th conference on Winter simulation, (555-559)
  139. Pidd M An introduction to computer simulation Proceedings of the 26th conference on Winter simulation, (7-14)
  140. ACM
    Page E and Nance R (1994). Parallel discrete event simulation, ACM SIGSIM Simulation Digest, 24:1, (88-93), Online publication date: 1-Jul-1994.
  141. ACM
    Page E and Nance R Parallel discrete event simulation Proceedings of the eighth workshop on Parallel and distributed simulation, (88-93)
  142. ACM
    Nadoli G and Biegel J (1993). Intelligent Manufacturing-Simulation Agents Tool (IMSAT), ACM Transactions on Modeling and Computer Simulation, 3:1, (42-65), Online publication date: 2-Jan-1993.
  143. ACM
    Luna J Towards a computer aided simulation model engineering (CASME) environment Proceedings of the 25th conference on Winter simulation, (1296-1303)
  144. ACM
    Withers B, Pritsker A and Withers D A structured definition of the modeling process Proceedings of the 25th conference on Winter simulation, (1109-1117)
  145. ACM
    Kim Y, Ham K and Kim T Object-oriented memory management in DEVSIM++ Proceedings of the 25th conference on Winter simulation, (670-673)
  146. ACM
    Clark G and Cash C Data-driven simulation of networks with manufacturing blocking Proceedings of the 25th conference on Winter simulation, (662-669)
  147. ACM
    Thomas C Hierarchical object nets—a methodology for graphical modeling of discrete event systems Proceedings of the 25th conference on Winter simulation, (650-656)
  148. ACM
    Miller V and Fishwick P Graphic modeling using heterogeneous hierarchical models Proceedings of the 25th conference on Winter simulation, (612-617)
  149. ACM
    Rozenblit J and Zeigler B Representing and constructing system specifications using the system entity structure concepts Proceedings of the 25th conference on Winter simulation, (604-611)
  150. ACM
    Praehofer H and Pree D Visual modeling of DEVS-based multiformalism systems based on higraphs Proceedings of the 25th conference on Winter simulation, (595-603)
  151. ACM
    Chien L and Rozenblit J An environment for automatic system performance evaluation Proceedings of the 25th conference on Winter simulation, (582-588)
  152. ACM
    Zeigler B and Vahie S DEVS formalism and methodology Proceedings of the 25th conference on Winter simulation, (573-579)
  153. ACM
    Sargent R, Mize J, Withers D and Zeigler B Hierarchical modeling for discrete event simulation (panel) Proceedings of the 25th conference on Winter simulation, (569-572)
  154. ACM
    Delcambre L and Pollacia L The object flow model for data-based simulation Proceedings of the 25th conference on Winter simulation, (519-525)
  155. ACM
    Mejabi O Object-oriented simulation using model builder Proceedings of the 25th conference on Winter simulation, (303-307)
  156. ACM
    Luna J Hierarchical relation in simulation models Proceedings of the 25th conference on Winter simulation, (132-137)
  157. ACM
    Baldwin D (1993). Applying multiple views to information systems, ACM SIGMIS Database: the DATABASE for Advances in Information Systems, 24:4, (15-30), Online publication date: 1-Nov-1993.
  158. ACM
    Paul R The computer aided simulation modeling environment Proceedings of the 24th conference on Winter simulation, (737-746)
  159. ACM
    Luna J Hierarchical, modular concepts applied to an object-oriented simulation model development environment Proceedings of the 24th conference on Winter simulation, (694-699)
  160. ACM
    Pegden C and Davis D Arena Proceedings of the 24th conference on Winter simulation, (390-399)
  161. ACM
    Centeno M and Standridge C Databases and artificial intelligence Proceedings of the 24th conference on Winter simulation, (181-189)
  162. ACM
    Crain R, Sussman J, Schriber T, Henriksen J and Roberts S The winter simulation conference Proceedings of the 24th conference on Winter simulation, (3-33)
  163. ACM
    Ramesh V and Hays C (1992). Design and simulation of electronic meeting systems in a DEVS-Scheme environment, ACM SIGSIM Simulation Digest, 22:2, (19-34), Online publication date: 15-Sep-1992.
  164. ACM
    Higa K, Morrison M, Morrison J and Liu Sheng O (1992). An object-oriented methodology for knowledge base/database coupling, Communications of the ACM, 35:6, (99-113), Online publication date: 1-Jun-1992.
  165. Tallieu F and Verboven F Using time warp for computer network simulations on transputers Proceedings of the 24th annual symposium on Simulation, (112-117)
  166. Pritsker A, Henriksen J, Fishwick P and Clark G Principles of modeling (panel) Proceedings of the 23rd conference on Winter simulation, (1199-1208)
  167. Luna J Application of hierarchical modeling concepts to a multi-analysis environment Proceedings of the 23rd conference on Winter simulation, (1165-1172)
  168. Luh C and Zeigler B Abstraction morphisms for world modelling in high autonomy systems Proceedings of the 23rd conference on Winter simulation, (1129-1138)
  169. Fishwick P Heterogeneous decomposition and inter-level coupling for combined modeling Proceedings of the 23rd conference on Winter simulation, (1120-1128)
  170. Chierotti M, Rozenblit J and Jacak W A framework for simulation design of flexible manufacturing systems Proceedings of the 23rd conference on Winter simulation, (1106-1114)
  171. Narain S An axiomatic basis for general discrete-event modeling Proceedings of the 23rd conference on Winter simulation, (1073-1082)
  172. Sevinc S Extending common LISP object system for discrete event modeling and simulation Proceedings of the 23rd conference on Winter simulation, (204-206)
  173. ACM
    Tallieu F and Verboven F (1991). Using time warp for computer network simulations on transputers, ACM SIGSIM Simulation Digest, 21:3, (112-117), Online publication date: 1-Apr-1991.
  174. Muhanna W (1991). Composite Programs, IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, 17:4, (320-333), Online publication date: 1-Apr-1991.
  175. Fishwick P Fuzzy set methods for qualitative and natural language oriented simulation Proceedings of the 22nd conference on Winter simulation, (513-519)
  176. Cota B and Sargent R Simultaneous events and distributed simulation Proceedings of the 22nd conference on Winter simulation, (436-440)
  177. Liu K and Rozenblit J Applying knowledge-based system design and simulation in information system requirements determination Proceedings of the 22nd conference on Winter simulation, (407-411)
  178. Kim T The role of polymorphism in class evolution in the DEVS-scheme environment Proceedings of the 22nd conference on Winter simulation, (401-406)
  179. Narain S and Rothenberg J Proving temporal properties of hybrid systems Proceedings of the 22nd conference on Winter simulation, (250-256)
  180. Balmer D and Paul R Integrated support environments for simulation modelling Proceedings of the 22nd conference on Winter simulation, (243-249)
  181. Cellier F, Wang Q and Zeigler B A five level hierarchy for the management of simulation models (tutorial session) Proceedings of the 22nd conference on Winter simulation, (55-64)
  182. Thesen A and Travis L Introduction to simulation (tutorial session) Proceedings of the 22nd conference on Winter simulation, (14-21)
  183. ACM
    Clark J (1990). Modeling and simulating complex spatial dynamic systems, ACM SIGSIM Simulation Digest, 21:2, (9-19), Online publication date: 1-Dec-1990.
  184. ACM
    Narain S and Rothenberg J A logic for simulating discontinous systems Proceedings of the 21st conference on Winter simulation, (692-701)
  185. ACM
    Huang Y, Rozenblit J and Hu J The role of knowledge management in hierarchical model development Proceedings of the 21st conference on Winter simulation, (584-592)
  186. ACM
    Zeigler B, Hu J and Rosenblit J Hierarchical, modular modelling in DEVS-scheme Proceedings of the 21st conference on Winter simulation, (84-89)
  187. ACM
    Thesen A and Travis L Simulation for decision making: an introduction Proceedings of the 21st conference on Winter simulation, (9-18)
  188. ACM
    Higa K and Sheng R (1989). An object-oriented methodology for database/knowledgebase coupling: an implementation of the structured entity model in Nexpert system, ACM SIGMIS Database: the DATABASE for Advances in Information Systems, 20:1, (24-29), Online publication date: 1-Apr-1989.
  189. ACM
    Kim T and Zeigler B Hierarchical scheduling in an intelligent environmental control system Proceedings of the 2nd international conference on Industrial and engineering applications of artificial intelligence and expert systems - Volume 1, (310-317)
  190. Concepcion A (1989). A Hierarchical Computer Architecture for Distributed Simulation, IEEE Transactions on Computers, 38:2, (311-319), Online publication date: 1-Feb-1989.
  191. Vaessen W (1989). ProfiSEE, OR Spectrum, 11:4, (239-249), Online publication date: 1-Dec-1989.
  192. ACM
    Kim T, Mignon G and Zeigler B Design of an AI-Based self-sustaining habitats control system Proceedings of the 1st international conference on Industrial and engineering applications of artificial intelligence and expert systems - Volume 2, (1059-1065)
  193. ACM
    Kim T and Zeigler B (1988). The class kernel-models in DEVS-scheme: a hypercube architecture example, ACM SIGSIM Simulation Digest, 19:2, (20-30), Online publication date: 1-Jun-1988.
  194. ACM
    Angulo I and Torkzadeh G State event in combined simulation Proceedings of the 20th conference on Winter simulation, (389-393)
  195. ACM
    Rozenblit J Systems theory instrumented simulation modeling Proceedings of the 20th conference on Winter simulation, (282-286)
  196. ACM
    Thomasma T and Ulgen O Hierarchical, modular simulation modeling in icon-based simulation program generators for manufacturing Proceedings of the 20th conference on Winter simulation, (254-262)
  197. ACM
    Rozenblit J, Kim T and Zeigler B Towards an implementation of a knowledge-based system design and simulation environment Proceedings of the 20th conference on Winter simulation, (226-230)
  198. Sevinc S and Zeigler B (1988). Entity Structure Based Design Methodology, IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, 14:3, (375-383), Online publication date: 1-Mar-1988.
  199. ACM
    Chen M, Nunamaker J and Konsynski B (1987). PLEXACT: an architecture & design of a knowledge-based system for information systems development, ACM SIGCPR Computer Personnel, 11:2, (2-10), Online publication date: 1-Sep-1987.
  200. ACM
    Rozenblit J and Huang Y Constraint-driven generation of model structures Proceedings of the 19th conference on Winter simulation, (604-611)
  201. ACM
    Nance R and Overstreet C Exploring the forms of model diagnosis in a simulation support environment Proceedings of the 19th conference on Winter simulation, (590-596)
  202. ACM
    Overstreet C Using graphs to translate between world views Proceedings of the 19th conference on Winter simulation, (582-589)
  203. ACM
    Portier F Implementing the product automation formalism Proceedings of the 19th conference on Winter simulation, (544-553)
  204. ACM
    Balmer D Modelling styles and their support in the CASM environment Proceedings of the 19th conference on Winter simulation, (478-485)
  205. ACM
    Kaudel F (1987). A literature survey on distributed discrete event simulation, ACM SIGSIM Simulation Digest, 18:2, (11-21), Online publication date: 1-Jun-1987.
  206. Noche B Simulation in material flow systems—trends and developments Proceedings of the 19th annual symposium on Simulation, (11-41)
  207. ACM
    Rozenblit J, Sevinc S and Zeigler B Knowledge-based design of LANs using system entity structure concepts Proceedings of the 18th conference on Winter simulation, (858-865)
  208. ACM
    Zorn S Digital systems design automation Proceedings of the 18th conference on Winter simulation, (853-857)
  209. ACM
    Zeigler B and Ören T Multifaceted, multiparadigm modeling perspectives Proceedings of the 18th conference on Winter simulation, (708-712)
  210. ACM
    Concepcion A and Schon S SAM—a computer aided design tool for specifying and analyzing modular, heirarchical systems Proceedings of the 18th conference on Winter simulation, (504-510)
  211. ACM
    Ulgen O and Thomasma T Simulation modeling in an object-oriented environment using Smalltalk-80 Proceedings of the 18th conference on Winter simulation, (474-484)
  212. ACM
    Barnett C Simulation in Pascal with micro PASSIM Proceedings of the 18th conference on Winter simulation, (151-155)
  213. ACM
    Zeigler B Hierarchical modular modeling/knowledge representation Proceedings of the 18th conference on Winter simulation, (129-137)
  214. ACM
    Balci O Credibility assessment of simulation results Proceedings of the 18th conference on Winter simulation, (38-44)
  215. Jones A The design of interactive simulations Proceedings of the 18th annual symposium on Simulation, (217-234)
  216. ACM
    Overstreet C and Nance R (1985). A specification language to assist in analysis of discrete event simulation models, Communications of the ACM, 28:2, (190-201), Online publication date: 1-Feb-1985.
  217. ACM
    Baik D and Zeigler B Performance evaluation of hierarchical distributed simulators Proceedings of the 17th conference on Winter simulation, (421-427)
  218. ACM
    Rozenblit J and Zeigler B Concepts for knowledge-based system design environments Proceedings of the 17th conference on Winter simulation, (223-231)
  219. Schmeiser B Analytic representations of simulation Proceedings of the 16th conference on Winter simulation, (154-159)
  220. Henriksen J Discrete event simulation languages current status and future directions Proceedings of the 16th conference on Winter simulation, (82-88)
  221. Schmidt J Introduction to simulation Proceedings of the 16th conference on Winter simulation, (64-73)
  222. ACM
    Rada R (1984). Models and knowledge acquisition, ACM SIGBIO Newsletter, 6:4, (19-20), Online publication date: 1-Mar-1984.
  223. Zeigler B Simulation methodology Proceedings of the 15th conference on Winter simulation - Volume 1, (109-112)
  • The University of Arizona

Index Terms

  1. Multifacetted modelling and discrete event simulation


      David H. Withers

      This could have been a great book, but there are editorial problems that reduce it to something between good and very good. The great part is the technical topic and the formalisms for modeling that are the main content of the text. The methods presented in this book can be used by serious researchers in modeling and simulation to make a substantive contribution, especially in discrete event simulation and modeling. The book is divided into five parts: (1) an introduction and motivation, (2) the fundamentals for the formalisms that appear later, (3) modularity and hierarchy for models (Ziegler calls this area multicomponent models), (4) system modeling with experimental frames and model construction, and (5) architectures for mode- ling. The author claims the book can be used for a graduate-level course in com- puter or systems science, using a selected subset of the chapters. I doubt that students without experience in modeling of nontrivial systems will derive the intended benefits. I feel that researchers in discrete event simulation are in the best position to take advantage of the content of the book. Some very astute students will be able to use the material, but only with considerable effort. I have a few concerns about the technical content. They do not substantially detract from the text. Ziegler assumes that a good decomposition creates “plugs” and “sockets.” This is probably true of hierarchical decompositions, but I'm left wondering if it is a result in general. He does not include the concept of migrating automatically from a simulation to an operating system. He claims that the time base is required to be a linearly ordered Abelian group under addition. This may be true, but it's not obvious. Table 3.1 is meant to be some examples of various formulations (differential equations, discrete event, etc.), but the discussion could lead a reader to the conclusion that the list is exhaustive rather than just examples. Chapter 14 is not as effective as it could be. There is too much abstraction without supporting examples for the students. The key results in the text are found in Chapters 8, 9, 11-13, 15, and 16. In Chapter 8, he shows how the coupling of Discrete EVent Simulation (DEVS) component models results in a composite system that is also a DEVS. Chapter 9 presents four ways to simplify models and the conditions under which valid models will result from simplification. Chapter 11 presents the concept of an entity structure. In Chapter 12, the need to separate the model and the experimental frame is made clear. Chapter 13 extends experimental frames and defines an ordering principle for them. Chapter 15 develops a methodology for model building that may lead to automation of the process. Chapter 16 shows a prototype programming methodology for model building. There are some minor editorial errors that detract from the text: “spaghettization” is used on p. 10; “concretization” is attempted on p. 22; the use of time and frequency analysis is reversed on p. 14; Figures 1.5 and 1.6 don't match the text in typestyle and use of upper/lower case; and a paragraph on p. 22 begins with “thus,” but there's nothing in the paragraph that concludes from prior information. Also on p. 22, we are asked to consider the following example. However, three examples and one figure follow, and the reader is not sure what we are meant to consider. The formatting in Chapter 2 is generally very confusing (pp. 25–27 are particularly bad). The confusing discussion about finite state machines should be replaced with a more cogent discussion of an example that would be familiar to simulation modelers. New notation is introduced on p. 30 without definition. Some chapters have no exercises, some have exercises scattered randomly throughout the text, and Chapter 13 has a good set of exercises at the end of the chapter. Solutions to the exercises are not included. Figure 3.1 is wasted because a whole world of new notation is introduced without explanation. Also, p. 44 is cluttered with new symbols that are used without definition. Chapter 4 is an obvious replica of a paper written for a journal. The style is very stiff, very few examples are included, and there is no motivation for the student. There is a complete list of prior work at the beginning of the chapter. Typesetting inconsistencies on pp. 98 and 99 tend to confuse the reader. Brackets are need for the equations on p. 164, and “demon” is supposed to describe something on p. 215. The editorial and formatting problems could be easily corrected. I would encourage the author and the publisher to consider a second edition soon. The content is too valuable to be obscured by small things that confuse the readers—especially student readers.

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