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Topology for Computing (Cambridge Monographs on Applied and Computational Mathematics)January 2005
  • Cambridge University Press
  • 40 W. 20 St. New York, NY
  • United States
Published:01 January 2005
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  1. Bohn B, Rieger C and Griebel M (2021). A representer theorem for deep kernel learning, The Journal of Machine Learning Research, 20:1, (2302-2333), Online publication date: 1-Jan-2019.
  2. Filakovsky M, Franek P, Wanger U and Zhechev S Computing simplicial representatives of homotopy group elements Proceedings of the Twenty-Ninth Annual ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms, (1135-1151)
  3. Liu S, Maljovec D, Wang B, Bremer P and Pascucci V (2017). Visualizing High-Dimensional Data, IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 23:3, (1249-1268), Online publication date: 1-Mar-2017.
  4. Szabó Z and Sriperumbudur B (2017). Characteristic and universal tensor product kernels, The Journal of Machine Learning Research, 18:1, (8724-8752), Online publication date: 1-Jan-2017.
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  6. Fugacci U, Scaramuccia S, Iuricich F and De Floriani L Persistent homology Proceedings of the Conference on Smart Tools and Applications in Computer Graphics, (1-10)
  7. Caroli M and Teillaud M (2016). Delaunay Triangulations of Closed Euclidean d-Orbifolds, Discrete & Computational Geometry, 55:4, (827-853), Online publication date: 1-Jun-2016.
  8. Weinberger S (2014). The Complexity of Some Topological Inference Problems, Foundations of Computational Mathematics, 14:6, (1277-1285), Online publication date: 1-Dec-2014.
  9. ACM
    Čadek M, Krčál M, Matoušek J, Sergeraert F, Vokřínek L and Wagner U (2014). Computing All Maps into a Sphere, Journal of the ACM, 61:3, (1-44), Online publication date: 1-May-2014.
  10. Pearson P (2013). Visualizing clusters in artificial neural networks using Morse theory, Advances in Artificial Neural Systems, 2013, (6-6), Online publication date: 1-Jan-2013.
  11. ACM
    Chambers E, Fox K and Nayyeri A Counting and sampling minimum cuts in genus g graphs Proceedings of the twenty-ninth annual symposium on Computational geometry, (249-258)
  12. Frosini P (2013). Stable Comparison of Multidimensional Persistent Homology Groups with Torsion, Acta Applicandae Mathematicae: an international survey journal on applying mathematics and mathematical applications, 124:1, (43-54), Online publication date: 1-Apr-2013.
  13. Mischaikow K and Nanda V (2013). Morse Theory for Filtrations and Efficient Computation of Persistent Homology, Discrete & Computational Geometry, 50:2, (330-353), Online publication date: 1-Sep-2013.
  14. Arsuaga J, Baas N, Dewoskin D, Mizuno H, Pankov A and Park C (2012). Topological analysis of gene expression arrays identifies high risk molecular subtypes in breast cancer, Applicable Algebra in Engineering, Communication and Computing, 23:1-2, (3-15), Online publication date: 1-Apr-2012.
  15. Čadek M, Krčál M, Matoušek J, Sergeraert F, Vokřínek L and Wagner U Computing all maps into a sphere Proceedings of the twenty-third annual ACM-SIAM symposium on Discrete algorithms, (1-10)
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  17. Gonzalez-Diaz R, Ion A, Jimenez M and Poyatos R Incremental-decremental algorithm for computing AT-models and persistent homology Proceedings of the 14th international conference on Computer analysis of images and patterns - Volume Part I, (286-293)
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    Marzban C and Yurtsever U Baby morse theory in data analysis Proceedings of the 2011 workshop on Knowledge discovery, modeling and simulation, (15-21)
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    Caroli M and Teillaud M Delaunay triangulations of point sets in closed euclidean d-manifolds Proceedings of the twenty-seventh annual symposium on Computational geometry, (274-282)
  20. Zomorodian A Computational topology Algorithms and theory of computation handbook, (3-3)
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    Agarwal P, Arge L and Yi K (2010). I/O-efficient batched union-find and its applications to terrain analysis, ACM Transactions on Algorithms, 7:1, (1-21), Online publication date: 1-Nov-2010.
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  24. Rieger C and Zwicknagl B (2009). Deterministic Error Analysis of Support Vector Regression and Related Regularized Kernel Methods, The Journal of Machine Learning Research, 10, (2115-2132), Online publication date: 1-Dec-2009.
  25. ACM
    Heinzl R Data structure properties for scientific computing Proceedings of the 8th workshop on Parallel/High-Performance Object-Oriented Scientific Computing, (1-6)
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    Chambers E, Erickson J and Nayyeri A Minimum cuts and shortest homologous cycles Proceedings of the twenty-fifth annual symposium on Computational geometry, (377-385)
  27. Melkumyan A and Ramos F A sparse covariance function for exact Gaussian process inference in large datasets Proceedings of the 21st International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, (1936-1942)
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  29. Molina-Abril H and Real P Advanced Homology Computation of Digital Volumes Via Cell Complexes Proceedings of the 2008 Joint IAPR International Workshop on Structural, Syntactic, and Statistical Pattern Recognition, (361-371)
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    Biasotti S, De Floriani L, Falcidieno B, Frosini P, Giorgi D, Landi C, Papaleo L and Spagnuolo M (2008). Describing shapes by geometrical-topological properties of real functions, ACM Computing Surveys, 40:4, (1-87), Online publication date: 1-Oct-2008.
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    Chambers E, Erickson J and Worah P Testing contractibility in planar rips complexes Proceedings of the twenty-fourth annual symposium on Computational geometry, (251-259)
  32. ACM
    Caroli M and Teillaud M On the computation of 3d periodic triangulations Proceedings of the twenty-fourth annual symposium on Computational geometry, (222-223)
  33. Cabello S and Chambers E Multiple source shortest paths in a genus g graph Proceedings of the eighteenth annual ACM-SIAM symposium on Discrete algorithms, (89-97)
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  35. ACM
    Chambers E, de Verdière É, Erickson J, Lazarus F and Whittlesey K Splitting (complicated) surfaces is hard Proceedings of the twenty-second annual symposium on Computational geometry, (421-429)
  36. ACM
    Agarwal P, Arge L and Yi K I/O-efficient batched union-find and its applications to terrain analysis Proceedings of the twenty-second annual symposium on Computational geometry, (167-176)
  37. ACM
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  • Dartmouth College
  • University of Colorado Boulder
  • University of Cambridge
  • University of Minnesota Twin Cities


Mukkai S. Krishnamoorthy

Topology is considered an esoteric subject for computer scientists. This book is an attempt to demystify it and make it more accessible to them. The book is an extended version of the author's PhD thesis. It has three major sections: "Mathematics," "Algorithms," and "Applications." The first several chapters on topology (the mathematical portion) are very well written; the material is presented succinctly and elegantly. By providing a number of different perspectives for each definition in short succession, the author gives the reader a thorough understanding of a number of nontrivial topics, such as the ideas of a filtration and a simplex. Additionally, the early discussion of the standard tools of algebraic topology as functors provides a much deeper understanding of the ideas. The discussion of algebraic topology is well done, as the author notes precisely why homotopy is impractical as a computational tool. The fundamental ideas about group theory are presented adequately. The necessary theorems are presented quickly, but with little additional insight. The chapter on homology is very well done; there are very few proofs, but if one thinks about the theorems, sufficient insight is provided to perform computations. The second part deals with algorithms. Four types-persistence algorithms, topological simplifications (rendering algorithms), Morse-Smale complex algorithms, and linking algorithms-are considered. Pseudocode is presented for each of the algorithms. Many of the ideas in this section are new, and are the result of the author's doctoral research. Formulation of persistence algorithms is done with great care and precision. Visualization helps in understanding some of the difficult concepts. Results from graph theory are also presented. Reordering algorithms are introduced for topological simplification. The two reordering algorithms, Betti number algorithms and migration algorithms, are presented, and a number of examples are provided to illustrate them. Proofs of theorems are also presented in detail. Morse-Smale complex algorithms and linking number algorithms are described in the next two chapters. Again, proofs of the theorems are presented. The last section describes the software that was developed by the author for implementing the presented algorithms. Many examples are solved using this software. Further, a scientific study of the performance of the algorithms is presented, with various statistical measures analyzed. Case studies include computational molecular biology, the visualization of crystalline solids, and a number of interesting surfaces. Online Computing Reviews Service

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