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※ 本文為 KissSad.bbs. 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2013-12-19 21:08:17
看板 Gossiping
作者 justthis (迎接一個新世界)
標題 [爆卦] 匿名者組織發表影片呼籲連署
時間 Thu Dec 19 20:47:49 2013


影片連結  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZsPkcUB2dfM
Anonymous - Planetary Liberation Petition - YouTube
.  . By signing the petition, we are utilizing our free will to create an energy bridge b...


連署網頁連結  http://goo.gl/O0Uan3

Hello citizens of the world, we are anonymous.


We are all aware that there are forces within the banking establishment, military-industrial complex and also on the non-physical planes that do not wish humanity to be free. They have stolen our money. They have poisoned our food. They are trying to take away our freedom. They are trying to take away our happiness. We will not let them.


There are also benevolent forces originating beyond the surface of this planet, such as the Pleiadians, the Sirians, the Andromedans, the Agarthians and the Resistance Movement, willing to assist us in the planetary liberation process. They are willing to support the human population to bring justice back again and change the corrupt legal systems worldwide, create a fair and transparent new financial system, bring new and clean advanced technologies to humanity and reveal hidden information about the
existence of extraterrestrial races and about the real history of mankind.


They are offering a co-creative partnership to humanity because they wish our planet to join a civilized galactic society. To make the next step in their public disclosure, they need a certain degree of agreement with their proposal for partnership from the surface population of this planet. This is the purpose of our petition. If you wish a full disclosure of these benevolent forces and full partnership with them, please sign this petition. When we reach our goal of 144,000 signatures, the benevolent
forces of Light will take the next step in the disclosure process.


we do not forgive, we do not forget, expect us.

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
shine32025:?1F 12/19 20:48
WhiteMage:..........地球連邦政府還沒成立喔  孩子2F 12/19 20:48
followwar:能到地球的外星文明應該比地球先進N倍吧...3F 12/19 20:49
YUCIKI:WTF?4F 12/19 20:49
oncemore:貨幣制度絕對會垮台5F 12/19 20:50
SRNOB:你們之中若有外星人 未來人 超能力者 來聯署吧6F 12/19 20:50
HermesKing:行星解放!?  而且14W這要求也太低了吧 XDDDDDDDD7F 12/19 20:50
oncemore:信基督教吧  神會賜予你鑽石8F 12/19 20:50
superrockman:叫他們把太陽系炸了會不會比較好?9F 12/19 20:51
FIRZEN45:有密碼嗎?10F 12/19 20:51
heha751019:請救救台灣!!!!11F 12/19 20:53
YJJ:星外世紀12F 12/19 20:54
wonder007:SIEG ZEON! SIEG ZEON! SIEG ZEON!13F 12/19 20:55
DDD:勿忘菲菲14F 12/19 20:56
wo2323:這些資料 外國最近很多15F 12/19 21:00
netsphere:誰都可以當anonymous16F 12/19 21:01
wo2323:有說美元金融秩序會廢除  改成以實體貴金屬為主17F 12/19 21:01
Pietro:同樓上18F 12/19 21:02
wo2323:實體貴金屬就是金銀礦場 寶石 石油等等東西19F 12/19 21:02
Pietro:我是說net20F 12/19 21:02
wo2323:華爾街體系會被矯正  那些炒房炒股炒期貨什麼都炒的投機財22F 12/19 21:03
wo2323:都會被管制 實體製造業所賺的錢和薪資階級所拿的錢都會加倍
jerrylin:麻煩先把馬英九搞掉24F 12/19 21:07

※ 看板: Gossiping 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 3140 
分享網址: 複製 已複製
1樓 時間: 2013-12-19 21:30:24 (台灣)
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4樓 時間: 2013-12-20 13:08:20 (台灣)
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