
554 Pins
Telling the Story of God’s Promise through the O Antiphons
Telling the Story of God’s Promise through the O Antiphons
Nativity Sensory Bin
A natural, DIY Nativity sensory bin that you can make in an half an hour. Equals hours of fun and keeping Christ in Christmas for your kids.
"The Friendly Beasts" Nativity Sensory Activity
This Nativity sensory basket for toddlers simulates the feel of the barn with feathers, wool, hay, and a wooden basket. Inspired by the carol, The Friendly Beasts.
Advent Readings for Candle Lighting
Discover meaningful Advent readings for candle lighting with reflective passages that illuminate the path to Christmas. #advent #adventcandles
Advent Wreath Candle Wraps - Download Pack - The Catholic Kid - Catholic Coloring Pages and Games for Children