Arama Sonuçları

Evrenselleştirilmiş Sekülerleşme Teorisi / Universalized–Classical- Secularization Theory
According to the theorists of classical secularization theory, the theory does not carry universal
Abstract According to the theorists of classical secularization theory, the theory does not carry
highlighted. Keywords: Classical Secularization Theory, Europe, Secularization, Being Universal
Classical Secularization Theory
İslamcılar, Sekülerleşme ve Demokrasi
secularization and democracy as strongly linked concepts. It argues that Islamist understandings of democracy
Sekülerleşme: Soykütüksel Bir İnceleme
secularization is used in social sciences literature as main framework to explain religious change
in modern societies. The theory of secularization asserts that religion and metaphysical beliefs will
analysis of secularization which is one of the most debated issue in social sciences especially in
secularization aims to present a genealogical analysis of secularization in light of historical resources and to
determine its Christian roots.  The study questions applying secularization as a framework in order
Rodney Stark’ın Sekülerleşme Teorisi
In this article, we evaluated Rodney Stark’s criticisms of secularization theory and argued that
that secularization theorists view religion with prejudices and because of these prejudices, they
overlook the dynamic character of religion. Also, we analyzed starks’s argument that “secularization is
article, we tried to evaluate Stark’s texts on secularization with the help of “hermeneutics” which
As the discussion on conservatism intensifies, it appears that the discussions of secularization
, it can be argued in both cases that the secularization is a central concept. This study reflects as
Volkan Ertit’s article published in your journal as “Metaphysical-Centered Secularization Concept
Instead of Religion (Islam) Centered Secularization Concept” Because the data which the writer exerted
secularization into the process of historical and cultural memory reinforces this claim. Therefore
Din (İslam) Merkezli Sekülerleşme Kavramı Yerine Metafizik Merkezli Sekülerleşme Kavramı
two different concepts of secularization, “theological (Islamic)” and "metaphysical", and to put
discussion was necessary to understand what secularization is and what it is not before starting any debate
on Turkey's secularization. That is because the metaphysical discussion that defines secularization
secularization as "irreligiousness" or "non-Islamism". Therefore, discussingTo understand the social
definition of secularization is necessary for understanding the social implications of the process of modernization.
A Critical Review of Secularization Debates: Bringing in the Question of Human Agency and Social Movement Dynamics
secularization theories such as the secularization theory and the rational choice theory. Not denying
including social movement dynamics in their sociological studies of secularization. In order to
address such limitations in the study of secularization, proposes a new frameworks which combines two
argues that (1) secularization should be studied with reference to human agency and collective action
Secularization Secularization Secularization Theory
Dünyevîleşme Kavramı Üzerine
also try to put forth our thoughts on the concept of secularization in this article.
Sekülerleşme Teorileri Perspektifinden Türkiye'de Dindarlık
In this article, the relationship between secularization and religion is discussed within the
framework of secularization theories. The study searches an answer to the question of, “What kind of
secularization has taken place in Turkey?”. The aim of the research is to reveal the relationship
theses with the theme of secularization and religion, which have been made with qualitative methods
Talcott Parsons Sosyolojisinde Din ve Sekülerleşme
important place in the disciplines of sociology and sociology of religion, against secularization
between secularization and religion in the sociology of religion and what kind of understanding of
put forward by the supporters of secularization. According to him, the link between Protestantism and
the social system, he thought that there could not be secularization in the social system. From this
Türk Sekülerleşmesi İncelemelerinde Paradigma Değişimine Doğru
Secularization has always been a significant dimension of the Ottoman-Turkish modernization since
secularization usually in a residual manner. After presenting the general picture of the sociology of religion
literature and briefly discussing the conceptual and historical context of secularization in the
social scientists, which may provide the reader with an idea about the current direction and the future of the study of secularization in Turkey.
Göç, Kentleşme ve Sekülerleşme Karşısında Ezidilik
under the name of modernization or secularization, has threatened local and sparsely populated
living in Siirt and Batman provinces, was based on the classical secularization theory. Interviews were
Sekülerleşme: Teoriler, Kavramlar ve Literatür Temelinde Bibliyometrik Bir Çalışma
Secularization is a concept that now has its own “history” with evolving theoretical perspectives
history and its relations from a new perspective. This study aims to evaluate the secularization
secularization, a temporal limitation was applied, and publications from 2017 to 2023 were analyzed. Co-word
scientific mapping methods. On the basis of the conceptual structure of secularization, the reflections of
relationships and literature on secularization “bear witness” to the changes in today's world.
Sekülerleşmenin Hızlandırıcısı Olarak Kapitalizm
of Secularization” başlığı altında sunulan tebliğin detaylı halidir. Makalenin yayım aşamasına
Capitalism – Secularization – Religion - Society
Sekülerleşme ve Laiklik Üzerine Bir Bibliyografya Denemesi
Secularization takes place among the most discussed topics in Sociology of Religion from the
result of the statements of researchers who have various thoughts in terms of secularization
, we have tried to do a bibliographical research on works related to secularization, secularism and
laicism. In Turkey where laicism has been discussed more than the concept of secularization, it has
been thought that this study which sheds light on the historical process of secularization and which
secularization which have taken place have influenced not only the social-political and economic life
classical secularization theorists have argued that at the end of the secularization process, religion
depending on tradition. It has been seen that atheist individuals perceive secularization as contemporary
point of view and adopt universal values. The findings of the study indicate that secularization does
indicated that a close correlation between secularization and atheism have also similarities on intellectual, conceptual and moral bases.
Atatürkçülükte Millileşme, Lâikleşme, Çağdaşlaşma (Medeniyetçilik)
important places in the Kemalist thought system. These trends are nationalization, secularization and modernization (civilization).
Modern İran’da Şiî Sekülerleşme Süreci
ideologicalization of religion, generally called secularization, is followed by a different pattern of
different religions, and even of different religious sects. Similarly, Iranian-Shia secularization
where history was put aside. Iranian-Shia secularization, under the influence of Western ideas and
civilization. These characteristics may be evident in all aspects of Iranian-Shia secularization. In the
Ruhollah Khomeini (1902-1989 ) three points will be identified: i) the implicit secularization of the
Modern Tıbbın Sekülerleşme Süreci ve Tıbbileştirme İnşası
of secularization and how medicine is medicalized within the framework of socio-economic interest
relations are discussed. Along with the secularization process, the tools of medicalization processes
review, it has been tried to make the medicalization and secularization of medicine visible. In this
study, firstly, the relationship between religion and secularization and medicalization is discussed
, the study was concluded by emphasizing how medicalization and secularization are constructed through
Türkiye’de Sekülerleşme Süreçleri ve Devletin Kimlik Politikaları
Secularization Processes in Turkey and Identity Policies of theState - İsmail Demirezen, Türkiye’de
Sekülerleşme Tartışmaları Açısından Alevi-Sünni Evlilikleri
sociology of religion. Debates on secularization that began in the second half of the 20th century
, discussions on secularization have also begun in our country. Especially following the 2000s, the
Alevi-Sunni marriages can indeed be perceived as an indicator of secularization based on Ertit's
claim. In this context, the study first outlines the theoretical boundaries of secularization through
document analysis. Then, the issue of secularization is discussed based on relevant data from studies
Müslüman Dünyasında Sekülerleşme: Hükümet Performansı ve Dindarlık Arasındaki İlişki
secularization trend experienced in different parts of the world. This situation seems to have
secularization literature, such as revised modernization theory or religious markets theory, can help
Sekülerleşme ve Göç İlişkisi: Suriyeli Mülteciler Örneği
religiously.Although the claim that migration accelerates secularization is highly controversial, the main thesis of
, which argues that migration stimulate secularization, is based on the results of interviews with
migration and secularization. Some of the refugees who migrated are devout from Turkey to the United
relationship between secularization and migration based on the Syrian refugees we interviewed; the
Birbirinin yerine kullanılan iki farklı kavram: dünyevileşme ve sekülerleşme
Secularization is a rather new concept for the Turkish public. While the changes/transformations
Islamization, secularization, conservatization and Iranization, especially in the 2010s, the
concepts of secularization and its antonym desecularization began to be used more frequently in academic
texts, traditional media and social media.However, the fact that the concept of secularization has
contrary, secularization is presented in conjunction with other concepts in the media and some works that
İnteraktif Rehber Aracı
Panel tanıtımını görmek istiyorsanız Turu Başlat' a tıklayabilirsiniz.