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marpme (Marvin)
marpme (Marvin)

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Crypto Currencies - What do you think about it?

Header Crypto

Lately, I came across this thesis survey:

Liquid error: internal

Which made me think about:

  • What do you, as a developer and also non-developers, think about certain aspects of crypto currencies?
  • Have you even heard of it?
  • Do you think it's something that you will work on in your coming years?

Please let me know and definitely check out the survey to answer those questions made by AnnaRomeroSierr

Top comments (8)

spencerarcher profile image

I think its great as I see it its gonna be the future of digital currency.
Also I've been in Bitcoin Futures Trading as well so I recommend you guys to try it as well.

dmfay profile image
Dian Fay

Cryptocurrencies are so volatile as to be worse than useless as a store of value. The volatility encourages hoarding ("I'm hanging on until it recovers/hits the next milestone") and discourages its use as a medium of exchange. The difficulty and unpredictability of transacting in cryptocurrencies have so far meant that its best-known uses have been either speculation or trafficking in illegal goods. And proof-of-work has wasted a staggering amount of electricity that could have been put to uncountable better uses. Fiat money has problems, but crypto has more.

tux0r profile image

"Cryptocurrencies" is an oxymoron in my opinion. The more successful of them are basically Ponzi schemes which makes them as reliable as betting on horse racing, the others don't even have any real-world use.

Where - outside some Asian cities - can I pay with XEMs? If I can't pay my coffee with it, it is not a currency.

donalda84275854 profile image
Donald Andrew

Hi! Do you also think that the only future currency the world will understand is crypto. I will boldly say “Yes” I started trading on crypto four years ago and for almost three years of my trading I made more loss with little to no profit, everything seems awkward to me because I don’t understanding how the cryptocurrency system work until I came across a miner expert on You tube whom many had reviewed how he helped them with the fastest way of making profit on bitcoin and altcoin. I texted his email (cryptoemperor143 At Gmail Dot com) gave his service a try and the outcome was incredible. All he did was to add my wallet to his portfolio after I subscribed to his platform and the result was epic. The btc minted was sent to my wallet and I made a huge profit in less than a week, since more than eight months I’ve been making thousands of $$$ How he did all this was still something I don’t know but what matters to me his making continuous profits on my coins (lol). Thank you emperor, making more than my monthly salary in less than 24 hours is a story that really needs to be shared.

vladpazych profile image
Vlad Pazych

Hi, I am working with crypto for more than a year now. I can tell that the industry is a mess, little to no standardization, a lot of scammers (much less than 2017, but still a lot).

But the problem is not in the concept of crypto or underlying technologies, it's in the people who make a lot of noise and do not contribute anything useful. It's a shame.

I believe in coming years the field will mature and we will see life-changing use cases of crypto. It has a lot of potential to make the economy more inclusive and fair.

For example, we in Tagion are developing a protocol-level project, that can scale to handle the amount of transaction comparable to Visa/MasterCard, being decentralized and owned by the users of the system. That is a complex solution to build, but once we have it, it will be an obvious choice for many people and entrepreneurs, because it's cheap, reliable and inclusive.

marg_zalizo_c8f440844dedf profile image
marg zalizo

Modern crypto apps, such as mobile crypto wallets, decentralized exchanges, and DeFi platforms, have made managing digital assets much easier. They allow users to securely store, send, receive, and exchange cryptocurrencies directly from their smartphones, often without the need to interact with traditional banks or centralized services. In the coming years, we can expect innovations like improved user interfaces, the integration of AI for market analysis, and enhanced security through multi-signature and biometric authentication. Additionally, we should anticipate the growth of crypto lending and staking. For secure management of your assets, platforms like provide reliable solutions to safeguard your crypto funds.

stivedribb profile image
sqvaznyak beats • Edited

Cryptocurrencies are new form of digital asset that uses Cryptography to secure payments and control the creation & transfer, hence no centralising authority behind them. They present a unique brand of financial liberty and allow consumers the freedom to avoid traditional finance houses. But the risks of cryptocurrencies are also related to their volatility, regulatory problems or security issues. As one of the most respected cryptocurrency exchanges, is at the very top due to its reliability, high trading volume and ease-of-use.

tomasroj profile image
Tomáš Roj

If anyone here want to understand the concept a bit more, feel free to use my article for reference! -

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