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※ 本文為 terievv 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2013-10-26 04:39:50
看板 WoT
作者 tai33ru (磁磚大)
標題 [情報] FTR Q&A 1
時間 Fri Oct 25 17:45:55 2013







So, few hours ago, I sent the 20 questions away and the answers
are already here!


To explain, how it works: I gathered your questions in English. I
had to change the wording in most cases (typos, sometimes the
meaning was unclear), so I hope you get to "recognize" your
questions. Then I sent the questions to Zlobny (still in English),
who then "redistributed" them to appropriate departments (some are
answered by Storm for example). In one case, I was asked to
reformulate one question for appropriate meaning.


The replies came back in Russian, I translated them to English.
The questions are in the form I sent to Zlobny. The name of the
replying developer is behind the answer (where applicable, I
assume it's Zlobny himself replying where there is no name).


1. Will Dragon Ridge come back at any point – if so, soon?

   Dragon Ridge會回到遊戲裡嗎?如果會,什麼時候會?

   For now, there are no plans to return this map (Storm)


2. TDs lines seem to be getting the public's eye right now, are
   there any plans for introducing more mediums?


Well, in any case there will be the Japanese tanks soon and we
will add Soviet tier 9 and 10 medium tanks. And of course, it's
not realistic to imagine any new nation tree without medium tanks.

   這個嘛... 好歹很快的日本線就會出了,然後我們也會加入新的九、十

3. Are the WG devs being proactive about adding tanks to the 7/42
scene? Much like the new 416 added some spice to a lineup that
went unchanged for months. Eg. when adding new tanks, is it
considered, what kind of impact will it have on 7/42?


No, the influence of 7/42 on tank balance is zero. Although I am
watching 7/42 and it's possible there's some indirect influence.


4. Is there an issue with RU251 implementation? SerB or Storm
wrote that there are some issues with Münster, would it be
possible to elaborate?


According to the data of Preserved Tanks site, there are only two
RU251 (it's the "Spähpanzer Kette") left - one is in BWB
Wehrtechnische Studiensammlung, Koblenz, Germany and the other in
Panzermuseum, Munster, Germany. According to our info, there is no
such tank left in Munster. Our official request for data in
Koblenz was met with official refusal. According to some data, not
even Koblenz has one and where both tanks are now located is not
known yet. If anyone from FTR readers could help us find it,
provide info on it or photos – we would be very grateful (Tiger)

   Tiger回覆:根據Preserved Tanks這個網站的資料顯示,目前僅存兩台
   RU251 (履帶偵查車),一台在德國科布倫茲聯邦國防科技與採購辦公
   ,兩台戰車的下落都不明。如果FTR 的網友有辦法提供消息或照片可以

5. What is the winrate percent difference the vehicle has to
"stick out" from the tier/class average, so that the developers
start paying attention to it, when it comes to buffs/nerfs?


2%. Ideal winrate is considered to be 49,5%. Plus, the influence
of vehicle class is not considered in this: class is taken into
account only during more accurate statistical analysis, for
example regarding average vehicle XP. One of the major advantages
of winrate as statistical indicator is the fact you don't have to
consider the class of the vehicle.

   2%,理想的勝率是49.5% 。另外,車階並不影響這個部分,而是在需要

6. Ingame, WZ-120 and Type 59 have differently modelled hulls, is
   this a balance choise or were there differences in real life


We have differently sized models for various reasons, we are
trying to uncover them and fix them. Although balance-wise it is
not as important, each tank can be adjusted separately. And of
course (SS: when balancing) the dimensions are taken into account.


7. Is it possible in BigWorld or Havok to create hitbox
(collision model) changes during battle: for example, you shoot a
tank in spaced armor, spaced armor is torn away and is no longer
part of the hitbox?


Yes, this will be implemented (Storm)


8. To what extent can we expect to see foreign tanks in the
   European tree?


The tree is not yet being developed. SerB said: "as few as
possible" (SerB)


9. Will multigunned/multiturreted tanks that are alredy in game
(M3 Lee, Maus, B1, Churchill I etc.) be rebalanced after
implementation of this mechanism, or will they work like "you
either fire one gun, or you fire another gun and both are balanced


Definitely, they will be rebalanced


10. Is there any chance to see a Maus prototype at tier 9 rather
than the overly buffed VK4502B which admittedly is not well liked?

   有機會看到原型鼠而不是VK 4502B這台誠然不受歡迎的車變成九階嗎?

Yes, there is a possibility of that happening


11. Some time ago, it was written that the developers
"accidentally" developed a wheeled vehicle mechanism when
exploring movable objects, are there any (even long-term) plans
in this direction, eg. armored cars or trucks?


We don’t plan to implement player-controlled vehicles with wheels (Storm)


12. Are there any plans (regular, premium, special) for post-war
German vehicles, apart from the RU251, such as the Spähpanzer I.C.
, or the Kanonenjagdpanzer?

   有計畫做RU251之外,像是Spahpanzer I.C或是Kanonenjagdpanzer等德

For now, there are no official plans.


13. Some time ago, it was written that there is a chance the
Jagdtiger 88 would be rebalanced the same way the regular
Jagdtiger was. Was any decision taken in this direction?


This has not been decided yet for now.


14. Can we expect in 2014 an third German TD line with heavy
assault guns like Brummbär and Sturmtiger?


There is a possibility, but it's not sure that they will be tank
destroyers. This question is being solved.


15. Historically - according to Wikipedia - Object 268 had 4
crewmembers, but in game it has 5, will this be rectified?


According to the data from the book “Отечественные
бронированные машины. XX век. Том 3
1945-1965〃 (SS: Soviet armored vehicles of 20th century, part 3
1945-1965): “The project was planned with 5 man crew, 2 of who
were loaders. During the implementation of loading process
mechanization, the crew was planned to be reduced to 4 men." In
general, there are cases in game of crews not matching those in
real life (Lorraine 40t, T32), but, unfortunately, we can't change
the crew setup of a tank, that was already implemented into the
game. (cannoneer)

   般而言還有很多史實與遊戲中車組員數量不符的例子(Lorraine 40t、
   T32 ),很遺憾我們無法改變車輛組員構成,判定的機制早已經綁在遊

16. European tech tree - SerB confirmed that there is an idea,
how to do it. No need for details, but does this idea count on
single-nation branches, or is there a possibility of seeing
multiple nation tank in one branch?


SerB stated, that it's possible the mixing will appear, because
similiar tank construction development and similiar technological
solutions have priority. That means that if one nation did not
develop quality tank construction, it will be difficult to make
its branch. Or - for example - since Swedes, Romanians and Czechs
used similiar technological solutions, it's possible to put them
into one branch, or to make branch bridges (transfers) from one
branch to another between them. Of course, if all of the above
gets implemented, there will be single-nation branches. (SerB)


17. Are there plans to introduce more ammunition types per one
vehicle? Today, they all have three, but historically, some
vehicles could fire several types.


No - there were such plans, but at this moment they aren't
scheduled in forseeable future. Balance-wise having 3 shell types
is enough, increasing their number will lead to the rise of


18. Do the smaller, but late/obscure German vehicles, such the
Panzer 38D, or Porsche smaller designs (Type 245, Type 255) have a
chance of appearing in World of Tanks?

   一些比較小、比較晚期或沒沒無聞的德國車(Panzer 38D、Type 245,
   Type 255)會有機會加進遊戲裡嗎?

Yes, there is a chance and it is higher than for German "post-war


19. Is there any plan to improve training rooms, when it comes to
UI (easier team/clan invitation) and optional functions?


There are plans for that, but for now for very far future. (Storm)


20. Are there plans to improve the tutorial?


Yes, there are such plans. (Storm)


Well, there you have it. Next session will be up next Thursday. Questions
will be possible to ask whole Wednesday, so get ready :)

下周二會有第二波提問,整個禮拜三都能問,大家準備好吧 :)

(譯:有興趣的可以注意之後SS發布的EU/NA Q&A文章)


oXnXo:按著開機鍵數秒即可達到關燈的效果05/04 19:29
cypher4444:樓上我差點照做了!!! 這樣很危險阿!!05/04 19:30
yuan860721:還好樓上你沒按 想想不久以前 我就照他的話做了之後阿05/04 19:32
cypher4444:就怎樣@@05/04 19:33
yuan860721:就關機了阿..............05/04 19:34

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
tai33ru     :這一篇文章值 1000 Ptt幣                   ......1F 10/25 17:46
CaTkinGG    :這回答的很認真阿2F 10/25 17:53
tai33ru     :非常...SerBㄉ不SerB了...3F 10/25 17:58
tai33ru     :           都
troll5566   :問題都挑過 問的跟答的都很認真5F 10/25 18:01
colin1120   :太棒了 這個Q&A比週經問題好看太多了 我喜歡這東西!6F 10/25 18:07
lgcfly      :推7F 10/25 18:08
Fewer       :終於不是腦殘問題了= =8F 10/25 18:30
lsslss      :第九個問題 還有多砲管9F 10/25 18:44

修正囉~剛好眼殘= ="

pobby2266   :1000P 好多阿10F 10/25 19:26
※ 編輯: tai33ru         來自:       (10/25 20:05)
stonecoldii :真正的Q&A阿  平常的都當JOKE版看...11F 10/25 21:35
p4585424    :好多情報12F 10/25 21:41
g3sg1       :RU251被轉學到加拿大了嗎?13F 10/25 23:41
julyjungle  :訓練房真的是爛透了14F 10/26 01:20
julyjungle  :對於一個要辦比賽的人很困擾

※ 看板: terievv 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 151 
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