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  • Carratala-Saez R, Gonzalez-Escribano A, Iliopoulos A, Leiserson C, Park C, Rosa I, Schardl T, Torres Y and Bunde D. (2022). Peachy Parallel Assignments (EduHPC 2022) 2022 IEEE/ACM International Workshop on Education for High Performance Computing (EduHPC). 10.1109/EduHPC56719.2022.00012. 978-1-6654-7366-8. (50-56).


  • Basso M, Rosales E, Schiavio F, Rosà A and Binder W. Accurate Fork-Join Profiling on the Java Virtual Machine. Euro-Par 2022: Parallel Processing. (35-50).


  • Li J, Agrawal K and Lu C. (2022). Parallel Real-Time Scheduling. Handbook of Real-Time Computing. 10.1007/978-981-287-251-7_28. (447-467).


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  • Rosà A, Rosales E and Binder W. (2019). Analysis and Optimization of Task Granularity on the Java Virtual Machine. ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems. 41:3. (1-47). Online publication date: 30-Sep-2019.


  • Schardl T, Denniston T, Doucet D, Kuszmaul B, Lee I and Leiserson C. (2019). The CSI Framework for Compiler-Inserted Program Instrumentation. ACM SIGMETRICS Performance Evaluation Review. 10.1145/3308809.3308860. 46:1. (100-102). Online publication date: 17-Jan-2019.


  • Schardl T, Denniston T, Doucet D, Kuszmaul B, Lee I and Leiserson C. (2018). The CSI Framework for Compiler-Inserted Program Instrumentation. ACM SIGMETRICS Performance Evaluation Review. 46:1. (100-102). Online publication date: 17-Jan-2019.


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  • Boushehrinejadmoradi N, Yoga A and Nagarakatte S. A parallelism profiler with what-if analyses for OpenMP programs. Proceedings of the International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage, and Analysis. (1-14).


  • Schardl T, Lee I and Leiserson C. Brief Announcement. Proceedings of the 30th on Symposium on Parallelism in Algorithms and Architectures. (351-353).


  • Schardl T, Denniston T, Doucet D, Kuszmaul B, Lee I and Leiserson C. The CSI Framework for Compiler-Inserted Program Instrumentation. Abstracts of the 2018 ACM International Conference on Measurement and Modeling of Computer Systems. (100-102).


  • Rosà A, Rosales E and Binder W. Analyzing and optimizing task granularity on the JVM. Proceedings of the 2018 International Symposium on Code Generation and Optimization. (27-37).


  • Schardl T, Denniston T, Doucet D, Kuszmaul B, Lee I and Leiserson C. (2017). The CSI Framework for Compiler-Inserted Program Instrumentation. Proceedings of the ACM on Measurement and Analysis of Computing Systems. 1:2. (1-25). Online publication date: 19-Dec-2017.


  • Rosales E, Rosa A and Binder W. (2017). tgp: A Task-Granularity Profiler for the Java Virtual Machine 2017 24th Asia-Pacific Software Engineering Conference (APSEC). 10.1109/APSEC.2017.67. 978-1-5386-3681-7. (570-575).


  • Utterback R, Agrawal K, Lee I and Kulkarni M. (2017). Processor-Oblivious Record and Replay. ACM SIGPLAN Notices. 52:8. (145-161). Online publication date: 26-Oct-2017.


  • Schardl T, Moses W and Leiserson C. (2017). Tapir. ACM SIGPLAN Notices. 52:8. (249-265). Online publication date: 26-Oct-2017.


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  • Yoga A and Nagarakatte S. A fast causal profiler for task parallel programs. Proceedings of the 2017 11th Joint Meeting on Foundations of Software Engineering. (15-26).


  • Utterback R, Agrawal K, Lee I and Kulkarni M. Processor-Oblivious Record and Replay. Proceedings of the 22nd ACM SIGPLAN Symposium on Principles and Practice of Parallel Programming. (145-161).


  • Schardl T, Moses W and Leiserson C. Tapir. Proceedings of the 22nd ACM SIGPLAN Symposium on Principles and Practice of Parallel Programming. (249-265).


  • Surendran R and Sarkar V. (2016). Automatic parallelization of pure method calls via conditional future synthesis. ACM SIGPLAN Notices. 51:10. (20-38). Online publication date: 5-Dec-2016.


  • Muddukrishna A, Jonsson P, Podobas A and Brorsson M. (2016). Grain graphs. ACM SIGPLAN Notices. 51:8. (1-13). Online publication date: 9-Nov-2016.


  • Li J, Dinh S, Kieselbach K, Agrawal K, Gill C and Lu C. (2016). Randomized Work Stealing for Large Scale Soft Real-Time Systems 2016 IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium (RTSS). 10.1109/RTSS.2016.028. 978-1-5090-5303-2. (203-214).


  • Surendran R and Sarkar V. Automatic parallelization of pure method calls via conditional future synthesis. Proceedings of the 2016 ACM SIGPLAN International Conference on Object-Oriented Programming, Systems, Languages, and Applications. (20-38).


  • Chamith B, Svensson B, Dalessandro L and Newton R. (2016). Living on the edge: rapid-toggling probes with cross-modification on x86. ACM SIGPLAN Notices. 51:6. (16-26). Online publication date: 1-Aug-2016.


  • Utterback R, Agrawal K, Fineman J and Lee I. Provably Good and Practically Efficient Parallel Race Detection for Fork-Join Programs. Proceedings of the 28th ACM Symposium on Parallelism in Algorithms and Architectures. (83-94).


  • Chamith B, Svensson B, Dalessandro L and Newton R. Living on the edge: rapid-toggling probes with cross-modification on x86. Proceedings of the 37th ACM SIGPLAN Conference on Programming Language Design and Implementation. (16-26).


  • Muddukrishna A, Jonsson P, Podobas A and Brorsson M. Grain graphs. Proceedings of the 21st ACM SIGPLAN Symposium on Principles and Practice of Parallel Programming. (1-13).
