About Us

About Us

Daily Voice is a local news organization. Our mission is to report on need-to-know local information and up-to-the-minute breaking news. We bridge the “news desert” between national and hyper-local, covering town, city, county, and state.

We are apolitical, non-partisan, and as fair and complete as possible. Readers know we don’t take sides. We do not publish editorials or opinion pieces, nor do we endorse political candidates.

Our reporting is accurate, confirmed, and trustworthy. We report what needs reporting, including from multiple perspectives if possible.


We are independently owned and operated by Cantata Media LLC. Our leadership team, Travis Hardman (CEO), Ted Yang (President), and Larry Andrea (General Counsel), are also the majority owners of the company.

Business Model

Our revenue is advertising-based. We are consistently profitable and growing since the current owners acquired the business in 2018.

If you are interested in advertising, contact us.


We are a company of professional, full-time reporters, always observing high journalistic standards. Our team works remotely, but that does not change our commitment to professionalism and collaboration.

We believe that a positive environment is essential to produce quality news. We do not tolerate discrimination, harassment, or misconduct of any kind.

If you are interested in joining our team, we are hiring.

Errors and Omissions

While we strive to be correct in all of our reporting, we welcome feedback. If errors do occur, we correct them as quickly as they become known. Please contact us at [email protected].