The Customers usage report aggregates Google Workspace service usage information, for all users, across an entire domain. The user usage report returns Google Workspace service usage information across your account. This usage information is organized by application type which is composed of parameters specific to that application. The default and maximum time period for each report is the last 450 days.
These usage report may be used only for lawful purposes in accordance with your Customer Agreement. Also, these reports apply to Google Workspace and Education.
Retrieve a customer usage report
To retrieve report of your account activities use the following GET
HTTP request and include the authorization token
described in the authorization documentation. For readability,
the following example is formatted with line returns:
GET date ?parameters=app name: usage parameter,... &customerId=the customer's ID &maxResults=number of events listed on each page of the report
The dates
value is the date the usage occurred and the timestamp is in the ISO 8601 format, yyyy-mm-dd. We recommend you use your account's time zone for this. For more information about the request's query strings and response properties, see the API Reference and the customer usage report parameters reference.
The following example gets a report with the total of all successful logins to your account in the past 30 days and a list
of authorized applications, with the number of user authorizations per application, starting 2013-03-03. The maxResults
query string shows this report returns two events per report page:
GET ?parameters=accounts:num_30day_logins%2Caccounts:authorized_apps&maxResults=2
JSON response for customer usage report
{ "kind": "reports#usageReports", "warnings": [ { "code": warning machine-readable code, "message": warning human-readable message, "data": [ { "key": key for key-value pair that gives detailed warning information, "value": value for key-value pair giving detailed warning information } ] } ], "nextPageToken": "N:NNN:NNN:N:C03az79cb", "usageReports": [ { "kind": "usageReport", "date": "2013-03-03", "entity": { "type": "CUSTOMER", "customerId": "C03az79cb" }, "parameters": [ { "name": "accounts:num_1day_logins", "intValue": "1" }, { "name": "accounts:num_30day_logins", "intValue": "1" }, { "name": "accounts:num_7day_logins", "intValue": "1" }, { "name": "accounts:num_disabled_accounts", "intValue": "5" }, { "name": "accounts:authorized_apps", "msgValue": [ { "client_id": "", "client_name": "", "num_users": 2 }, { "client_id": "", "client_name": "Example", "num_users": 1 }, ... ] } ] } ] }