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※ 本文為 MindOcean 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2018-12-13 13:30:04
看板 Gossiping
作者 MaoZeDong (毛澤東)
標題 [新聞] 中國或許已經逮捕第二位加拿大公民
時間 Thu Dec 13 11:17:39 2018


China may have detained second citizen, says Canada foreign minister

A second Canadian citizen may have been held by Chinese officials following
the detention of former diplomat Michael Kovrig, according to Canada’s fore
ign minister Chrystia Freeland.
根據加拿大外交部長克里斯蒂亞· 弗里蘭(Chrystia Freeland)的說法,在前外交官
邁克爾· 科夫里格(Michael Kovrig)被拘留后,第二名加拿大公民可能被中國官員

The Globe and Mail has named the individual as Michael Spavor. He lives in C
hina and runs the Paektu Cultural Exchange, a company that brings tourists a
nd hockey players into North Korea. He was largely responsible for facilitat
ing one of Dennis Rodman’s trips to North Korea, in which the famous former
 NBA player met with Kim Jong-un.
加拿大環球郵報稱此人姓名是Michael Spavor。他住在中國,經營著Paektu文化交流中

After Kovrig was detained on Monday, another citizen contacted officials, sa
ying he had been questioned by Chinese authorities.

“We have not been able to make contact with him since he let us know about
this,” Freeland said at a news conference on Wednesday afternoon. “We are
working very hard to ascertain his whereabouts and we have also raised this
case with the Chinese authorities. We are in touch with his family.”

Spavor and Kovrig are said to know each other, The Globe and Mail reported.

Posts on Spavor’s social media showed friends beginning to question his whe
reabouts, after he failed to show up to a planned visit to Seoul on Monday,
the same day Kovrig is believed to have detained by security officials in Be
ijing. He was scheduled to be in the city, for conferences and social events
, until at least Friday.

Canadian officials have been wary of potential retaliation by the Chinese go
vernment after the arrest last week of Chinese telecoms executive Meng Wanzh
ou in Vancouver.

But the Canadian government has been unwilling to directly link Meng’s arre
st with the detention of Kovrig, who is being questioned on suspicion of eng
aging in “activities that harmed China’s national security”, according to
 Chinese state-run media.

“Canadian citizen Michael John Kovrig was on 10 December investigated in ac
cordance with the law by the Beijing State Security Bureau on suspicion of e
ngaging in activities that harm China’s state security,” the newspaper sai
“加拿大公民邁克爾· 約翰· 科夫里格于12月10日依據北京國家安全局的法律對涉嫌從

Accusations of harming state security could cover a wide range of suspected
crimes, and in China are often very vague when first levelled.

Kovrig who works for the International Crisis Group (ICG) is on leave from G
lobal Affairs Canada, but he is still considered an employee, said an offici
al. However, he does not have diplomatic status.

The ICG, a thinktank focused on conflict resolution, said in an earlier stat
ement Kovrig was detained by state security officials in Beijing on Monday n

Diplomats in China said the apparent involvement of the secretive state secu
rity ministry, which engages in domestic counter-espionage work, among other
 things, suggests the government could be looking at levelling spying accusa

However, the ICG president and chief executive, Robert Malley, said the grou
p did not engage in such activity.

“I don’t want to speculate as to what’s behind it but I am prepared to be
 categorical about what’s not behind it, and what’s not behind it is any i
llegal activity or endangering of Chinese national security,” Malley told R
euters, before the state media report came out.

“Everything we do is transparent, it’s on our website. We don’t engage in
 secretive work, in confidential work.“

The Chinese foreign ministry spokesman, Lu Kang, said the ICG was not regist
ered in China as a non-government organisation (NGO) and Kovrig could have b
roken Chinese law.

The foreign NGO law, which took effect in January, is part of a raft of new
national security measures introduced under President Xi Jinping.

“All foreigners that come to China, so long as they respect the law, have n
othing to worry about,” Lu said.

William Nee, the China researcher for Amnesty International’s East Asia reg
ional office in Hong Kong, said Kovrig’s detention was alarming, especially
 as it appeared to be the first time the law has been used to detain a forei
gn NGO worker.

“We need to wait for the official explanation from the Chinese side, but th
is detention could have a chilling effect on the foreign NGO and business co
mmunities in terms of their feeling safe while travelling in China,” he tol
d Reuters.

Guy Saint-Jacques, Canada’s former ambassador to China, was asked by the Ca
nadian Broadcasting Corporation on Tuesday whether the Kovrig detention was
a coincidence after the arrest of the Huawei executive Meng Wanzhou.
加拿大前駐華大使蓋伊· 雅克(Guy Saint-Jacques)周二被加拿大廣播公司(Canadian
Broadcasting Corporation)詢問,在華為執行官孟萬洲被捕后,科格里格被拘留是否

“In China there are no coincidences,” he said. “In this case it is clear
the Chinese government wants to put maximum pressure on the Canadian governm
“在中國,沒有巧合,”他說。 “在這種情況下,顯然中國政府希望對加拿大政府施加

China had threatened severe consequences unless Canada released Meng immedia
tely and analysts have said retaliation for the arrest was likely.

Meng was granted bail by a Canadian court on Tuesday, 10 days after her arre
st in Vancouver on US claims that she misled multinational banks about Iran-
linked transactions caused a diplomatic dispute. As part of her release, she
 has provided a $10m bond – in parts cash and properties – and must wear a
 GPS monitoring device.

4.完整新聞連結 (或短網址):
China may have detained second citizen, says Canada foreign minister | World news | The Guardian
Arrest of Michael Kovrig, who works for thinktank, follows detention of Chinese Huawei executive in Canada ...



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accin: 加拿大會跟美國Say sorry1F 12/13 11:18
Whitening: 抓滿100個可以換孟晚舟2F 12/13 11:18
atxp4869: 換?就算釋放孟,中國直接把那100個處死,加拿大能如何3F 12/13 11:24
linceass: 看清楚支那賤畜是怎麼做事的4F 12/13 11:24
Molester5566: 通通抓起來 看加拿大能忍多久5F 12/13 11:24
dm03: 真要這樣跟美加玩~6F 12/13 11:24
dm03: 有種就處死呀
purplebfly: 有本事抓美國人吧,明明後面是美帝啊8F 12/13 11:24
farmoos: 中國高官家人和財產在美加手上9F 12/13 11:25
farmoos: 還有中國貪官的證據也在美加手上。中國貪污有死刑
※ 編輯: MaoZeDong (, 12/13/2018 11:26:40
wildhug: 支持支那多抓幾個加拿大人,逼加拿大翻桌11F 12/13 11:26
cms6384: 看來該開始逮捕中國公民了12F 12/13 11:26
fujioqq: 美加等下會開始整肅持有綠卡楓葉卡甚至公民的中國人XDDD13F 12/13 11:26
linceass: 支那人不敢玩開啦 到時美加澳一起搞牠們海外資產 有趣14F 12/13 11:26
td770715: 這國家真夠低能15F 12/13 11:26
※ 編輯: MaoZeDong (, 12/13/2018 11:27:01
linceass: 你看習包子跟他的共產黨狗官還敢不敢16F 12/13 11:27
fujioqq: 中國貪官有哪些人他們一定知道 只是看啥時要打這張牌17F 12/13 11:27
※ 編輯: MaoZeDong (, 12/13/2018 11:28:18
JasonIm: 打起來最好18F 12/13 11:27
richjie: 不是祖國人民 不會被失蹤 被自殺19F 12/13 11:27
nkfcc: 加拿大:決定凍結土共黨人暨一等親在加資產。(一週後)20F 12/13 11:27
a3831038: 比誰抓的多,但我猜滯外支那人一定比較多21F 12/13 11:28
Hibria: 軍武板的杠精流竄過來了呢22F 12/13 11:28
nkfcc: 習近平已被推翻..23F 12/13 11:28
twptt: 把在美加的中共官員及家屬除籍遣返 看中共還敢不敢亂抓24F 12/13 11:28
walhalla: 中共高官不敢玩太大啦,否則家人會被加拿大取消公民身份25F 12/13 11:28
Carrarese: 現在是要玩交換人質嗎26F 12/13 11:28
kirbycopy: 亂抓人中國能做 美加不能做啊 美加還要面子和道理阿27F 12/13 11:28
andy0624: 我覺得加拿大太自由了,針對中國人也應該抓一抓啦28F 12/13 11:29
silentence: 真的把自己當清朝玩了29F 12/13 11:29
kirbycopy: 中國這種無理的政權可以把對方官員和國家視為一體30F 12/13 11:29
fujioqq: 真以為IRS吃素的喔...31F 12/13 11:29
kirbycopy: 美加不能這樣做 再怎樣還是會講人權阿32F 12/13 11:30
demintree: 這ID XD33F 12/13 11:30
DreamerSun: 言論自由的感覺如何? 你們國家用不到吧顆顆34F 12/13 11:30
a34567: 紅色角落35F 12/13 11:30
seemoon2000: 沒意見 中國抓人也不用找理由 加拿大至少還有罪名36F 12/13 11:30
fujioqq: 關塔那摩的囚犯:....美國人講人權37F 12/13 11:30
fujioqq: 美國人要編個罪名簡直不用太簡單
iqnine: 中國人怎麼老是搞一些自殺行為 習近平真的低能到不行39F 12/13 11:31
iqnine: 孟一被抓 整個心態炸裂欸 馬上就被看破手腳
Chenflying: 2月1日前中美貿易戰若有解 則加國…41F 12/13 11:32
NEIL8278: 新彊集中營,西藏鎮壓,賤民信用制度,支那還敢提人權42F 12/13 11:33
Whitening: 不過那些外國人自己愛去中國的,被抓只能幫QQ了43F 12/13 11:34
nkfcc: 以為加拿大好欺負就太傻了。抓一個是政府的事,多抓幾個就44F 12/13 11:34
jorden: 感覺加拿大會跟台灣簽貿易協定 來互相傷害45F 12/13 11:34
faiya: 大抓人啦~知道加拿大沒軍隊好欺負XD46F 12/13 11:34
nkfcc: 是加拿大全民的事了。47F 12/13 11:34
skixhbyu: 他們不怕長官家人都在加拿大嗎48F 12/13 11:34
Jeff911: 才二個 共產黨真的進步了49F 12/13 11:34
frank072304: 五毛樓主啥時滾去中國舔?還在這發文50F 12/13 11:35
charliemx: 以前放火燒白宮這次放火燒中南海51F 12/13 11:35
kohanchen: 小心加拿大把紫禁城燒了52F 12/13 11:35
syk1104: 太好了,中國繼續用這種思維辦事53F 12/13 11:36
nkfcc: 是不用太擔心燒北京啦..畢竟太平洋有點寬..游起來太累。54F 12/13 11:37
RONRON: 五毛記得繳稅嘿55F 12/13 11:37
Beccaria: 支那噁心56F 12/13 11:38
ianlin45: 加拿大不知死活57F 12/13 11:39
Seretez: 後啦 要錯幾次?58F 12/13 11:39
YALEMY: 繼續這樣引起公憤 加油加油59F 12/13 11:39
hitomi47: 請中共繼續保持這種辦事原則60F 12/13 11:39
e04bank: 開戰啦61F 12/13 11:42
winsonwu: 中國最好多抓點美加官員看看孟值得用多少人去換62F 12/13 11:42
ayumi082530: 支那這樣做就對了!  世界公敵指日可待63F 12/13 11:42
xiaohan85298: 又是中朝邊界64F 12/13 11:42
waynehow: 到底被監禁是不是只有台灣會吞下去呢 有中國在各國想安65F 12/13 11:43
waynehow: 逸都無法呢
TheDragonBug: 加拿大一大堆中國人阿67F 12/13 11:45
amos30627: 多抓幾個貪污高官就好了68F 12/13 11:46
jones2011: 比中國惹怒美國更有趣的事情是什麼?兩個美國69F 12/13 11:46
terminator3: 五毛又在打手槍了70F 12/13 11:47
horseface: 華為CFO跟這些草民哪一樣71F 12/13 11:48
j0618204: 原Po對於祖國亂抓人,還蠻開心的,想必也是權貴階級lol72F 12/13 11:49
butten986: 哈哈有種真的跟加拿大玩到翻桌,但我猜你上面臨界就縮73F 12/13 11:55
butten986: 了,加拿大只要不翻桌都還可以溝通,科科,快對加大公
butten986: 民酷刑
pobby2266: 真的要抓哪抓的贏加拿大76F 12/13 11:56
ALENDA: 加拿大溫哥華一狗票中國高官妻兒子女姨太太.....真的要這77F 12/13 11:56
DouglasT: 只好請美國再加稅了 壓到受不了看看會怎樣79F 12/13 11:57
nineuniverse: 這篇原po是五毛嗎 好激動80F 12/13 12:00
minami77: 共產黨不垮台 中國不民主 全球遭殃81F 12/13 12:00
jaeomes: 有可能貿易戰休兵會提早結束82F 12/13 12:00
jackypan1989: 原po好崩83F 12/13 12:01
sxscts: 互懟讚讚讚,準備大趴體大爆炸84F 12/13 12:05
ce270651: 有種抓美國外交官啦85F 12/13 12:10
rainbow321: 真的要這樣玩嗎 美國加拿大一堆高官子女欸86F 12/13 12:11
Pheromone: 加拿大有美國靠還不開戰一波?87F 12/13 12:15
erc: 支持 我等著看新八國聯軍88F 12/13 12:16
stw0975: 開戰89F 12/13 12:18
mjferrari: 結果軟禁吃香喝辣的90F 12/13 12:20
JHGF2468A: 下一個是不是要抓加拿大的流浪漢 流浪狗91F 12/13 12:21
shs911021: 笑死,有志氣一點就不要海外資產92F 12/13 12:23
sugigu: 那把溫哥華圈起來變集中營就好啦 看是誰的人質比較多93F 12/13 12:29
kondoyu: 加拿大跟美國哥倆好94F 12/13 12:31
qhapaq: 笑死支那人又在隨地拉屎95F 12/13 12:34
lbowlbow: 中國放在國外的不都是二奶嗎?96F 12/13 13:15

※ 看板: Gossiping 文章推薦值: -1 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 637 
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( ̄︿ ̄)p darkrise1980 說瞎!
1樓 時間: 2018-12-13 12:05:37 (台灣)
  12-13 12:05 TW
2樓 時間: 2018-12-13 12:11:12 (台灣)
  12-13 12:11 TW
在加拿大的支那人多還是在支那國的加拿大人多? 呵呵XDDD
3樓 時間: 2018-12-13 15:00:21 (美國)
  12-13 15:00 US
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