者 |
zhě ㄓㄜˇ (1.1): 代詞:用於動詞、形容詞等詞語之後,指人或事物。 Pronoun used after verbs, adjectives, etc. in place of a person or thing.
《·》: | 推也者,以其所不取之同於其所取者,予之也。 | "Extending" is taking what he has not chosen but is similar to what he has chosen, and presenting it to him. | 《·》: | 有子曰:「其為人也孝弟,而好犯上者,鮮矣。」 | The philosopher You said, "They are few who, being filial and fraternal, are fond of offending against their superiors." | 《·》: | 萬乘之國弒其君者,必千乘之家。 | In the kingdom of ten thousand chariots, the murderer of his sovereign shall be the chief of a family of a thousand chariots. | 《·》: | 此亦治天下者之過也。 | This is just the error committed by the governors of the world. | 《·》: | 黃帝二十五子,其得姓者十四人。 | Huangdi had twenty-five sons, of whom fourteen received surnames. | 《·》: | 遂命子貢為之主,曰:「為爾哭也來者,拜之。」 | Accordingly he ordered Zi-gong to act as presiding mourner on the occasion, saying to him, 'Bow to those who come because you have a wailing in your house.' |
zhě ㄓㄜˇ (1.2): 代詞:用於數字之後,指代事物。 Pronoun used after numbers in place of a thing.
《·》: | 子貢曰:「必不得已而去,於斯二者何先?」 | Zi Gong again asked, "If it cannot be helped, and one of the remaining two must be dispensed with, which of them should be foregone?" | 《·》: | 君請擇於斯二者。 | I ask you, prince, to make your election between these two courses. | 《·》: | 農、商、官三者,國之常官也 | Farming, trade and office are the three permanent functions in a state. | 《·》: | 凡斯二者,足以和矣。 |
zhě ㄓㄜˇ (1.3): 代詞:用於時間詞或否定詞之後,表示「...時候」或「...的話」。 Pronoun used after time or negation to express "when" or "if".
《·》: | 有若無,實若虛,犯而不校,昔者吾友嘗從事於斯矣。 | Having, as though he had not; full, and yet counting himself as empty; offended against, and yet entering into no altercation; formerly I had a friend who pursued this style of conduct. | 《·》: | 昔者齊景公問於晏子曰:『吾欲觀於轉附、朝儛,遵海而南,放于琅邪。』 | Formerly, the duke Jing of Qi asked the minister Yan, saying, "I wish to pay a visit of inspection to Zhuan Fu, and Chao Wu, and then to bend my course southward along the shore, till I come to Lang Xie." | 《·》: | 故昔者堯問於舜曰:「我欲伐宗、膾、胥敖,南面而不釋然。」 | Therefore of old Yao asked Shun, saying, 'I wish to smite (the rulers of) Zong, Kuai, and Xu-Ao. Even when standing in my court, I cannot get them out of my mind.' | 《·》: | 昔者文王舍伯邑考而立武王,微子舍其孫腯而立衍也。 | Anciently, king Wen passed over his eldest son Yi-kao, and appointed king Wu; and the count of Wei passed over his grandson Tu, and made Yan, his (own) younger brother, his successor. | 《·》: | 不念昔者、伊余來塈。 | You do not think of the former days, And are only angry with me. | 《·》: | 昔者之慮也,非今日之慮也。 |
zhě ㄓㄜˇ (2.1): 語氣詞:用於判斷句,放在主語之後,引出判斷。 Expressive particle used in a declarative sentence after the subject.
《·》: | 夫辯者,將以明是非之分,審治亂之紀,明同異之處,察名實之理,處利害,決嫌疑。 | "Distinguishing" will be used to make clear the distinction between so and not-so; investigate the rules of order and chaos; make clear the locations of similarity and difference; examine the patterns of name and stuff; locate benefit and harm, and resolve doubts. | 《·》: | 宰我問曰:「仁者,雖告之曰:『井有仁焉。』」 | Zai Wo asked, saying, "A benevolent man, though it be told him, 'There is a man in the well'" | 《·》: | 曰:「不為者與不能者之形何以異?」 | The king asked, 'How may the difference between the not doing a thing, and the not being able to do it, be represented?' | 《·》: | 黃帝者,少典之子,姓公孫,名曰軒轅。 | Huangdi (Yellow emperor) was the son of Shaodian. His surname was Gongsun, and his prename Xuanyuan. | 《·》: | 夫禮者所以定親疏,決嫌疑,別同異,明是非也。 | They are the rules of propriety, that furnish the means of determining (the observances towards) relatives, as near and remote; of settling points which may cause suspicion or doubt; of distinguishing where there should be agreement, and where difference; and of making clear what is right and what is wrong. | 《·》: | 曰:馬者,所以命形也。 | "Horse" is how the shape is named. |
zhě ㄓㄜˇ (2.2): 語氣詞:用於主語之後,引出原因、解釋等。 Expressive particle used in a sentence after the subject to express cause or explanation.
《》: | 人所以謂堯賢者,以其讓天下於許由,許由必不受也,則是堯有讓許由之名而實不失天下也。 | 《·》: | 人之謂堯賢者,以其讓天下於許由,許由不受,有讓天下之名而實不失天下。 | 《》: | 人謂堯賢者,以其讓天下於許由,由必不受,有讓天下之名,實不失天下。 |
zhuó ㄓㄨㄛˊ (3): 通「著」:居、處於。 In, located in.
《》: | 大國者下流,天下之交,天下之牝 | What makes a great state is its being (like) a low-lying, down- flowing (stream); - it becomes the centre to which tend (all the small states) under heaven. (To illustrate from) the case of all females: |