Wix Style Parameters

You can store certain customizations that a user changed, like your app’s color, inside the Wix site (instead of saving it on your database).

The wix-param key works with color/font parameters, numbers, and booleans.

How it works

Use our custom style parameter key, wix-param. Here’s the basic flow:

  1. Set a key name to identify this data: For example, the key name for your app’s background color can be: backgroundColor.
  2. Set the starting values in the UI control and in the extension itself: For example, for the app’s color, you’ll save these values in the color picker and in the app’s CSS – see our example below for more guidance.
  3. For fonts and colors – we’ll reflect the user’s changes in the app: When the user changes the value, we’ll automatically change the value in the Wix site, so there’s no need for you to listen for an onChange event.
  4. For booleans and numbers, listen for the STYLE_PARAMS_CHANGE event: When the user changes the value,  we’ll automatically change the value in the Wix site. You should reflect these changes in your app.  Use the addEventListener method.

Note: You can only use wix-param in UI controls that support it.

Supported UI controls

Color and Font Parameters

  • ColorPicker
  • ColorPickerWithOpacity
  • FontPicker
  • Font and color picker

Number Parameters

  • ToggleButton
  • RadioButton
  • Dropdown
  • Slider

Boolean Parameters

  • Checkbox
  • ToggleSwitch

Color Values

When setting colors in your app, you can use any value between color-1 to color-25 (color-1, color-2, color-3, etc). To decide the color value, use our color reference guide.

Font Values

When setting fonts in your app, you can use the values listed in the table below. To decide the font value, use our font reference guide.

Font theme you chose for your starting schemeFont Reference Number (use in the UI control)Font theme (use in the website extension)
Heading 1font_0Title
Heading 2font_2Page-title
Heading 3font_3Heading-XL
Heading 4font_4Heading-L
Heading 5font_5Heading-M
Heading 6font_6Heading-S
Paragraph 1font_7Body-L
Paragraph 2font_8Body-M
Paragraph 3font_9Body-S


Here's how to implement wix-param. The examples below use AngularJS, but the concepts apply to React templates/JSX and jQuery too.

We'll use the Font & Color Picker as an example.

  1. Set up the font and color picker: In your app settings panel, add the font and color picker UI control.
  1. Set the same starting values in the extension itself: You can use the color and font style parameters inside an internal CSS within your website extension. It’s a simple template engine that uses {{value}} to interpolate the style parameters.
    1. Add the wix-style attribute in the
    2. Separate the style key name and the fallback (default) value with a space, for example:  {{style.wix-param-key fallback_value}}.


Using AngularJS? Since AngularJS reads {{ }} as an expression, add the ng-non-bindable directive to the


Note: You can get all the style parameters that were set in the app’s settings. To do so, use Wix.Styles.getStyleParams.

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