Mixed versions of homogeneous variants catalogued on the parent page. Line colors used are
Colour | RGB hex triplet |
open lines | #BE2D2C |
#003399 | |
closed lines | #D77F7E |
#6281C0 |
editThe neither through nor across section, depends on ordering of l
and r
to differentiate ambiguous cases.
An alternative approach to disambiguation is provided in subsection reversed layering.
Reversed layering
editThe e
status prefix is replaced in favor of suffix variations in 'x'.
Tunnel segment
editOne line only
editReversed layering
editTunnel segment
editOne line only
editCrossover components
KRW (from the Dutch kruiswissel; literally cross exchange) icons are for crossing between parallel lines, and should not be confused with ABZ icons used for branching off from a line.