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Victor Quan Lam
Victor Quan Lam

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Step by Step Guide to NFTS creation and sale for beginners using OpenSea

The first thing you may do is to pay for a "mint" platform (i.e. create) an NFT. You have to construct a digital wallet and buy any currency for this reason.

How to construct a digital wallet to purchase NFTs?
You have to put money into a digital wallet from which you can spend before you start.
OpenSea employs ether, a cryptocurrency that you will have to purchase. Consider it as an arcade. You walk in and want to play games. But you have to buy some tokens before you play the games. Here is the same principle, except the tokens are called ether and you are presumably starting small, with fractions of ether, instead of buying a lot of tokens.
All right, so back to the digital wallet. OpenSea proposes utilizing a Chrome browser plug-in known as MetaMask but supports many alternative digital wallets.
It took approximately 30 seconds to install the plug-in and enter a password. Now, let's do that.
Tap the Profile icon on the website upper right.
• Click on the "Get " button.
• Choose "Install MetaMask" for Chrome or your favourite compatible browser. This installs a plug-in for Chrome.
• Select "Get Started."
• Choose "Create Wallet."
• Select "No thanks" for feedback sharing.
• Create a password.
• Write down the secret sentence you are given. This is extremely crucial and your backup for accessing your account. Don't lose it. Don't lose it.
• Tap "Next" and confirm the confidential sentence.
• To connect your account to the digital wallet, click "Next."
• Click again on "Connect."
Okay, you have an OpenSea digital wallet now. You now have to acquire a certain ether that you can spend on NFTs.

How to buy ether
You may use a range of applications to purchase cryptocurrency. Coinbase is popular. Robinhood is like that.
Tap the symbol on the top right of Chrome at the end of your URL box.
• Click on the icon.
• Click on "Buy." If you have any in another account, click "Directly Deposit Ether."
• Click "Follow Wyre."
• Select the amount of ether you want to buy. Get used to these fees; when you buy something, there are more.
• Click on the "Next" button.
• Enter your payment and telephone number.
• Tap "Send."
• Enter your phone's payment authentication code.
Authorize your purchase by typing in your bank account a six-digit number for an outstanding Wyre transaction.

How to create and sell NFTs
You have some cool digital art, or you’re ready to sell.
• Go to any site and tap on the top right on the "Create" button.
• Create one or more collections— the latter for a collection, for instance, of images or cards that you have prepared.
• To upload a PNG, GIF, MP3 or another form of a file, select "Choose File." The maximum capacity is 30MB.
• Enter the price you want, or leave "place on sale." If it's ever sold. It seems sensible. It seems logical.
• Enter your NFT name and description.
• Set royalties. You will still be paid if it is sold on the secondary market. This is based on the present selling price.
• Choose "Connect and create a wallet."
• Connect your wallet.
• Pay the "Gas" cost for listing processing.
• To sign a sales order using your digital wallet, click "Start."
• Click "Sign".
That's it! It's listed now Offers will be displayed on the sales page. If the monies are ever sold, they will be transferred to my digital wallet. I may then use them to purchase more NFTs or cash in an app like Coinbase.

OpenSea employs NFTS creation and sale, a cryptocurrency that you will have to purchase. You must construct a digital wallet from which you can spend NFTs before you can access the platform. The best place to start is with a Chrome browser plug-in called MetaMask. What does it take to create and sell an online art collection? You will still be paid if it is sold on the secondary market, based on the price you paid for it in the primary market.

Top comments (3)

thorstenhirsch profile image
Thorsten Hirsch

I have some questions regarding your tutorial. The token is a reference to the file, right? And I can sell the token. But what about the file?

  • Do I have to own the copyright of the file I upload?
  • Can I sue anyone who downloads the file from that I've uploaded, without buying the corresponding token?
  • Can I sue anyone who uploads the same file anywhere else, or maybe even on again to create his own token?
victorquanlam profile image
Victor Quan Lam
  1. Do I have to own the copyright of the file I upload? Yes you do own the copyright of the file you upload. According to OpenSea's term of services, users are required to agree that nfts "will not contain material subject to copyright or other proprietary rights".
  2. Can I sue anyone who downloads the file from that I've uploaded, without buying the corresponding token? No, you can't sue someone that downloads, snip or screenshot the nfts. OpenSea will only have the power to protect your ownerships on their platform. 3.Can I sue anyone who uploads the same file anywhere else, or maybe even on again to create his own token? I'm not sure if you can sue anyone in this case but OpenSea reserves the right to remove the repeat infringers. Therefore, you can definitely report the repeat infringers via their email: [email protected]
reckonova profile image
David Collier

How do people set up the sites where everybody goes and mints to opensea?