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Cited By
- Ragab M, Savateev Y, Moosaei R, Tiropanis T, Poulovassilis A, Chapman A and Roussos G ESPRESSO: A Framework for Empowering Search on Decentralized Web Web Information Systems Engineering – WISE 2023, (360-375)
- Michaels R, Tula N, Ramisetty-Mikler S, Nurmuradov D and Bryce R (2021). An empirical study of how novice programmers search the web for help, Journal of Computing Sciences in Colleges, 36:2, (42-52), Online publication date: 1-Oct-2020.
- Bogaard T On the Interplay Between Search Behavior and Collections in Digital Libraries and Archives Proceedings of the 2018 Conference on Human Information Interaction & Retrieval, (339-341)
- Pharo N and Nordlie R Using 'Search Transitions' to Study Searchers' Investment of Effort Proceedings of the 6th Information Retrieval Facility Conference on Multidisciplinary Information Retrieval - Volume 8201, (33-44)
- Ruthven I Grieving online Proceedings of the 4th Information Interaction in Context Symposium, (120-128)
- Soualmia L, Griffon N, Grosjean J and Darmoni S Improving information retrieval by meta-modelling medical terminologies Proceedings of the 13th conference on Artificial intelligence in medicine, (215-219)
- Xiao X, Luo Q, Li Z, Xie X and Ma W (2010). A large-scale study on map search logs, ACM Transactions on the Web, 4:3, (1-33), Online publication date: 1-Jul-2010.
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- Vakkari P and Taneli M Comparing Google to ask-a-librarian service for answering factual and topical questions Proceedings of the 13th European conference on Research and advanced technology for digital libraries, (352-363)
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- Bar-Ilan J, Zhu Z and Levene M Topic-specific analysis of search queries Proceedings of the 2009 workshop on Web Search Click Data, (35-42)
- Duskin O and Feitelson D Distinguishing humans from robots in web search logs Proceedings of the 2009 workshop on Web Search Click Data, (15-19)
- White R, Dumais S and Teevan J Characterizing the influence of domain expertise on web search behavior Proceedings of the Second ACM International Conference on Web Search and Data Mining, (132-141)
- Teevan J, Morris M and Bush S Discovering and using groups to improve personalized search Proceedings of the Second ACM International Conference on Web Search and Data Mining, (15-24)
- Efthimiadis E How do Greeks search the web? Proceedings of the 2nd ACM workshop on Improving non english web searching, (81-84)
- Downey D, Dumais S, Liebling D and Horvitz E Understanding the relationship between searchers' queries and information goals Proceedings of the 17th ACM conference on Information and knowledge management, (449-458)
- Terai H, Saito H, Egusa Y, Takaku M, Miwa M and Kando N Differences between informational and transactional tasks in information seeking on the web Proceedings of the second international symposium on Information interaction in context, (152-159)
- Teevan J, Dumais S and Liebling D To personalize or not to personalize Proceedings of the 31st annual international ACM SIGIR conference on Research and development in information retrieval, (163-170)
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- Spink A, Jansen B, Blakely C and Koshman S (2006). A study of results overlap and uniqueness among major web search engines, Information Processing and Management: an International Journal, 42:5, (1379-1391), Online publication date: 1-Sep-2006.
- Jansen B, Spink A and Kathuria V How to define searching sessions on web search engines Proceedings of the 8th Knowledge discovery on the web international conference on Advances in web mining and web usage analysis, (92-109)
- Ravid G, Bar-Ilan J, Rafaeli S and Baruchson-Arbib S Analysis of queries reaching SHIL on the web – an information system providing citizen information Proceedings of the 6th international conference on Next Generation Information Technologies and Systems, (26-37)
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Web search clickstreams
IMC '06: Proceedings of the 6th ACM SIGCOMM conference on Internet measurementSearch engines are a vital part of the Web and thus the Internet infrastructure. Therefore understanding the behavior of users searching the Web gives insights into trends, and enables enhancements of future search capabilities. Possible data sources ...
Web dynamics and their ramifications for the development of web search engines
Web dynamicsThe World Wide Web has become the largest hypertext system in existence, providing an extremely rich collection of information resources. Compared with conventional information sources, the Web is highly dynamic in the following four factors: size (i.e.,...