Let's be green!

19 Pins
Homemade Laundry Soap!!
Laundry soap recipe - $20 for 9+ months' worth of soap. Sub Oxy-clean baby and dr. bronners baby bar soap to make it "free and clear".
Homemade Cleaner Recipes - The Homestead Survival
Recipes for green cleaning! Would probably be a whole lot cheaper than buying new bottles, and all the ingredients can be used elsewhere too...
Make your own SPF with Coconut Oil – Health Starts in the Kitchen
Homemade SPF with coconut oil - and it's good for your skin! No toxic chemicals!! Will need this for the pool this summer.
How to Make Soap: 7 Simple Easy to Follow Steps
Make your own "resort quality" liquid hand soap for pennies (One good thing by Jillie)
Color My Summer: Purple Potluck Bowl Covers {Tutorial}
DIY bowl covers. Buh-bye plastic wrap!
A Project for Fall! — Revolutionaries Market
Tons of ways to use paper rolls, great project tutorials! Not just kids' crafts. Some really great ideas.
Top 17 Ideas for Recycling Toilet Rolls
Top 17 ideas for recycling toilet paper rolls (or paper towel rolls, if you prefer).
Learning and Playing in 2 Bedrooms or Less
Letter walk: walk around the neighborhood looking for letters on signs, and then fold down tab on the plate. // This would make a great car activity or grocery store game
MU88 ❤️️ Nếu không vào được - Hãy vào MU88.TEL
The newspaper will prevent any grass and weed seeds from germinating, but unlike fabric, it will decompose after about 18 months. By that time, any grass and weed seeds that were present in the soil on planting will be dead. It’s green, it’s cheaper than fabric, and when you decide to remove or redesign the bed later on, you will not have the headache you would with fabric.
Reusable Lined Snack Baggies
Upcycle plastic grocery bags to make a stylish and re-usable plastic-lined snack baggie. Full tutorial.