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H2 2024
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Babylon घोषणाएं

Babylon कम्युनिटी
2 घंटे पहले।

🔸Bitcoin is back baby

Dive into discussions at Bitcoin Renaissance with some of the top minds in crypto on the evolving role of Bitcoin within broader blockchain ecosystems.


Jullian Duran, Leading Product at Marathon, leads innovative projects to enhance the utility and adoption of Bitcoin in various industries. His efforts are pivotal in refining the product offerings that align with evolving market needs and the broader ecosystem.

@btc_albert , founder and CEO of the @btcstartuplab , drives innovation by supporting startups dedicated to leveraging Bitcoin and AI.

His program helps entrepreneurs quickly move from ideation to becoming investment-ready, emphasizing rapid development and scaling within the Bitcoin ecosystem.

@anuragarjun , a seasoned entrepreneur and co-founder of @AvailProject , has significantly contributed to the blockchain community since co-founding Polygon in 2017.

His latest venture, Avail, focuses on enabling developers to create scalable applications within the Polygon ecosystem, emphasizing the importance of modular blockchain technology for enhancing interoperability and efficiency.

@EdanYago is at the forefront of the Bitcoin-native decentralized finance movement with @SovrynBTC .

His work focuses on extending Bitcoin’s capabilities beyond simple transactions to include trading, lending, and complex financial products, all while maintaining the principles of permissionlessness and censorship resistance.

6 घंटे पहले।

🚀 The institutions are coming

Join industry leaders at Bitcoin Renaissance tomorrow as they discuss the growing trend of institutions embracing decentralized and trustless Bitcoin staking solutions.


Kaya Kanamori leads the DX Business Planning Department at Sony Bank, where he spearheads new business planning and customer experience strategies in Web3.

With a background in fintech innovation and strategic development, Kaya is pivotal in driving Sony Bank's initiatives into trustless BTC staking and blockchain integration.

@hzj724 is a core contributor to @HashKeyGroup and has a rich background in research and investment within major cryptocurrency exchanges.

Her deep understanding of blockchain technology and investment dynamics supports institutional engagement in trustless BTC staking.

@DrakeBreeding leads Protocol Opportunities at @Figment_io , focusing on identifying and developing strategies for new blockchain protocols.

His previous experiences at Coinbase and Goldman Sachs in partnerships and electronic trading provide a solid foundation for advancing institutional strategies in decentralized finance.

10 घंटे पहले।

🌟 Want to discover how Bitcoin is revolutionizing the DeFi landscape?

Catch our panel at Bitcoin Renaissance as we the potential of BTC as we explore its integration into decentralized finance


As a core contributor to @Bedrock_DeFi , @czhuling brings over six years of expertise in public blockchain technology and investment portfolios.

Under his guidance, Bedrock has emerged as a leader in institutional-grade staking platforms in Asia, managing $2 billion in staking AUM and pioneering cross-chain restaking initiatives.

@bryant0x leads growth at @ParticleNtwrk , where he has played a pivotal role in its success through innovative growth strategies and user acquisition.

With experience in both Web2 and DeFi environments, Bryan’s contributions have significantly advanced Particle Network’s reach and impact in the blockchain ecosystem.

@Bedrock_DeFi @czhuling @bryant0x @ParticleNtwrk Under @BitmapTech ’s leadership, @MerlinLayer2 has secured significant funding from top-tier investors and established itself as a key player in creating scalable blockchain solutions.

@Bedrock_DeFi @czhuling @bryant0x @ParticleNtwrk @BitmapTech @MerlinLayer2 @0xdai2 , an early adapter and influential figure in the Chinese-speaking crypto communities, co-founded DODO and @DODO_chain .

She brings her extensive marketing expertise and visionary leadership to drive the adoption and growth of decentralized finance on blockchain platforms.

Joshua Kriger, co-founder of @EdgeofNFT , has made significant contributions to the Web3 and blockchain landscape through his media and event productions.

With a diverse background in technology and entrepreneurship, Joshua brings a unique perspective to discussions on the future of NFTs and blockchain technology.


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Babylon के बारे में

बेबीलोन क्या है?

बेबीलोन क्रिप्टोकरेंसी पारिस्थितिकी तंत्र के भीतर एक नवीन पहल का प्रतिनिधित्व करता है, जो बिटकॉइन की मजबूत सुरक्षा ढांचे का लाभ उठाकर प्रूफ-ऑफ-स्टेक (PoS) ब्लॉकचेन्स की कार्यक्षमता और सुरक्षा को बढ़ाने पर केंद्रित है। इसके मूल में, बेबीलोन एक समर्पित समुदाय द्वारा संचालित है जो एक विकेंद्रीकृत दुनिया की दृष्टि के प्रति प्रतिबद्ध है, जहां बिटकॉइन अन्य ब्लॉकचेन नेटवर्कों के लिए एक मौलिक सुरक्षा आधार के रूप में कार्य करता है।

परियोजना ने एक बिटकॉइन स्टेकिंग प्रोटोकॉल पेश किया है, जो बिटकॉइन धारकों को सीधे PoS ब्लॉकचेन्स की स्टेकिंग प्रक्रियाओं में भाग लेने की अनुमति देने वाला एक अग्रणी दृष्टिकोण है। यह प्रोटोकॉल मध्यस्थों की आवश्यकता को समाप्त करता है, जिससे स्टेकिंग गतिविधियों के लिए एक अधिक विकेंद्रीकृत और सुरक्षित वातावरण को बढ़ावा मिलता है। इस तंत्र के माध्यम से, बेबीलोन बिटकॉइन की अतुलनीय सुरक्षा और विश्वास और PoS चेन्स द्वारा प्रदान की गई कार्यक्षमता और स्केलेबिलिटी के बीच अंतर को पाटने का लक्ष्य रखता है।

इसके अतिरिक्त, बेबीलोन ने एक BTC टाइमस्टैम्पिंग प्रोटोकॉल विकसित किया है। यह प्रोटोकॉल बिटकॉ

बेबीलोन की सुरक्षा कैसे की गई है?

बेबीलोन का उपयोग कैसे किया जाएगा?

बेबीलोन के लिए कौन सी प्रमुख घटनाएँ हुई हैं?

बेबीलोन BABYLON सिक्के कितने प्रचलन में हैं?