dYdX (Native) cena 


3.34% (1 d.)

DYDX is the L1 token for the dYdX Chain. DYDX can be staked to secure the chain. As a reward for securing the network, 100% of protocol fees are distributed to Stakers, predominantly in USDC. DYDX can be utilized to participate in governance on the dYdX Chain, a fully decentralized, community governed platform. ethDYDX, a governance token for the dYdX v3 protocol, is undergoing a migration to dYdX Chain DYDX. If you have ethDYDX and want to bridge your tokens to the dYdX Chain to unlock expanded DYDX functionalities, read this how-to-bridge guide. For a detailed overview of the functionalities of dYdX Chain DYDX, read the dYdX Foundation’s Token Mechanics blog.

Graf dYdX (Native) k EUR

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Pridať do zoznamu sledovaných
DYdX (Native) štatistík
Trhová kapitalizácia


Objem (24 h)


Objem / trhová kapitalizácia (24h)
Obehová ponuka
605,962,307 DYDX
Celková ponuka
770,455,822 DYDX
Maximálna ponuka
Úplne zriedená trhová kapitalizácia (FDMC)
Konverzia DYDX na EUR
Cenová výkonnosť
24 h 
Historické maximum
Mar 07, 2024 (4 months ago)
Historické minimum
Jul 05, 2024 (14 days ago)
Zobraziť historické údaje
V zoznamoch sledovania33,047x
1029th / 10.0K
Vlastníte tento projekt? Aktualizácia informácií o tokene

DYDX is the L1 token for the dYdX Chain. DYDX can be staked to secure the chain. As a reward for securing the network, 100% of protocol fees are distributed to Stakers, predominantly in USDC. DYDX can be utilized to participate in governance on the dYdX Chain, a fully decentralized, community governed platform. ethDYDX, a governance token for the dYdX v3 protocol, is undergoing a migration to dYdX Chain DYDX. If you have ethDYDX and want to bridge your tokens to the dYdX Chain to unlock expanded DYDX functionalities, read this how-to-bridge guide. For a detailed overview of the functionalities of dYdX Chain DYDX, read the dYdX Foundation’s Token Mechanics blog.

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dYdX (Native) community


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dYdX (Native) noviniek


dYdX (Native) Token Unlocks 

Updated at Jul 17, 2024 02:42:31 AM

Informácie o dYdX (Native)