English: John Charles Frémont in Civil War general's uniform
Identifier: historyofuniteds01jone (find matches)
Title: A history of the United States in chronological order from A. D. 432 to the present time
Year: 1886 (1880s)
Authors: Jones, Frederick Thomas
Publisher: New York, The World
Contributing Library: The Library of Congress
Digitizing Sponsor: Sloan Foundation
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Meck-lenberg County, declare themselves independent of the BritishCrown, organize a local oovernment, and begin preparationsfor a military defense, 20 May. The British Generals, Howe, Clinton, and Bur^oyne, arrive atBoston from England, with reinforcements, 25 May; the Britishforce now numbers nearly 12,000 men, besides several war-ves-sels, under Admiral Graves. Gen. Gage issues a proclamation,offering the Kings pardon to all rebels (except John Hancockand Samuel Adams) Avho will at once resume peaceful occupa-tions, 10 June. At the same time he plans a march to theinterior, the details of which being reported to Gen. Ward, thatpatriot sends Col. Prescott, 16, with 1000 men to fortify Bunk-ers Hill; Prescott erects a redoubt on Breeds Hill, by mistake,within cannon-shot of Boston; the British attack the works,17, from their naval vessels and the Copps Hill fort, while Gen.Howe leads a storming party of 8000 men; the Americansresist two charges, but give way before the third, in which
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John C. Fremont. History of the United States. 81 1^--. riuiton \o\xx^ Howe with fresh troops, and retreat to ProspectHill thi British lose in l<illed and wounded over 1000 and theAnierieans, 450, Gen. Warren being- amono- the killed. Aon o on instrnctions from the Provincial Congress Capt.Lamb with a party of Liberty )5oys, removes a number of ounston the Battery, in New York, in the face of a heavy fire hornthe British war-vessel Asia, 23 Aug. ^, ,, , i at -r .Gen Washington sends a body of New lork and New Eno--land troops under Gens. Schuyler and Montgomery nito Canada cut olT Ih-itish supplies, Aug.: Montgomery lays ^^^;f to SJohn and is stubbornly resisted for over a month Col. EthanAllen with 80 men, attacks Montreal, 25 Sept. and is repulsed,^ikenprisoner.and sent to England-another ^^l^^^^^^^:^Hedell c-mtnre the stronghoUl at Chambly, oO Oct. ^^ bile afhir^iindJr Col. Warner. K^pulse Sir Guy Carleton, Governorof Canada, atLonoueil, near Montreal, 1 N.w.; Gen. Prescott,Com
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