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Goals Stopped Working

After removing the clicky plugin, and switching to just using the tracking code in my head area- goals stopped working. Is there something I need to do to make them work?

Posted Wed Mar 24 2021 6:51a by mjmurphy5***

Were you tracking outbound links with your goals? If you were doing any kind of redirect link tracking, that may have broken without the plugin, if you had that configured. You can do that manually though, see here:

Posted Wed Mar 24 2021 9:42p by Your Friendly Clicky Admin

Yes, I am tracking affiliate link (/go/ or /visit/) and had that setup and working properly with the plugin, figured there might be something I needed to change hence asking - thanks for the link I will review.

Posted Thu Mar 25 2021 10:03a by mjmurphy5***

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