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南齊書[查看正文] [修改] [查看歷史]ctext:442574
The Book of Qi (Qí Shū) or Book of Southern Qi (Nán Qí Shū) is a history of the Chinese dynasty Southern Qi covering the period from 479 to 502, and is one of the Twenty-Four Histories of Chinese history. It was written by Xiao Zixian during the succeeding Liang Dynasty. This book was the only one of the Twenty-Four Histories to be authored by a member of the chronicled dynasty's ruling house – Xiao Zixian was a grandson of Emperor Gao, founder of Southern Qi,
When first submitted to Emperor Wu of Liang, the book was known simply as the Book of Qi. After the Book of Northern Qi (the history of the later Northern Qi dynasty) was written, this book became known as the Book of Southern Qi so that the two could be distinguished. The book contained 60 volumes when written, but one preface was later lost.
文獻資料 | 引用次數 |
文昌雜錄 | 1 |
御定佩文齋書畫譜 | 1 |
原抄本日知錄 | 1 |
日本訪書志補 | 1 |
四庫全書總目提要 | 2 |
文獻通考 | 1 |
宋史 | 1 |
四庫全書簡明目錄 | 1 |
海國圖志 | 3 |
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