Elsa Laula Renberg

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Elsa Laula Renberg (née Elsa Laula, November 29, 1877 in Tärnaby – July 22, 1931 in Brønnøy) was a Sámi activist and politician. She was born to reindeer herders, Lars Thomasson Laula and Kristina Josefina Larsdotterb and grew up near Dikanäs. After receiving training school in Stockholm as a midwife, she returned home to live near Dikanäs. In 1908, she married reindeer herder, Thomas Renberg. Together, they moved to Vefsn in Nordland, Norway and had 6 children together. Elsa died at the age of 54 of tuberculosis in Brønnøy.

Life or death

In 1904, Renberg wrote and published a 30-page book entitled Infør lif eller död? Sanningsord i de Lappska förhållandena (Do we face life or death? Words of truth about the Lappish situation) making her the first Sámi woman to have her writings published.Vorlage:Fact Her work discusses several issues that were facing the Sámi, such as their education system, their right to vote, and their right to own land.

