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- Vijayalayan K and Veitch D Rot at the roots? Examining public timing infrastructure IEEE INFOCOM 2016 - The 35th Annual IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications, (1-9)
A secure time synchronization protocol for sensor network
PAKDD'07: Proceedings of the 2007 international conference on Emerging technologies in knowledge discovery and data miningClock synchronization is a critical issue in most wireless sensor network applications. Although the synchronization is well studied in last few years. Most of these synchronization protocols assume benign environments, but cannot survive malicious ...
Ratio-based time synchronization protocol in wireless sensor networks
Time synchronization plays a key role in the wireless sensor networks (WSNs). Time synchronization is realized by those messages that are time-stamped. But there are several delay times during transmission after time stamping. Most of them are uncertain ...
Network classless time protocol based on clock offset optimization
Time synchronization is critical in distributed environments. A variety of network protocols, middleware and business applications rely on proper time synchronization across the computational infrastructure and depend on the clock accuracy. The Network ...