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Lenient evaluation is neither strict nor lazy

Published: 01 April 2000 Publication History


What is a non-strict functional language? Is a non-strict language necessarily lazy? What additional expressiveness brings non-strictness, with or without laziness? This paper tries to shed some light on these questions. First, in order to characterize non-strictness, different evaluation strategies are introduced: strict, lazy, and lenient. Then, using program examples, how these evaluation strategies differ from each other is examined, showing that non-strictness, even without laziness, allows a more general use of recursive definitions. We also report on a small experiment that we performed to examine how, in practice, laziness was used in a number of lazy benchmark programs.


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Published In

cover image Computer Languages
Computer Languages  Volume 26, Issue 1
April, 2000
64 pages


Pergamon Press, Inc.

United States

Publication History

Published: 01 April 2000

Author Tags

  1. Lazy functional programming languages
  2. Non-strict evaluation


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