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Iliana Ivanova

COMMISSIONER (2023-2024)  

  • Iliana Ivanova
    Innovation, Research, Culture, Education and Youth

    Address: Rue de la Loi / Wetstraat 200, 1049 Brussels, Belgium

    Press contact


  • Ensuring efficient implementation on the Horizon Europe programme.
  • Ensuring sufficient investment flows for disruptive research and breakthrough innovations, including through the European Innovation Council.
  • Continuing to build a true European Research Area in cooperation with Member States.
  • Ensuring that research, policy and economic priorities go hand in hand.
  • Implementing the Erasmus+ programme.
  • Leading the Commission’s work on a European Education Area to become a reality by 2025.
  • Promoting excellence and networking among European universities and implementing fully the European University Initiative.
  • Implementing the Digital Education Action Plan and increasing awareness from an early age of disinformation and other online threats
  • Maximise the potential of the exchange programmes to foster international cooperation in education, research and innovation.
  • Ensuring the full implementation of the New European Agenda for Culture, strengthening Europe’s commitment to preserving and protecting the cultural heritage.
  • Promoting creative industries as a catalyst for innovation, jobs and growth and maximise the potential of an ambitious Creative Europe Programme.
  • Promoting sport as a tool for inclusion and well-being, continuing to expand the #BeInclusive EU Sports Awards and the European Week of Sport.
  • Fostering cultural cooperation as a part of the Union’s partnerships with countries around the world.

Mission letter

  • 4 JULY 2023
President von der Leyen's mission letter to Iliana Ivanova
  • български
    (1.65 MB - PDF)


Iliana Ivanova's team supports her in her daily work

My team

Media Gallery


Commissioner Ivanova participates in the European Cultural Heritage Summit 2024 by Europa Nostra and delivers an opening speech at the European Heritage Awards Ceremony 2024
  • Bucharest, Romania
  • Iliana Ivanova


As part of the Commission’s commitment to transparency, Commissioners and their members of Cabinet publish information on meetings held with organisations or self-employed individuals.

In line with the Commission's Code of Conduct for Members of the Commission, each Commissioner publishes a Declaration of Interests.

signed, authentic version will be published at the bottom of this page.

machine-readable version of all Declarations is also published. This is in line with the requirements of the Code of Conduct.

The Declarations of Interests follow the requirements set out in Article 3 and in Annex 1 of the new Code of Conduct for Commissioners.


  1. 2023 – present
    European Commissioner for Innovation, Research, Culture, Education and Youth
  2. 2013 – 2023
    Member of the European Court of Auditors
  3. 2009 – 2012
    Member of the European Parliament
  4. 2007 – 2009
    Member of Sofia City Council
  5. 2004 – 2006
    Investment and business analyst in various financial and banking institutions in the US
  6. 1999 – 2002
    Coordinator for international financial institutions for the Ministry of Agriculture and Food
  • 1 SEPTEMBER 2023
Iliana Ivanova's biography

Declaration of interests

  • 14 FEBRUARY 2024
Declaration of interests - Iliana Ivanova