Commons:Picture of the Year/2023/R1/votes/Batad houses.jpg
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- Rubýñ
- Jianhui67
- Liridon
- XRay
- Toyotsu
- Ethmostigmus
- Rəcəb Yaxşı
- Meraklı bir zat
- Youngtomlin
- MikyM
- Aldatanlar
- Karel Štípek
- Stephan Sprinz
- Frettie
- Ranjithsiji
- Betseg
- Buli
- Abductive
- Mantelmoewe
- Qwerty Qwertik
- روتانا
- Dsgn
- Hadithfajri
- Teseo
- Zinneke
- Manymanydogs
- Nouill
- M&A
- Bernhard Zelazny
- Captain Galaxy
- GcSwRhIc
- Pescan
- W.carter
- Qwerty123M
- Tobost06
- NiloyBCPSC
- Unochepassava94
- LucasBrown
- Luna Moonshine
- Ab930
- सौम्य
- TheBooker66
- 5225C
- Apisite
- BD2412
- Semmendinger
- Rachmat04
- Oaktree b
- MrPanyGoff
- Heyitsvad
- Trizek
- Nt
- Fontema
- AuricArgent
- P.gibellini
- Spinarak
- Mosbatho
- Hautala
- Extended Cut
- Fish nr
- B722N
- Palaube
- TheWikiToby
- Otto Von Heim
- Léna
- Littenberg
- NewishIdeas
- TFerenczy
- Pusf.smbd
- JrawX
- JayleyMq
- Dolotta
- Sofiandjskmd
- Ourson5204
- Pmk58
- Aram
- Le ciel est par dessus le toit
- Modern primat
- Salilus
- Ventolinmono
- MrBenjo
- Quedel
- Gustamons