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書籍英文Ames, R.T. (安樂哲)The Art of Rulership: A Study of Ancient Chinese Political Thought (主術:中國古代政治藝術之一環), State University of New York Press (1994年7月)0791420612
書籍英文Lau, D.C. (劉殿爵); Ames, R.T. (安樂哲)Yuan Dao: Tracing Dao to Its Source (Classics of Ancient China), Ballantine Books (1998年7月)0345425685
書籍英文Major, John S.Heaven and Earth in Early Han Thought: Chapters Three, Four and Five of the Huainanzi, State University of New York Press (1993年7月)0791415864
書籍英文Major, John S.; Queen, Sarah A.; Roth, Harold (羅浩)The Huainanzi: A Guide to the Theory and Practice of Government in Early Han China, Columbia University Press (2009年11月)0231142048
書籍英文Roth, Harold (羅浩)The Textual History of the Huai-Nan Tzu (Monographs of the Association for Asian Studies), Association for Asian Studies (1991年7月)0924304065
書籍英文Vankeerberghen, GrietThe Huainanzi and Liu An's Claim to Moral Authority, State University of New York Press (2001年11月)0791451488
篇章英文Major, John S.Substance, Process, Phase: Wuxing 五行 in the Huainanzi 在"Chinese Texts and Philosophical Contexts: Essays Dedicated to Angus C. Graham" 頁67-78