Counseling and Student Development

Division: Counseling

Division Dean

Dr. Troy Davis

  • Administrative Assistant III: Lela Beck (714) 484-7334

Director, Disability Support Services

Dr. Celeste Phelps


To make an appointment with any of the counselors listed below, please call (714) 484-7015.
Kelly Carter
Sarah Coburn
Dr. Dawn Decker
Yolanda Duenas
Penny Gabourie
Robert Grantham
Dr. Jane Jepson
Renay Laguana-Ferinac
Mymy Lam
Marisa Lehmeier
Deborah Michelle
Jeannie Mitsch
Dr. Therese Mosqueda-Ponce
Daniel Pelletier
Dr. Deidre Porter
Jacquelyn Rangel
Cassie Rodriguez
Renee Ssensalo
Denise Vo

COUN 073 C Computer Access I 1 Unit

Advisory: This course is designed for students who are eligible for services from Disability Support Services (DSS).

Term hours: 18 lecture. This course is designed for students with verified disabilities. This course provides training in the use of assistive technology which enhances the ability of students with disabilities to access and use personal computers. The course will cover word processing and an introduction to the Internet. May be taken for credit 2 times. Pass/No Pass only. (Non-Degree Credit)

COUN 076 C Access Note-Taking Techniques 1 Unit

Advisory: This course is designed for students who are eligible for services from Disability Support Services (DSS).

Term hours: 18 lecture. This course is designed for students with verified disabilities. This course will assist students with limited note-taking skills. Instruction will cover various techniques to improve note-taking skills that can be used in all academic coursework and other settings. Practice and guidance in listening and note-taking strategies is provided. This course may be taken two times for credit. Pass/No Pass only. (Non-Degree Credit)

COUN 077 C Overcoming Acad Challenges 1 Unit

Advisory: This course is designed for students who are eligible for services from Disability Support Services (DSS).

The purpose of this course is to assist students with executive function difficulties and is designed for students with verified disabilities. Pass/No Pass only. (Non-Degree Credit)

COUN 100 C College Orientation 1 Unit

Advisory: This course is designed for students who are eligible for services from Disability Support Services (DSS).

Term hours: 18 lecture. This course will introduce students to campus support services, establish realistic goals, develop study skills, and discuss time management strategies. Students will learn about accessing accommodations on campus and in the community. Pass/No Pass only. (CSU/UC)

COUN 105 C Stress and Anxiety Management 1 Unit

Term hours: 18 lecture. This course is designed to increase the student's awareness of the effects of stress and anxiety on academic performance and daily life. Emphasis will be placed on understanding effective and ineffective responses to stress and anxiety on planning a personal stress and anxiety management program. Students will explore and practice a variety of practical coping skills and management techniques. Pass/No Pass only. (UC/CSU, CSU GE)

COUN 110 C Teaching as a Career 3 Units

Advisory: Eligibility for college-level composition or appropriate placement.

Term hours: 36 lecture and 54 laboratory TBA. This course is designed as an introduction to the teaching profession where students will examine concepts and issues related to education in a democratic society within historical, social, philosophical, legal and political contexts. Students will develop personal knowledge and understanding of (1) the purposes and values of schools in society, (2) the nature of teaching and the teaching profession, (3) the impact of local, state, and federal government policies on schools, and (4) contemporary educational issues. Course content and assignments will be related to a 45 hour fieldwork experience in a K-12 licensed public educational setting. (UC/CSU)

COUN 135 C Leadership 3 Units

Term hours: 54 lecture. This course includes the study and practical application of group and individual leadership techniques. It is designed to improve awareness of group dynamics, listening skills, personal values, decision-making, problem solving and organizational development. Duplicate credit not granted for COUN 135HC. (UC Credit Limitation/CSU)

COUN 135HC Honors Leadership 3 Units

Term hours: 54 lecture. This is an enhanced leadership development course that requires leadership participation in a campus or community organization. It includes the study and practical application of group and individual leadership techniques. It is designed to improve awareness of group dynamics, listening skills, personal values, decision-making, problem solving and organizational development. It emphasizes critical analysis of leaders in the news, history or literature. Duplicate credit not granted for COUN 135 C. (UC Credit Limitation/CSU)

COUN 139 C Career Exploration 1 Unit

Term hours: 18 lecture. This class is designed for students who are undecided about their educational or career goals. Using a career planning process, students assess interests, skills, strengths, personality, values, life and work style choices. Students explore cultural differences and gain an awareness which is applied to the work setting. Students research potential educational and career goals; apply decision making tools, and relate their self-assessment information to occupational possibilities and college majors. Additional cost for career assessments may be required. PASS/NO PASS. (CSU GE).

COUN 140 C Educational Planning 1 Unit

Term hours: 18 lecture. This course is designed for new students as part of the Student Success and Support Program. The course includes: an orientation to college life, responsibilities, requirements, and regulations; an overview of the guided self-placement/assessment process; psychological, sociological, and physiological factors of student success; certificates, occupational degrees, and transfer degrees; the transfer process; career guidance and pathways for selection of a major plan of study; and development of a student educational plan. Students utilize multiple computer applications and websites to conduct research in developing a comprehensive educational plan. Students also data-enter their plan into Degree Works. PASS/NO PASS. (UC/CSU)

COUN 144 C Women, Careers & Spec. Issues 2 Units

Term hours: 36 lecture. Creative career search, planning and development for specialty needs and interests. Topics focus on women but also on: disabilities, discrimination and inequities; health science, fine arts and portfolio careers; building confidence, strong social media presence and strategies for success. Multiple career resources utilized to optimize college and beyond. Pass/No Pass. (CSU,CSU GE)

COUN 145 C  Job Readiness - Career Management 2 Units

Term hours: 36 lecture. In this course, students will learn to successfully bridge from college to the workplace (or make a job transition). In a future of constant change, students will learn how to maximize their strengths, skills, and college learning for gainful and satisfying employment. Students will create a personal brand and professional in-person and online presence to optimize their career opportunities. Resumes, interviewing, business etiquette, job search, networking, and long term career management issues are discussed, developed and/or practiced. (CSU, CSU GE)

COUN 150 C Academic and Life Success 3 Units

Term hours: 54 lecture. This course will provide students with knowledge, information, and practical skills to better understand themselves as students, people and members of society. It will assist them in achieving academic, and life goals and to develop plans and strategies to successfully meet those goals. Optional assessments require a fee. (UC/CSU, CSU GE)

COUN 151 C Career and Life Planning 3 Units

Term hours: 54 lecture. A complete class in career/life planning, including introduction to the tools for dealing with change; an analysis of desired lifestyles; self-assessment; overcoming obstacles, and analysis of work, its organizations, and where you want to work; decision-making, people, environments, career-researching and job-finding, resumes, interviewing, and goal setting. $3.00 Material Fee-Payable at Registration. (UC/CSU, CSU GE)

COUN 160 C College/University Transition 1 Unit

This course is designed for the student who plans to transfer to a college or university. Topics include the value of pursuing higher education, selection of a transfer institution, admissions, academic requirements, financial aid options, special programs, priority filing deadline, and developing an autobiographical essay. DUPLICATE CREDIT NOT GRANTED FOR COUN 160HC. PASS/NO PASS/Letter Grade Option. (UC/CSU)

COUN 298 C  Counseling and Guidance Seminar 0.5-12 Units

Prerequisite(s): May be required.

Corequisite(s): May be required.

Advisory: May be required.

Term hours: 0-216 lecture and/or 0-648 laboratory depending on units attempted. These various courses may be offered which are designed to meet the interests and needs of the students and faculty. Pass/No Pass or Letter Grade option. Fees may be required-Payable at Registration. (CSU)

COUN 299 C Counseling - Independent Study 0.5-2 Units

Prerequisite(s): Approved Independent Study Learning Contract.

Term hours: 27-108 Laboratory. This course is designed for students who wish to explore in-depth various guidance-related topics. Students develop an Independent Study Learning Contract with the instructor that details the objectives and course content and scope to be completed by the student. Consult class schedule to verify credit for a particular term. Variable Unit Class. Open Entry/Open Exit. May be taken for credit 4 times. Pass/No Pass (CSU)

The courses taught by this department contribute to the following ISLO/PSLOs: B-Communication Skills, C-Critical Thinking, Problem Solving, and Information Competency Skills, and D-Personal, Academic, and Professional Development; specifically, the following ISLO/PSLO subcategories: B1-Reading, B2-Writing, B3-Communicating, B4-Presenting, C1-Analysis, C2-Computation, C3-Research, C4-Problem Solving, C5-Technology, D1-Personal Responsibility, D2-Global Citizenship, and D3-Equity.