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This map of the Eastern Hemisphere in 565 AD was created by Thomas Lessman, based on information from the sources listed below. This map is free for educational use (see Permission info above). When using this map, please mention that it is available for free at www.WorldHistoryMaps.info.
Map Source References
Remember, sources often conflict with each other. This map is only as accurate as the information that is available to me. To report any errors or to help further this work, please click here, or email Thomas Lessman at talessman@yis.us
References for information contained in this map: Primary Sources for East-Hem_565ad.jpg:
1. The DK Atlas of World History, 2000 Edition; map of The World in 500 CE, (Pages 50-51) (See other specific references below)
2. John Nelson. Map of the "Countries of the World 1/1/565 CE." Interactive Historical Atlas of the World since 500BCE. World History Maps Inc., Alexandria, VA, 2008. Available at www.WorldHistoryMaps.com.
I - African Information Note: Most of my African Information comes from The DK Atlas of World History map of The Development of Complex Societies in Africa; (Pg 160).
1. John Nelson. Map of the "Countries of the World 1/1/565 CE." Interactive Historical Atlas of the World since 500BCE. World History Maps Inc., Alexandria, VA, 2008. Available at www.WorldHistoryMaps.com.
Japanese information is derived from The DK Atlas of World History map of "State Formation in Korea & Japan to 650 CE"; (Pg 264)
III - European Information Note: Borders of Europe are mostly derived from a combination of:
1. The www.Euratlas.com map of Europe in 600 AD and to a lesser extent, their map of Europe in 500 AD.
(Please note:User:Bogomolov.PL has done a great job of showing me possible discrepancies in my north European borders compared to this source, due to the differences in the geographical layout of the maps.)
2. John Nelson. Map of the "Countries of the World 1/1/565 CE." Interactive Historical Atlas of the World since 500BCE. World History Maps Inc., Alexandria, VA, 2008. Available at www.WorldHistoryMaps.com.
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