Western Europe Social Network Users Forecast 2024

Platform Mix Gains Importance Amid Faltering User Growth

About This Report
Social network user growth is stalling in Western Europe. Marketers should look toward changing platform dynamics, particularly among generational cohorts, to best manage their social media strategies.

Social network user numbers are peaking in Western Europe. With little room for overall growth, the biggest changes are happening within and across platforms, with incumbents coming under pressure from networks that younger consumers prefer.

Key Question: Which platforms attract the largest share of social network users in Western Europe?

Key Stat: Facebook still dominates, but its proportional share of social network users is declining. TikTok is gaining the fastest and will account for nearly two-fifths of social network users this year.

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Bill Fisher


Oscar Bruce Jr.
Senior Forecasting Analyst
Jasmine Enberg
Principal Analyst
Wendy Louie-Lam
Senior Forecasting Analyst