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The first stage is for boys to come and sing informally to Mr Nethsinga who is in charge of the music at Westminster Abbey. That can usually be arranged and it takes about 15 minutes. All we ask is that boys come with a song to sing. It can be very simple and perhaps something that has been sung at school. It certainly doesn’t have to be anything complicated. This informal initial audition allows Mr Nethsinga to listen to the voice and it is a good opportunity for us to get to know one another. Mr Nethsinga will then advise whether it is sensible to go forward to a more extended voice trial.

The next stage is for boys to spend the day with us. During that assessment day they will do more singing, play their instruments (if they have started playing an instrument yet), do some simple tests in mathematics and English and generally experience something of what it would like to be a chorister here, spending time with our current choristers. Details of the sorts of tests we do can be found here.

If we all think that a boy will thrive here as a chorister we will invite his parents to come into school to have a good look around and to discuss in detail the possibility with the headteacher.

We like to take plenty of time and care over the admissions process and sometimes boys will visit three or even four times. We always want to be as sure as we possibly can be that boys will absolutely thrive here, benefiting from the remarkable educational and music experience.

Please contact Jennifer Benjamin at the school on 020 7654 4918 or email: [email protected] for further details.