High-level international conference on human rights, civil society and counter-terrorism : outcome document
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TítuloHigh-level international conference on human rights, civil society and counter-terrorism : outcome document
AccesoEnglish: malaga_2022_hlc_outcome_report_en - PDF ;
The Outcome Document provides a summary of the interventions made during the first United Nations High-Level International Conference on Human Rights, Civil Society and Counter-Terrorism, which was co-organized by the United Nations Office of Counter-Terrorism (UNOCT) and the Kingdom of Spain on 10-11 May 2022, in Málaga, Spain. The Outcome Document captures key messages emerging from the exchange of innovative ideas and experiences during the Conference on how to build human rights and rule of law-compliant responses to terrorism, including by taking into account gender perspectives. It was developed in close collaboration with an informal consultative group comprising representatives from key civil society stakeholders and United Nations entities.
FechaNew York : UN, May 2022
122 p. : ill.