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Dusk - Running a Local Node

Run a local node on your machine, give yourself some coins, create two wallets and transfer coins... in under 10 minutes.

You will need Ubuntu 22.04 LTS (20.04 doesn't have the required libraries) and then clone the rusk github repo and build:

# git clone
# cd rusk
# make
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There will now be a binary:

# ./target/release/rusk -V
rusk 0.7.0-rc.0 (cbd5c504 2023-12-22)
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Copy consensus keys:

# cp examples/consensus.keys ~/.dusk/rusk/consensus.keys
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Generate the genesis state. It uses the .toml file to create the binary .state file, we will do this again with coins in a moment, but for now just to show how it works:

# cargo r --release -p rusk -- recovery-state \
  --init examples/genesis.toml -o /tmp/example.state
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And run the node:

# export DUSK_CONSENSUS_KEYS_PASS=password 
# cargo r --release -p rusk -- -s /tmp/example.state
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You will see a bunch of output on the console, and if you check in another session, you will see port 8080 listening.

# netstat -tlpn | grep target
tcp        0      0*               LISTEN      77261/target/releas
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note: the means the port (8080) will only accept connections from that server.

Stop the process and have it listen on a specific port:

# export DUSK_CONSENSUS_KEYS_PASS=password 
# ./target/release/rusk -s /tmp/example.state \
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And observe:

# netstat -tlpn | grep target
tcp        0      0  *               LISTEN      114057/./target/rel
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note: the indicates the port accepts connections from anywhere (firewall permitting).

Can't do much without a wallet. Go back to home directory, clone the wallet-cli github repo and build:

# git clone
# cd wallet-cli/
# make build
# cd target
# cd release
# ./rusk-wallet -V
Dusk Wallet CLI 0.20.1
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We need to connect the wallet to a running node, in this case our local node:

# ./target/release/rusk-wallet \
  --state \
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Select the recover wallet option and enter the 12 words:

cost hungry lounge anger hint cheap buddy across road excuse vendor area

it's deterministic, so the first address will be:

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You will note the balance is zero.

We need to fund the wallet, to do that we stop the node and generate the initial state again:

# rm /tmp/example.state
# cd ~/rusk
# vi examples/genesis.toml
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Add these lines to give initial balance of 100,000:

address = '471s2wnF6e5rEv3d6DgSmRHR5mjJGvXTitueNSMGDRV2U9WzhZHRHLJZNbNPZeVAoaGvtwoxRc4R8urC7oNeAueY'
seed = 0xdead_beef
notes = [100_000_000_000_000]
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note: the last 9 zeros are decimals

Then regenerate the state:

# cargo r --release -p rusk -- recovery-state \
  --init examples/genesis.toml \
  -o /tmp/example.state
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Restart the node:

# export DUSK_CONSENSUS_KEYS_PASS=password 
# ./target/release/rusk -s /tmp/example.state \
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In a second session, start the wallet as before:

# cd ~/wallet-cli
# ./target/release/rusk-wallet \
  --state \
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Recover the wallet, with our words:

cost hungry lounge anger hint cheap buddy across road excuse vendor area

You will see a balance of 100,000

We now need to fake a second wallet, open a third session and create another linux user account:

# sudo useradd -m testdusk
# sudo usermod --shell /bin/bash testdusk
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Copy the wallet directory to the new user and chown it:

# cp -R wallet-cli /home/testdusk/
# chown -R testdusk:testdusk /home/testdusk
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Create a new wallet:

# su - testdusk
# cd wallet-cli
# ./target/release/rusk-wallet \
  --state \
> Create a new wallet
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This will give you some new wallet with an address, with zero balance.

Copy the new address, and on the original wallet, send 100 coins to the new address.

> Transfer Dusk
// use suggested gas limit and price and proceed
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You will see the balance is less by 100 plus a very small amount for gas. Switching to the new wallet, you should see a balance of 100.

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