Category:Cookbooks in the Library of Congress
Media in category "Cookbooks in the Library of Congress"
The following 200 files are in this category, out of 532 total.
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100 money-saving cottage cheese recipes, including 33 prize winners (IA 100moneysavingco00grid).pdf 945 × 2,225, 32 pages; 2.23 MB
100 thrift recipes that use little wheat, meat, fat and sugar. (IA 100thriftrecipes00unse).pdf 1,418 × 2,220, 24 pages; 1.82 MB
175 choice recipes mainly furnished by members of the Chicago women's club (IA 175choicerecipes00chic).pdf 702 × 943, 88 pages; 3.72 MB
The 20th century guide for mixing fancy drinks .. (IA 20thcenturyguide00malo).pdf 658 × 1,018, 72 pages; 3.01 MB
300 ways to cook and serve shell fish .. (IA 300waystocookser00hall).pdf 845 × 1,360, 122 pages; 5.86 MB
The 3-6-5 cook book, for use 365 days in the year (IA 365cookbookforus00pech).pdf 795 × 1,156, 362 pages; 16.08 MB
365 desserts; a dessert for every day in the year (IA 365dessertsdesse00nels).pdf 506 × 852, 200 pages; 5.97 MB
"76." A cook book (IA 76cookbook00desm).pdf 689 × 1,177, 308 pages; 13.3 MB
The A B C of cooking (IA abcofcooking00coit).pdf 579 × 897, 48 pages; 1.29 MB
The ABC of winter foods (IA abcofwinterfoods00goud).pdf 883 × 1,354, 24 pages; 800 KB
The Alex. Campbell prize milk cook book (IA alexcampbellpriz00harr).pdf 750 × 1,291, 120 pages; 6.64 MB
The alumnæ cookbook. Well-tested recipes for table dainties (IA alumncookbookw00ster).pdf 693 × 939, 88 pages; 3 MB
The American home cook book, a volume of tested recipes (IA americanhomecook00deni).pdf 704 × 1,068, 584 pages; 21.07 MB
"Aunt Babette's" home confectionery (IA auntbabetteshome00kram).pdf 652 × 1,070, 48 pages; 1.7 MB
Bakers' secrets (IA bakerssecrets00rums).pdf 535 × 883, 40 pages; 1.48 MB
The Baptist cook book (IA baptistcookbook00alba).pdf 756 × 1,175, 186 pages; 7.33 MB
The Battle Creek cook book; a collection of well tested recipes (IA battlecreekcookb00batt).pdf 693 × 997, 207 pages; 9.48 MB
Baxter's practical up-to-date receipt book for bakers; (IA baxterspractica00baxt).pdf 593 × 822, 138 pages; 4.58 MB
Baxter's practical up-to-date receipt book for bakers; (IA baxterspractical00baxt).pdf 689 × 962, 134 pages; 4.42 MB
Beadle's dime cook book (IA beadlesdimecookb00vict).pdf 912 × 1,491, 100 pages; 5.32 MB
Best receipts; containing thoroughly tested and reliable receipts for cooking (IA bestreceiptscont00powe).pdf 795 × 1,297, 144 pages; 7.65 MB
The Bethany union cook book; comp (IA bethanyunioncook00chic).pdf 743 × 1,147, 232 pages; 8.66 MB
Bettina's best desserts, (IA bettinasbestdess00weav).pdf 1,197 × 1,812, 216 pages; 11.36 MB
Biscuit and cakes (IA biscuitcakes00reli).pdf 837 × 1,345, 68 pages; 4.69 MB
Blue hen's chickens' cook book; (IA bluehenschickens00milf).pdf 850 × 1,306, 116 pages; 4.44 MB
The book of ices.. (IA bookofices00will).pdf 481 × 741, 110 pages; 4.67 MB
The book of potato cookery (IA bookofpotatocook00wade).pdf 741 × 981, 108 pages; 5.86 MB
Book of recipes (IA bookofrecipes00detr).pdf 862 × 1,331, 204 pages; 9.86 MB
A book of recipes for the cooking school (IA bookofrecipesfo00lyfo).pdf 731 × 1,129, 332 pages; 13.76 MB
Book of recipes for Acme automatic fireless cooker .. (IA bookofrecipesfor00shee).pdf 1,327 × 2,064, 96 pages; 7.05 MB
Book of recipes for the Domestic science department of the Altoona high school .. (IA bookofrecipesfor00wert).pdf 854 × 1,312, 92 pages; 3.73 MB
Book of tested recipes for candy makers .. (IA bookoftestedreci00alam).pdf 972 × 1,635, 30 pages; 1.05 MB
A book of tried recipes (IA bookoftriedrecip00chic).pdf 766 × 1,039, 72 pages; 3.71 MB
The book of useful receipts, and manufacturer's guide (IA bookofusefulrece00john).pdf 827 × 1,333, 84 pages; 6.89 MB
Boston receipts (IA bostonreceipts00fayc).pdf 606 × 1,029, 72 pages; 2.49 MB
Bread and bread-making; (IA breadbreadmaking00rore).pdf 527 × 1,016, 100 pages; 3.6 MB
Bread and cake baking- (IA breadcakebaking00haup).pdf 502 × 825, 82 pages; 3.53 MB
Bread-making (IA breadmaking00dwig).pdf 664 × 989, 84 pages; 2.75 MB
Bread making and bread baking (IA breadmakingbread00brot).pdf 831 × 1,245, 136 pages; 5.76 MB
Breakfast, dessert, and supper (IA breakfastdessert00knig).pdf 741 × 1,208, 104 pages; 4.57 MB
Breakfast, dinner and supper; or, What to eat and how to prepare it .. (IA breakfastdinners00cook).pdf 779 × 1,112, 650 pages; 35.6 MB
Breakfast, dinner and supper. How to cook and how to serve them .. (IA breakfastdinners00harl).pdf 931 × 1,306, 364 pages; 21.93 MB
Breakfasts and teas ; novel suggestions for social occasions (IA breakfaststeasno01pier).pdf 620 × 914, 104 pages; 3.88 MB
The bride's cook book .. (IA bridescookbook00brig).pdf 791 × 1,262, 182 pages; 12.25 MB
The bride's cook book; (IA bridescookbook00dave).pdf 897 × 1,264, 286 pages; 11.57 MB
Brighton blade cook book, adapted to use in high altitudes (IA brightonbladecoo00unse).pdf 729 × 1,070, 102 pages; 5.66 MB
Brill's family recipe book (IA brillsfamilyreci00bril).pdf 647 × 1,056, 102 pages; 5.13 MB
The Brockton hospital cook book .. (IA brocktonhospital00broc).pdf 760 × 1,156, 248 pages; 9.46 MB
The Buckeye cook book (IA buckeyecookbook00wilc).pdf 783 × 1,262, 1,302 pages; 90.05 MB
Cake receipts (IA cakereceipts00broo).pdf 608 × 975, 36 pages; 1.12 MB
Cakes for bakers (IA cakesforbaker00rich).pdf 660 × 1,075, 360 pages; 18.2 MB
Cakes for bakers (IA cakesforbakers00rich).pdf 900 × 1,370, 304 pages; 18.88 MB
A calendar of dinners, with 615 recipes (IA calendarofdinner00neil).pdf 879 × 1,416, 240 pages; 15.09 MB
A California cook book, comp (IA californiacookbo00will).pdf 785 × 1,587, 60 pages; 2.4 MB
California Mexican-Spanish cook book; selected Mexican and Spanish recipes (IA californiamexica00ging).pdf 916 × 1,431, 136 pages; 4.93 MB
Candlelight tea; a book of recipes (IA candlelightteabo00dunl).pdf 806 × 1,139, 60 pages; 1.35 MB
Candy-making at home (IA candymakingathom00wrig).pdf 779 × 1,050, 198 pages; 6.29 MB
Candy-making revolutionized; (IA candymakingrevol00hall).pdf 652 × 1,066, 200 pages; 6.77 MB
Canned peas and their uses; (IA cannedpeastheiru00woll).pdf 772 × 1,062, 36 pages; 2.29 MB
Canned salmon- cheaper than meats, and why. Including fifty tested recipes (IA cannedsalmonchea00unit).pdf 1,341 × 2,272, 14 pages; 1.04 MB
Canned salmon- pink and chun (IA cannedsalmonpink00unit).pdf 1,031 × 1,725, 12 pages; 890 KB
Canned salmon recipes by Alaska packers association .. (IA cannedsalmonreci00alas).pdf 768 × 1,041, 72 pages; 4.16 MB
Catherine Owen's new cook book .. (IA catherineowensne00nits).pdf 950 × 1,435, 266 pages; 17.41 MB
Catherine Owen's new cook book (IA catherineowensne01owen).pdf 862 × 1,472, 264 pages; 13.46 MB
The centennial cook book and general guide (IA centennialcookbo00meye).pdf 606 × 1,031, 424 pages; 20.54 MB
Centennial cookery book (IA centennialcooker00buel).pdf 804 × 1,283, 220 pages; 9.41 MB
Central Congregational church cook book; (IA centralcongregat00cent).pdf 781 × 1,279, 160 pages; 7.49 MB
The century cook book, a collection of carefully tested household recipes (IA centurycookbookc00hans).pdf 637 × 1,027, 400 pages; 16.43 MB
The century cook book and home physician (IA centurycookbookh00hans).pdf 762 × 1,122, 406 pages; 17.32 MB
Chafing-dish dainties (IA chafingdishdaint00hows).pdf 887 × 1,087, 130 pages; 5.45 MB
Chafing dish possibilities (IA chafingdishpossi00farm 0).pdf 906 × 1,375, 174 pages; 7.96 MB
Chafing-dish recipes (IA chafingdishrecip00lemc).pdf 785 × 1,195, 106 pages; 4.43 MB
The chafing-dish supper (IA chafingdishsuppe00herr).pdf 620 × 987, 128 pages; 4.85 MB
The Chicago herald cooking school (IA chicagoheraldcoo00whit).pdf 712 × 1,093, 150 pages; 8.47 MB
The Chicago Record cook book (IA chicagorecordcoo00ches).pdf 929 × 1,387, 618 pages; 36.75 MB
The Chinese cook book (IA chinesecookbook00chan).pdf 658 × 1,037, 234 pages; 8.32 MB
Chinese cook book (IA chinesecookbook00gals).pdf 741 × 1,227, 16 pages; 732 KB
Choice receipts (IA choicereceipts00wood).pdf 695 × 962, 222 pages; 7.95 MB
Choice receipts selected and ed (IA choicereceiptsse00alba).pdf 704 × 983, 125 pages; 3.72 MB
Choice recipes (IA choicerecipes00parl).pdf 620 × 954, 34 pages; 1.37 MB
Choice recipes (IA choicerecipes00sanf).pdf 777 × 1,227, 68 pages; 2.76 MB
The church cook book; (IA churchcookbook00balt).pdf 752 × 1,089, 188 pages; 8.74 MB
Colorado cook book (IA coloradocookbook00denv).pdf 664 × 925, 44 pages; 2.26 MB
The complete bartender (IA completebartende00barn).pdf 654 × 1,191, 76 pages; 3.92 MB
Conversation menus and recipes (IA conversationmenu00bart).pdf 762 × 1,308, 40 pages; 1.88 MB
Cook book (IA cookbook00warr).pdf 852 × 1,337, 124 pages; 6.28 MB
Cook book 365, no. 2 (IA cookbook365no200pech).pdf 877 × 1,345, 380 pages; 18.1 MB
Cook book consisting of 450 recipes (IA cookbookconsisti00woma).pdf 889 × 1,341, 114 pages; 6.29 MB
A cook book for the poor, the rich, the sick, the well; (IA cookbookforpoorr00wilk).pdf 633 × 1,012, 336 pages; 10.99 MB
Cook book of the Northwest (IA cookbookofnorthw00keok 0).pdf 766 × 1,177, 198 pages; 11.2 MB
Cook book of tested receipes (IA cookbookoftested00cary).pdf 1,068 × 1,500, 42 pages; 3.83 MB
The Cook County cook book; (IA cookcountycookb00asso).pdf 816 × 1,235, 584 pages; 56.06 MB
The cook and the cupboard (IA cookcupboard00phil).pdf 789 × 1,204, 192 pages; 5.95 MB
Cookery 1 experiments and recipes (IA cookery1experime00simm).pdf 839 × 1,339, 44 pages; 1.98 MB
Cookery for beginners - a series of familiar lessons for young housekeepers (IA cookeryforbeginn00harl).pdf 1,016 × 1,593, 174 pages; 6.93 MB
Cookery for little girls (IA cookeryforlittle00fost).pdf 668 × 1,093, 178 pages; 7.97 MB
Cookery with a chafing dish (IA cookerywithchafi01murr).pdf 556 × 868, 56 pages; 1.72 MB
Cooking .. (IA cooking00fric).pdf 860 × 1,320, 284 pages; 15.64 MB
Cooking course .. (IA cookingcourse00cook).pdf 806 × 1,275, 44 pages; 1.21 MB
Cooking hints and helps to reduce the cost of living (IA cookinghintshelp00brad).pdf 810 × 1,177, 76 pages; 2.16 MB
Cooking in old Créole days. La cuisine créole à l'usage des petits ménages (IA cookinginoldcr00eust).pdf 760 × 1,158, 172 pages; 5.76 MB
The cooking manual of practical directions for economical every-day cookery (IA cookingmanualofp00cors).pdf 579 × 877, 152 pages; 5.58 MB
The cooking manual of practical directions for economical every-day cookery (IA cookingmanualofp00cors 0).pdf 612 × 991, 176 pages; 10.68 MB
Cooking school recipes (IA cookingschoolrec00barn).pdf 829 × 1,204, 120 pages; 5.33 MB
Cooking and serving en casserole and things we relish (IA cookingservingen00hill).pdf 835 × 1,187, 56 pages; 4.46 MB
The cook's economical book (IA cookseconomicalb00davi).pdf 856 × 1,339, 112 pages; 5.02 MB
The cook's friend (IA cooksfriend00cosm).pdf 900 × 1,252, 170 pages; 11.81 MB
Cooks in clover - reliable recipes (IA cooksincloverrel00ladi).pdf 939 × 637, 176 pages; 4.87 MB
The corn cook book (IA corncookboo00hill).pdf 710 × 1,106, 136 pages; 8.52 MB
The corn cook book; (IA corncookbook00hill).pdf 735 × 977, 72 pages; 3.07 MB
Corn meal for breakfast, dinner, supper (IA cornmealforbreak00murp).pdf 683 × 1,083, 46 pages; 1.68 MB
Culinary echoes from Dixie (IA culinaryechoesfr00vaug).pdf 943 × 1,483, 296 pages; 15.25 MB
Culinary gems (IA culinarygems00squi).pdf 714 × 1,141, 168 pages; 8.65 MB
The culinary handbook (IA culinaryhandbook00fell).pdf 900 × 1,322, 204 pages; 14.1 MB
Culinary wrinkles; practical recipes for using Armour's extract of beef (IA culinarywrinkles00palm).pdf 685 × 1,120, 58 pages; 2.59 MB
Dainties (IA dainties01rore).pdf 645 × 1,066, 144 pages; 5.4 MB
Dainty and artistic desserts; (IA daintyartisticde00jose).pdf 691 × 1,041, 48 pages; 2.66 MB
A dainty cook book (IA daintycookbook00olip).pdf 737 × 1,164, 186 pages; 3.33 MB
Dainty desserts - a large collection of recipes for delicious sweets and dainties (IA daintydessertsla00wrig).pdf 629 × 956, 216 pages; 7.82 MB
Dainty dishes (IA daintydishes00mn).pdf 687 × 1,095, 366 pages; 16.52 MB
Dainty dishes from foreign lands (IA daintydishesfrom00rice).pdf 1,025 × 1,700, 72 pages; 2.95 MB
Date cook book; international festival of dates (IA datecookbookinte00metz).pdf 925 × 1,250, 100 pages; 6.33 MB
Delicious dishes (IA deliciousdishes00hill).pdf 733 × 1,025, 90 pages; 5.61 MB
Deutsch-amerikanisches koch-büchlein (IA deutschamerikani00schr).pdf 920 × 1,410, 52 pages; 2.62 MB
The Dewey cook book (IA deweycookbook00youn).pdf 850 × 1,197, 168 pages; 8.63 MB
Domácí kucharka Cesko-americká.. (IA domckucharkacesk00rosi).pdf 745 × 1,141, 296 pages; 17.67 MB
The Eastern star cook book .. (IA easternstarcookb00unse).pdf 822 × 1,206, 108 pages; 9.68 MB
Economical diet and cookery in time of emergency (IA economicaldietco00rose).pdf 835 × 1,262, 18 pages; 833 KB
Economical use of meat in the home (IA economicaluseofm00lang).pdf 820 × 1,266, 36 pages; 2.61 MB
Economical war-time cook book (IA economicalwartim00hill).pdf 785 × 1,266, 72 pages; 3.26 MB
Eggless recipe book for cakes, cookies, muffins, and desserts (IA egglessrecipeboo00thom).pdf 677 × 1,120, 28 pages; 1.42 MB
Encyclopedia of cookery;1001 recipes, menus & rules for modern, scientific and economic cookery (Vol. 1) (IA encyclopediaofco01chri).pdf 1,116 × 1,791, 290 pages; 12.67 MB
Encyclopedia of cookery;1001 recipes, menus & rules for modern, scientific and economic cookery (Vol. 2) (IA encyclopediaofco02chri).pdf 1,100 × 1,800, 264 pages; 10.89 MB
Encyclopedia of cookery; 1001 recipes, menus & rules for modern, scientific and economic cookery (Vol. 3) (IA encyclopediaofco03chri).pdf 1,120 × 1,758, 302 pages; 13.19 MB
Everyday luncheons (IA everydayluncheon00gree).pdf 579 × 975, 348 pages; 10.38 MB
Everything for the table (IA everythingfortab00wood).pdf 614 × 1,045, 76 pages; 2.06 MB
Everywoman's cook book, recipes and food combinations for the household (IA everywomanscookb00well).pdf 868 × 1,366, 52 pages; 2.25 MB
Every woman's home cook book; (IA everywomanshomec00pars).pdf 906 × 1,427, 232 pages; 14.58 MB
Family receipt book (IA familyreceiptboo00hami).pdf 652 × 1,035, 42 pages; 3.01 MB
Family receipts (IA familyreceipts00witt).pdf 712 × 1,202, 24 pages; 1.48 MB
Fancy salads of the big hotels. Copyright (IA fancysaladsofbig00kegl).pdf 739 × 1,202, 88 pages; 5.13 MB
Fifteen new ways for oysters (IA fifteennewwaysfo00rore).pdf 522 × 785, 36 pages; 701 KB
Fifty soups (IA fiftysoups00murr).pdf 547 × 893, 60 pages; 1.62 MB
Foods and cookery and the care of the house; (IA foodscookerycare00matt).pdf 681 × 1,079, 216 pages; 10.8 MB
French dishes for American tables (IA frenchdishesfora00caro).pdf 629 × 1,006, 252 pages; 7.68 MB
The Golden rule cook book (IA goldenrulecookbo00alle).pdf 856 × 1,270, 136 pages; 7.16 MB
Good drinks made of milk, kickless but full of punch (IA gooddrinksmadeof00unit).pdf 677 × 1,027, 8 pages; 391 KB
The Good housepeeking womans' home cook book (IA goodhousepeeking00curt).pdf 618 × 1,370, 360 pages; 14.9 MB
Good-living; a practical cookery-book for town and country (IA goodlivingpracti00vanb).pdf 625 × 962, 620 pages; 23.43 MB
Good things; ethical recipes for feast days and other days, with graces for all the days (IA goodthingsethica00good).pdf 827 × 1,147, 72 pages; 4.61 MB
The greater Omaha cook book (IA greateromahacook00omah).pdf 931 × 1,352, 290 pages; 24.85 MB
High living; recipes from southern climes (IA highlivingrecipe01mcla).pdf 954 × 1,208, 88 pages; 3.84 MB
High living; recipes from southern climes (IA highlivingrecipe02mcla).pdf 862 × 1,154, 78 pages; 4.05 MB
Holmes company's cook book .. (IA holmescompanysco00sidl).pdf 781 × 1,093, 56 pages; 3.57 MB
Home canning recipes & instructions .. (IA homecanningrecip00butl).pdf 841 × 1,322, 20 pages; 1.11 MB
The home confectioner (IA homeconfectioner00deut).pdf 664 × 1,058, 28 pages; 1.11 MB
The home cook book; (IA homecookbook00newy).pdf 712 × 1,116, 454 pages; 19.43 MB
The home cook book; tried and true recipes (IA homecookbooktrie00unse).pdf 1,214 × 2,004, 374 pages; 18.24 MB
Home cookery (IA homecookery00hows).pdf 791 × 1,272, 144 pages; 5.31 MB
Hood's book of home-made candies .. (IA hoodsbookofhomem00hood).pdf 693 × 1,147, 22 pages; 2.86 MB
Hood's cook book (IA hoodscookbook00ciho).pdf 591 × 860, 80 pages; 3.35 MB
Hood's cook book (IA hoodscookbook01ciho).pdf 585 × 912, 78 pages; 3.63 MB
Hood's cook book number two (IA hoodscookbooknum00ciho).pdf 595 × 945, 24 pages; 1.51 MB
Books from the Library of Congress (IA hoodscookbooknum01ciho).pdf 627 × 1,012, 36 pages; 3.01 MB
Hood's cook book number two (IA hoodscookbooknum02ciho).pdf 625 × 989, 40 pages; 2.85 MB
The hotel book of soups and entrees (IA hotelbookofsoups00whit).pdf 852 × 1,456, 52 pages; 4.25 MB
Hotel meat cooking (IA hotelmeatcooking00whit).pdf 1,133 × 1,585, 204 pages; 11.86 MB
Household recipes (IA householdrecipes00sond).pdf 1,095 × 1,789, 222 pages; 12.45 MB
The housekeeper's friend- a practical cook-book (IA housekeepersfrie00buck).pdf 677 × 1,210, 178 pages; 8.98 MB
The housekeeper's manual of cookery and shopping guide, (IA housekeepersmanu00lain).pdf 925 × 1,379, 108 pages; 4.99 MB
The housekeeper's new cook book (IA housekeepersnewc00kirk).pdf 1,091 × 1,802, 272 pages; 14.32 MB
How to cook (IA howtocook00newy).pdf 550 × 933, 68 pages; 3.79 MB
How to cook fish. Recipes for preparing sea and fresh water fish for the table (IA howtocookfishrec00vere).pdf 585 × 818, 76 pages; 2.74 MB
How to cook for the sick and convalescent, arranged for the physician, trained nurse, and home use (IA howtocookfor00sach).pdf 810 × 1,191, 346 pages; 23.08 MB
How to cook- and how to carve (IA howtocookhowtoca00newy).pdf 637 × 1,064, 140 pages; 9.29 MB
How to cook it (IA howtocookit00barr).pdf 772 × 1,243, 126 pages; 4.96 MB
How to cook shell-fish (IA howtocookshellfi00gree).pdf 635 × 1,010, 366 pages; 16.75 MB
How to cook vegetables (IA howtocookvegetab00gree).pdf 585 × 987, 666 pages; 20.72 MB
How to cook vegetables (IA howtocookvegetab00rore).pdf 883 × 1,354, 208 pages; 9.3 MB
How to mix drinks. Bar keepers' handbook (IA howtomixdrinksba00wint).pdf 697 × 1,189, 70 pages; 3.51 MB
How to use a chafing dish, by Mrs. S. T. Rorer (IA howtousechafingd00rore).pdf 677 × 1,083, 128 pages; 4.71 MB
The Hygeia cook book; cooking for health (IA hygeiacookbookco00hear).pdf 760 × 1,062, 56 pages; 2.52 MB
The hygeian home cook-book; or, Healthful and palatable food without condiments (IA hygeianhomecookb00tral).pdf 681 × 1,112, 92 pages; 4.29 MB
Ice cream. Practical recipes for making ice cream (IA icecreampractica00mill).pdf 518 × 956, 16 pages; 480 KB
Ice creams, water ices, frozen puddings, together with refreshments for all social affairs (IA icecreamswateric00rore).pdf 635 × 1,066, 184 pages; 7.5 MB
The ideal cook book (IA idealcookbook00greg).pdf 995 × 1,331, 618 pages; 38.63 MB
The ideal cook book (IA idealcookbook00ormi).pdf 889 × 1,247, 208 pages; 7.34 MB
The ideal cook book (IA idealcookbook00ware).pdf 1,029 × 1,470, 244 pages; 15.89 MB