知 |
zhī ㄓ (1): 知道,懂得。 Know, understand.
《·》: | 知,聞、說、親,名、實、合、為。 | Zhi (know). By hearsay, by explanation, by personal experience. The name, the object, how to relate, how to act. | 《·》: | 知之為知之,不知為不知,是知也。 | When you know a thing, to hold that you know it; and when you do not know a thing, to allow that you do not know it - this is knowledge. | 《·》: | 梁惠王曰:「晉國,天下莫強焉,叟之所知也。」 | King Hui of Liang said, 'There was not in the nation a stronger State than Jin, as you, venerable Sir, know.' | 《·》: | 齧缺問乎王倪曰:「子知物之所同是乎?」 | Nie Que asked Wang Ni, saying, 'Do you know, Sir, what all creatures agree in approving and affirming?' | 《》: | 天下皆知美之為美,斯惡已。 | All in the world know the beauty of the beautiful, and in doing this they have (the idea of) what ugliness is. | 《·》: | 是曰既醉、不知其秩。 | Thus when they have too mcuh, They lose all sense of orderliness. |
zhī ㄓ (2): 知覺。 Perception.
《·》: | 水火有氣而無生,草木有生而無知,禽獸有知而無義,人有氣、有生、有知,亦且有義,故最為天下貴也。 |
zhī ㄓ (3.1): 認識。 Recognize.
zhī ㄓ (3.2): 知識。 Knowledge.
《·》: | 誨女知之乎? | Shall I teach you what knowledge is? | 《》: | 常使民無知無欲。 | He constantly (tries to) keep them without knowledge and without desire. | 《·》: | 兩小兒笑曰:「孰為汝多知乎?」 |
zhī ㄓ (4): 了解。 Know about, make sense of.
《·》: | 人不知而不慍,不亦君子乎? | Is he not a man of complete virtue, who feels no discomposure though men may take no note of him? | 《·》: | 君子聞之,曰:「宋宣公可謂知人矣,立其弟以成義,然卒其子復享之。」 | 《》: | 曰,先君舍與夷而立寡人,寡人弗敢忘,若以大夫之靈,得保首領以沒,先君若問與夷,其將何辭以對,請子奉之,以主社稷,寡人雖死,亦無悔焉,對曰,群臣願奉馮也,公曰,不可,先君以寡人為賢,使主社稷,若棄德不讓,是廢先君之舉也,豈曰能賢,光昭先君之令德,可不務乎,吾子其無廢先君之功,使公子馮出居於鄭,八月,庚辰,宋穆公卒,殤公即位,君子曰,宋宣公可謂知人矣,立穆公,其子饗之,命以義夫,商頌曰,殷受命咸宜,百祿是荷,其是之謂乎。 |
zhī ㄓ (5): 相知,交好。 Be friendly with.
zhī ㄓ (6): 主持,掌管。 Control, get on top of.
《·》: | 申侯伯如鄭,阿鄭君之心,先為其所欲,三年而知鄭國之政也,五月而鄭人殺之。 |
zhì ㄓˋ (7): 智慧。後作「智」。 Wisdom.
《·》: | 其仁如天,其知如神。 | His benevolence was like that of heaven, and his wisdom that of a god. | 《·》: | 其仁如天,其知如神。 |