Registered Nursing Program for Licensed Vocational Nurses, Licensed Psychiatric Technicians, and Military Experience to RN

Division: Health Science

Division Dean

Colin Preston, Interim


Beena Eapen
Michael Faraci
Jen Galich
Christine Hoang
Shinah Kim
Patricia "Rose" Kirby
Sally McNay
Ryan Ortega
Thu Pham
Elizabeth Putman
Jane Walker
Marredda Williams

Director of Nursing

Dr. Colleen Peralta


Kelly Carter
Marisa Lehmeier
Denise Vo

Accredited by: (ACEN formerly NLNAC)
Accreditation Commission for Education in Nursing, Inc.
3390 Peachtree NE, Suite 1400
Atlanta, GA 30326
(404) 975-5000
Fax (404) 975-5020

Mission Statement

The Registered Nursing Program provides student-centered education , preparing graduates to practice as caring registered nurses providing safe, quality, patient-centered care with a foundation for lifelong learning.

Philosophy Statement

The Cypress College nursing faculty ascribes to the core competencies for nursing and nursing education identified by the Quality and Safety Education for Nurses (QSEN) project. While firmly based in science and the arts, the essence of nursing is caring and compassionate patient centered care. Ethical standards, respect for individual dignity, and consideration of cultural context are implicit in the practice of patient-centered care. The nurse advocates for patients and families in ways that promote self-determination, integrity, and ongoing growth as human beings. Nursing care is provided in collaboration with the patient, the family and members of the health care team. The nurse displays a spirit of inquiry by examining evidence to improve quality of care, promote safety and improve patient outcomes. Nursing judgment is integral to making competent decisions related to the provision of safe and effective nursing care. In order to make informed clinical decisions, the nurse must have a firm foundation in and understanding of the concepts of oxygenation, regulation and movement. Information essential to nursing care is communicated via a variety of technological and human means. The adoption of these key philosophical components fosters the development of the nurse’s professional identity.

Teaching and Learning

The nursing faculty believes that learning is a dynamic process which results in behavioral changes. Learning occurs throughout the life cycle and can aid in maximization of any individual’s potentials. The individual student’s potentials are developed through use of the nursing process, a professional proactive approach to problem-solving. The curriculum provides opportunities for facilitating learning based on individual styles of learning. Self-motivation and active participation are necessary components of the learning process for adult learners. Nursing students must also participate in the classroom and clinical settings.

The curriculum is organized from simple to complex concepts which are as identified in each course outline. Multiple methods of instruction are utilized to address the content being studied, to enhance learning, and to provide for individual differences in both teaching and learning styles. The structure and content of each course is designed to support the department’s philosophy of nursing education. The student is recognized as an individual who moves toward goals of self-realization and fulfillment.

Role of the Teacher and Student

The role of the teacher is to identify the learning needs of the student and to facilitate the student’s optimal level of learning achievement. A systematic approach is utilized to assist the student in assessment of learning needs, development of learning goals, selection and implementation of learning methods and strategies, and evaluation of outcomes. Differences in individual needs, learning styles, ethnicity and cultural background are essential considerations in effective teacher-student relationships.

Nursing and Personal Responsibility for Health Promotion Practices

The Cypress College nursing faculty recognizes the value of high-level wellness and supports the concept of the nurse being a positive role model for health practices. The entering student needs to be aware of his/her health-promoting behaviors in the area of general health (i.e., rest and sleep, nutrition, therapeutic recreation). The student should avoid behaviors detrimental to health.

Special Requirements, Equipment and Expenses Incurred By Nursing Students Upon Enrollment in the Nursing Program

This information is intended to assist those who are planning enrollment in the registered nursing program prepared for educational expenses. In addition to enrollment fees PAYABLE AT REGISTRATION, the nursing student incurs additional expenses. The nursing student should anticipate an expenditure of approximately $7,000 over the two years of enrollment in nursing program courses.

Clinical practice sites are located throughout Orange and Los Angeles counties. Clinical rotations may be scheduled for day and evening shifts in order to provide learning opportunities. The student will need reliable personal transportation in order to travel to assigned hospitals up to two days a week in each nursing course.

The nature of the learning experiences in the registered nursing program requires that students engage in direct patient care in assigned clinical facilities. All enrolled students are required to meet the same health and safety standards required of nurses in the contracted clinical facilities. For this reason each student enrolled in the nursing program must complete the following requirements at his/her own expense prior to the first day of attendance:

  1. Physical examination with health clearance indicating good physical and mental health status with no limitations to providing safe direct patient care.
  2. Proof of current immunizations or immunity by titer.
  3. Testing for communicable diseases including, but not limited to, the following: Tuberculosis, rubella, rubeola, varicella, hepatitis.
  4. Malpractice insurance and personal health insurance.
  5. Current CPR certification at the Professional Health Provider level.
  6. Criminal background checks and urine testing.

In addition, the student will need to purchase required uniforms, watch with sweep second hand, name badge, stethoscope, and other equipment required for clinical practice.

Information regarding the specific requirements in place at the time of initial enrollment into nursing clinical courses is provided at a mandatory orientation meeting scheduled for applicants selected each semester.

NURS 081 C Selected Topics in Nursing I 3 Units

Prerequisite(s): NURS 192 C with a grade of C or better

Term hours: 27 lecture and 81 laboratory. This course is designed to meet the first semester nursing students' need for review and remediation of fundamental nursing care and an introduction to medical surgical and gerontological nursing. Pass/No Pass only.

NURS 082 C Selected Topics in Nursing II 3.5 Units

Prerequisite(s): NURS 196 C with a grade of C or better.

Term hours: 31.5 lecture and 94.5 laboratory. This course is designed to meet the nursing students' need for review and remediation of medical surgical nursing and an introduction to maternal newborn nursing. Pass/No Pass only.

NURS 083 C Selected Topics in Nursing III 3.5 Units

Prerequisite(s): NURS 292 C with a grade of C or better.

Term hours: 31.5 lecture and 94.5 laboratory. This course is designed to meet the nursing students' need to review and remediation of intermediate medical surgical nursing, mental health nursing, and geriatric nursing. Pass/No Pass only.

NURS 090 C Nursing Transitions 3.5 Units

Prerequisite(s): Licensed Vocational Nurse (LVN) or Licensed Psychiatric Technician (LPT), with no less than six months documented work experience in their licensed capacity, and successful completion of career mobility proficiency exams and skills validation test.

This course is designated for the experienced (no less than six months documented work experience in their licensed capacity) LVN/LPT who is preparing to enter the Registered Nursing career ladder program. The course will enhance theoretical and technical nursing skills in areas such as communication, ethics, fluid and electrolytes, and pharmacology. Students will develop in-depth skill in utilization of the nursing process. Major emphasis is placed on assessment of patient's biopsychosocial needs and related interventions. This course promotes Quality & Safety Education for Nurses (QSEN) competencies that incorporate patient-centered care, safety teamwork, collaboration, evidence based practice, quality improvement and informatics. The course emphasizes specific knowledge and skills not included in LVN/PT curricula. $19.00 Laboratory Fee-Payable at Registration.

NURS 091 C Strategies-Success in Nursing 0.5 Units

Term hours: 9 lecture. This course is designed to assist the pre-nursing and the nursing student to understand the nursing process and apply quality and safety standards within a spirit of inquiry firmly based in the science and art of nursing. This course will prepare a student to provide safe, patient centered care within an environment of interdisciplinary teamwork and collaboration. This course will assist the student to assimilate knowledge and apply it in the clinical practice setting. This course will provide student with behavioral and problem solving tools to develop strategies for success in nursing. Pass/No Pass or Letter Grade option.

NURS 099 C Nursing Independent Study 0.5-2 Units

Prerequisite(s): Approved Independent Study Learning Contract.

Term hours: 9-36 depending on units attempted. This course is designed for capable students enrolled in the Registered Nursing program or options of the program who wish to increase their knowledge and experience in applied areas of patient centered care. Students will participate in independent study on assigned areas under staff supervision. Variable Unit Class. May be taken for credit 4 times. Pass/No Pass/Letter Grade Option.

NURS 103 C Basic Health Assessment 0.5 Units

Prerequisite(s): NURS 192 C with a grade of C or better; Licensed Psychiatric Technician; Licensed Vocational Nurse; Registered Nurse.

Term hours: 9 lecture. This elective course provides specialized nursing knowledge in assessing basic health status in the non-pregnant adult. Students will recall and build upon the curricular concepts learned in preceding nursing courses of patient centered care, safety, oxygenation, regulation and movement using teamwork and collaboration, professionalism, evidence based practice, quality improvement and informatics, to apply the nursing process and utilize techniques for performing both history and physical assessments. Pass/No Pass/Letter Grade Option. (CSU)

NURS 104 C  Introduction to ECG Interpretation 0.5 Units

Prerequisite(s): NURS 191 C and NURS 193 C with a grade of C or better; Licensed Vocational Nurse; Registered Nurse or permission of instructor

Term hours: 9 lecture. This elective course provides specialized nursing knowledge in providing patient centered care to patients experiencing oxygenation disorders; cardiac dysrhythmias, using teamwork and collaboration, professionalism, evidence based practice, quality improvement and informatics. Introductory course for nurses working with cardiac monitored patients. Cardiac dysrhythmias include sinus, atrial, AV heart blocks, junctional, and ventricular dysrhythmias. Initial patient monitoring, lead placement, techniques and equipment utilized to measure and identify cardiac arrhythmias are addressed in introductory terms. Basic therapies based on current ACLS standards and nursing implications for these dysrhythmias are discussed. Pass/No Pass/Letter Grade Option. (CSU)

NURS 190 C  Introduction to Nursing Concepts 2 Units

Term hours: 36 lecture. This course introduces the health science student to the theoretical basis of nursing and patient centered care. Emphasis is placed on psychosocial concepts inherent to the development of professionalism, teamwork and collaboration, evidence based practice, quality improvement and informatics. Professional nursing roles and interaction skills are applied to the health care setting. The effects of regulation of stress and developmental patterns on individual health care needs are introduced. Major social and cultural issues in relation to health care are discussed. Teaching/learning strategies unique to health care, nursing, and clinical instruction are explored. (CSU)

NURS 191 C Pharmacology in Nursing I 1 Unit

Prerequisite(s): Acceptance in the Nursing Program, LVN or PT.

Corequisite(s): NURS 193 C.

Term hours: 18 lecture. This pharmacology course correlates with the content in NURS 192 C and NURS 193 C. It introduces the concepts of patient centered care, teamwork and collaboration, professionalism, evidence based practice, quality improvement and informatics to safely administer both enteral and topical medications to patients in basic medical-surgical areas with oxygenation, regulation and movement disorders. (CSU)

NURS 192 C Fundamentals of Nursing 4.5 Units

Prerequisite(s): Admission into the nursing program.

Term hours: 45 lecture and 108 laboratory. This course is an introduction to the nursing process and applying quality and safety standards within a spirit of inquiry firmly based in the science and art of nursing. This course will prepare the student to provide safe, patient-centered care within an environment of interdisciplinary teamwork and collaboration. The course is designed to provide the student with fundamental provider of care roles and critical thinking skills in order to develop and deliver a basic plan of care. Fundamental exemplars will be introduced with an emphasis on basic oxygenation, patient and nurse movement, and regulation of patient physiology and behavior. The course is designed to socialize the beginning nursing student to the professional role of nursing. Models of health care delivery systems and funding will be explored. Nursing issues regarding patient rights, ethical and legal standards, and the use of professional and therapeutic communication will be applied to nursing theory and practice. $15 Materials Fee-Payable at Registration (CSU)

NURS 193 C Intro to Med-Surg Gero Nursing 3.5 Units

Prerequisite(s): NURS 192 C Corequisite: NURS 191 C Term hours: 27 lecture and 108 laboratory This course prepares the student to apply the nursing process and develop basic critical thinking within a spirit of inquiry firmly based in the science and art of nursing for safe patient centered care of the older adult in the medical-surgical setting.

Students will recall and build upon course concepts (previous learning in N192) of patient centered care, safety, oxygenation, regulation and movement with healthy aging concepts,basic age-associated changes and preventive health considerations for the older adult. Using interdisciplinary teamwork and collaboration, this course socializes the beginning nursing student to the professional role of nursing as it relates to the care of the older adult and explores resources for evidence based practice. Models of health care delivery systems and quality improvement strategies will be introduced and explored. Professional nursing issues, ethical and legal standards, and professional communication related to older adult rights will be explored. $45 Materials Fee - PAYABLE AT REGISTRATION. (CSU)

NURS 195 C Pharmacology in Nursing II 1 Unit

Prerequisite(s): Acceptance in the Nursing Program, LVN, PT or completion of NURS 191 C and NURS 193 C with a grade of C or better.

Term hours: 18 lecture. This pharmacology course correlates with the content in NURS 196 C and NURS 197 C. Students will recall and build upon the curricular concepts previously learned in NURS 191 C and NURS 193 C of patient centered care, teamwork and collaboration, professionalism, evidence based practice, quality improvement and informatics to safely administer both enteral and parenteral medications to patients in multiple settings with oxygenation, regulation and movement disorders. (CSU)

NURS 196 C Med-Surg Nursing I 5 Units

Prerequisite(s): NURS 191 C and NURS 193 C with a grade of C or better.

Term hours: 40.5 lecture and 148.5 laboratory. This course prepares the student to apply the nursing process and develop nursing judgment within a spirit of inquiry based on the science and art of nursing to prioritize care for the medical-surgical patient in multiple clinical settings. Students will learn the foundation of critical thinking. Students will recall and build upon previously learned curricular concepts of patient centered care, safety, oxygenation, regulation and movement using intra and interdisciplinary teamwork and collaboration, professionalism, evidence based practice, quality improvement and informatics to provide effective care to achieve positive patient outcomes. $85 Materials Fee - Payable at Registration. (CSU)

NURS 197 C Maternal and Newborn Nursing 3.5 Units

Prerequisite(s): NURS 196 C with a grade of C or better.

Term hours: 31.5 lecture and 94.5 lab. This course prepares the student to apply the nursing process and develop nursing judgment to prioritize care for the perinatal, newborn and women's health patient in multiple clinical settings. Students will recall and build upon the curricular concepts (previously learned in NURS 192 C and NURS 193 C and NURS 196 C) of patient centered care, safety, oxygenation, regulation and movement using teamwork and collaboration, professionalism, evidence-based practice, quality improvement and informatics to provide effective care to achieve positive patient outcomes. $40 Materials Fee - Payable at Registration. (CSU)

NURS 291 C Pharmacology in Nursing III 1 Unit

Prerequisite(s): Acceptance in the Nursing Program, LVN, PT or NURS 195 C with a grade of C or better.

Term hours: 18 lecture. This course correlates with the content in NURS 292 C, NURS 293 C, NURS 294 C. Students will recall and build upon the curricular concepts previously learned in NURS 195 of patient centered care, teamwork and collaboration, professionalism, evidence based practice, quality improvement and informatics to safely administer medications to patients in multiple settings with oxygenation, regulation and movement disorders. (CSU)

NURS 292 C Medical-Surgical Nursing II 5 Units

Prerequisite(s): NURS 195 C and NURS 196 C and NURS 197 C with a grade of C or better and acceptance in the Nursing Program.

Term hours: 40.5 lecture and 148.5 laboratory. This course prepares the student to apply the nursing process, to develop nursing judgment and to prioritize patient centered care for multiple acute medical surgical patients in a variety of settings. Students will apply quality and safety standards within a spirit of inquiry firmly based in the science and art of nursing. Students will recall and build upon the curricular concepts (previously learned in NURS 192 C, NURS 193 C, NURS 196 C, and NURS 197 C) of patient-centered care, safety, oxygenation, regulation and movement using teamwork and collaboration, professionalism, evidence based practice, quality improvement and informatics to provide effective care to achieve positive patient outcomes. $55 Materials Fee - Payable at Registration (CSU)

NURS 293 C Mental Health Nursing 3.5 Units

Prerequisite(s): NURS 292 C with a grade of C or better.

Term hours: 31.5 lecture and 94.5 laboratory. This course presents historical, cultural and contemporary evidence based concepts related to the mental health-illness continuum. Will explore patient - centered interventions that are designed to promote safe return to mental stability and meet the emotional needs of the patient. Emphasis is placed on interpersonal communication through self-awareness, the safe use of self as a therapeutic agent and collaboration with the mental health team and community resources. The role of the nurse in providing quality care in the areas of ethics, legal, advocacy issues while providing patient centered care is explored in the Psychiatric unit. (CSU)

NURS 294 C Geriatric Nursing 3 Units

Prerequisite(s): NURS 292 C with a grade of C or better.

Term hours: 27 lecture and 81 laboratory. This course prepares the student to apply quality and safety standards and the National League for Nursing's ACES framework to plan patient centered care for the community dwelling older adult. There will be an emphasis on the use of standardized assessment tools and application of evidenced based practice in various community settings. Students will learn to collaborate with other members of the interdisciplinary team and use nursing judgement to foster individualized aging in the senior population. (CSU)

NURS 295 C Pharmacology in Nursing IV 0.5 Units

Prerequisite(s): NURS 291 C, NURS 292 C, NURS 293 C, or NURS 294 C, with a grade of C or better or acceptance in the Nursing Program, LVN, PT.

Term hours: 9 lecture. This course correlates with the content in NURS 296 C and NURS 297 C. Students will recall and build upon the curricular concepts learned in preceding nursing courses of patient centered care, safety, oxygenation and regulation and movement using teamwork and collaboration, professionalism, evidence based practice, quality improvement and informatics, to safely administer medications to pediatric and adult patients in multiple clinical settings with oxygenation, regulation and movement disorders. Pass/No Pass/Letter Grade Option (CSU)

NURS 296 C Child and Family Nursing 3.5 Units

Prerequisite(s): NURS 291 C and NURS 292 C and NURS 293 C and NURS 294 C, with a grade of C or better.

Term Hours 31.5 lecture and 94.5 Laboratory This course prepares the student to apply quality and safety standards utilizing the nursing process based in the science and art of nursing. Students will develop nursing care strategies for complex family centered care of the pediatric population within multiple interdisciplinary settings. Evidence-based nursing interventions encompassing a holistic approach will be developed. The student will apply growth and development concepts to the care of multiple patients, utilizing informatics and effective therapeutic and professional communication. Nursing judgment and prioritization will be applied to achieve positive care outcomes within family centered care situations. (CSU).

NURS 297 C Med-Surg Nursing III 5 Units

Prerequisite(s): NURS 292 C, NURS 295 C and NURS 296 C, with a grade of C or better.

Term hours: 41 lecture and 149 laboratory. This course prepares the student to apply nursing process, to develop nursing judgment, and to prioritize care for adults with acute unstable medical-surgical disorders in a variety of settings. Students will recall and build upon the curricular concepts (previously learned in NURS 192 C, NURS 193 C, NURS 196 C, NURS 197 C, NURS 292 C, NURS 293 C, NURS 294 C and NURS 296 C) of patient-centered care, safety, oxygenation and regulation and mobility using teamwork and collaboration, professionalism, evidence based practice, quality improvement and informatics to provide effective care to promote synthesis and competence necessary for entry into practice. (CSU)

At Cypress College, there are Department Program Student Learning Outcomes and Degree & Certificate Program Student Learning Outcomes.

Department Program Student Learning Outcomes:


The graduate of the Cypress College Nursing Program will be competent when he/she consistently provides safe, quality, patient centered care. The graduate uses sound nursing judgment and best practices to meet patient care needs for oxygenation, regulation and movement across the lifespan. The graduate nurse demonstrates advocacy for patients/families in a coordinated manner using open interprofessional communication while maintaining mutual respect and shared decision-making to achieve safe quality patient outcomes. The graduate uses evidence to make decisions and promotes quality improvement. The professional nurse uses information and technology to support decision-making and effective communication while demonstrating professionalism.

The courses taught by this department contribute to the following ISLO/PSLOs: A-Breadth of Knowledge, Competencies, and Skills; specifically, the following ISLO/PSLO subcategories: A1- Health Sciences.

A student who completes the Nursing Program will be able to:

  • Acquire knowledge, skills, and competencies necessary for employment.

Graduate Outcomes (Competencies)

  1. Employ practices to ensure safety of patients and improve outcomes of care. (Safety)
  2. Advocate for patients, recognizing the patient or designee as the source of control and as full partner in providing compassionate and coordinated care based on respect for patient’s preferences, values, and needs. (Patient Centered Care)
  3. Collaborate effectively within nursing and inter-professional teams, fostering open communication, mutual respect, and shared ­decision-making to achieve safe, quality patient care in a variety of health care settings. (Teamwork and Collaboration)
  4. Use nursing judgment based on best current evidence to provide safe care for patients and families across the lifespan. (Evidence-Based Practice)
  5. Apply principles of quality improvement to monitor the outcomes of care and minimize risk of harm to patients and providers. (Quality Improvement)
  6. Use information and technology to communicate, document care, minimize error, and support decision making. (Informatics)
  7. Utilize best practices and sound nursing judgment to address oxygenation issues, maintain regulation, and guide movement in patients across the lifespan. (Oxygenation, Regulation, Movement)
  8. Demonstrate professionalism in the implementation of the role of the registered nurse. (Professionalism)

Degree & Certificate Program Student Learning Outcomes:

The program student learning outcomes for each award can be found on the specific degree or certificate page.

Registered Nursing Program for Licensed Vocational Nurses
Licensed Psychiatric Technicians, and Military Experience to RN

The Registered Nursing Program provides an opportunity for Licensed Vocational Nurses, Licensed Psychiatric Technicians, and those with military healthcare experience to complete the Registered Nursing curriculum.

The individual completing the Registered Nursing Program and general education requirements will receive an Associate Degree in Nursing and is eligible to take the National Council Licensing Examination (NCLEX) as a graduate of Cypress College Registered Nursing Program.
Cypress College. Many of our graduates continue on to an upper division program of study specifically designed for registered nurses leading to a Bachelor or Master of Science in Nursing.

The LVN 30-Unit Option non-degree RN Program does not lead to an Associate Degree in Nursing. This non-graduate status entitles the candidate to take the NCLEX-RN for licensure as a registered nurse only in California. This permanent non-graduate status may hinder employment and further educational opportunities and prohibit endorsement as a registered nurse in other states. (See catalog and Health Science Counselor)

The Department of Nursing articulates with most colleges and universities, which means they accept lower division work from Cypress College. Many of our graduates continue on to an upper division program of study specifically designed for registered nurses leading to a Bachelor or Master of Science in Nursing.

The Nursing program is approved by the California State Board of Registered Nursing and accredited by the Accreditation Commission for Education in Nursing (ACEN formerly the NLNAC).



  1. Apply to Cypress College to obtain a Cypress College student ID#. The email address used on the Cypress College application will be used within your Health Science Application and for all Career Mobility email interactions between the college faculty and staff, clinical sites, and any other program related email interactions.
  2. High School graduation or passing of the General Education Development (GED) or high school proficiency test by the start of the program or an Associate degree or higher from a regionally accredited college/university.
  3. Possess an unencumbered, current California LVN or PT license, and must have at least 6 months fulltime experience or one year of part-time experience, within the last 3 years at the time of application.
  4. Total college grade point average (GPA) of 2.5 or better.
  5. Program Prerequisites must be completed with a grade of “C” or better:
    1. English 100C/ English 101C/ESL 110C - College Writing (4 units) or a comparable course.
    2. Biology 231 C - General Human Anatomy (4 units) or a comparable course with lab. Must be taken within 7 years of application.
    3. Biology 241C - General Human Physiology (4 units) or a comparable course with lab. Must be taken within 7 years of application (Chemistry 101C is strongly recommended)
    4. Biology 220C - Medical Microbiology (4 units) or a comparable course with lab. Must be taken within 7 years of application.
    5. Psychology 101C - Introduction to Psychology (3 units).
  6. A copy of a passing TEAS score (62 or higher) within the last two years and most current version must be provided within the online Career Mobility application. The Test of Essential Academic Skills (TEAS) will be used by the Cypress College Nursing Program. The TEAS is a multiple-choice assessment that will cover English and Language usage, reading, mathematics and science. For more information on the TEAS, applicants may go to: Cypress College is not a TEAS testing site. Cypress College will accept any testing proctor options provided by ATI (online, in-person, etc.).
  7. Complete the online Career Mobility Interest link on the Health Science Application page ( to receive the application link.
  8. Successful completion of the Career Mobility Proficiency Exams I and II. (Fall semester only - Limit 1 attempt)
  9. Successful completion of the Career Mobility Clinical Skills Validation Performance Exam. (Spring semester only upon successful completion of Proficiency Exam II - Limit 2 attempts)


  1. Review the Career Mobility Application Checklist on the Registered Nursing webpage.
  2. Apply to Cypress College to obtain a Cypress College student ID#. Once a Cypress College Student ID# has been received, and upon successful completion of the Career Mobility Clinical Skills validation test, submit required official transcripts of all colleges attended to Cypress College Admissions and Records.
    • To Digitally send an official transcript (directly from school to school only)
      • Use [email protected] or choose Cypress college (if the option is provided during the ordering process)
    • To mail unopened and sealed official transcripts to Cypress College use this address -
      • Cypress College
        Admissions and Records - Transcripts
        9200 Valley View St.
        Cypress, CA 90630
  3. Complete the online Career Mobility Interest link on the Health Science Application page ( to receive the application link.
  4. The proficiency exam is scheduled in October of each year.
  5. Submit needed documents following the instructions on the application.
    1. Copy of High School diploma, official High School transcripts, copy of GED, or an Associate degree or higher from a regionally accredited college/university.
    2. Official transcripts of all colleges attended (including W’s and dual enrollment)
    3. Unofficial Cypress College and Fullerton College if attended.
    4. Letter verifying 6 months of full-time or one-year part time LVN/PT experience within the last 3 years.
  6. It is the responsibility of the applicant to thoroughly read all information provided within the handouts and the program’s webpage to review for updated and changes that can occur at any time prior to or after the application period.


  1. Successful completion of NURS 090 C Nursing Transitions (with a grade of “C” or better). NURS 090 is only available upon successful completion of the Career Mobility Clinical Skills validation tests and is a non-repeatable class.
  2. Eligible applicants will be admitted to the nursing program on a space available basis according to attrition in the generic nursing program and the time of submission of a completed career mobility application.
  3. F-1 visa students will not be accepted for admission into any program when applications by qualified U.S. citizens exceed space available (AP 5012 1.4.).


  1. The applicant will have one offer of admittance to Nursing Transitions course during the calendar year of completed Skills Validation Exam.
  2. When notified of admittance to the program a response of acceptance is required by a specified date.
  3. Applicant rejects offer of admittance: An applicant who chooses not to accept admittance by the deadline will be dropped from the list.
  4. No response to the notification of admission by specified date constitutes rejection by the applicant and the applicant’s name is dropped from the list.
  5. Acceptance is based on attendance at a mandatory orientation for those accepted to begin the RN program.
  6. Good physical and mental health as determined by a medical examination upon admission to the program.
  7. Once entering the program, all required courses within the program pathway must be completed at Cypress College with the cohort. NO EXCEPTIONS.


The below courses must be taken prior to the expected date of graduation. All required courses must be completed with a grade of “C” or better.

PSY 101 CIntroduction to Psychology 23
SOC 101 CIntroduction to Sociology3
COMM 100 CHuman Communication3
MATH 120 CIntro Probability Statistics 1, 2, 34
Humanities Requirement (Category C2) 43
Arts Requirement (Category C1) 43
Physical Activity and Health Requirement 41

Licensed Vocational Nurses to Registered Nurse

(All below listed courses must be taken at Cypress College with the cohort)

First Year
Semester 1UnitsSemester 2Units
NURS 292 C5NURS 295 C0.5
NURS 293 C3.5NURS 296 C3.5
NURS 294 C3NURS 297 C5
 11.5 9
Total Units 20.5

Licensed Psychiatric Technicians to Registered Nurse

(All below listed courses must be taken at Cypress College with the cohort)

First Year
Semester 1UnitsSemester 2UnitsSemester 3Units
NURS 196 C5NURS 292 C5NURS 295 C0.5
NURS 197 C3.5NURS 294 C3NURS 296 C3.5
  NURS 297 C5
 8.5 8 9
Total Units 25.5


Health Science Counselor
Cypress College
9200 Valley View St.
Cypress, CA 90630-5897
(714) 484-7015

Health Science Applications Office
Health Science Building/TE3-217
E-MAIL: [email protected]