
Division: Visual and Performing Arts

Division Dean

Dr. Kellori Dower


Edward Giardina
Donivan Howard
Janet Owen Driggs
Paul Paiement
Molly Schulps


Renay Laguana-Ferinac
Renee Ssensalo

Course Repeatability Limitations

Effective 2013, most active participatory courses in Art, Dance, Theater, Music, and Physical Education are no longer repeatable. The courses in the table below are related in content and therefore have been identified in distinct “family” groupings in which students are limited to a maximum of 4 course enrollments per family (withdrawals and substandard grades will be counted towards the 4 enrollment maximum). Note: Exceptions for courses still designated as repeatable are indicated in course descriptions of the college catalog and class schedules with the statement, “May be taken for credit ____ times.” If students are majoring in any of these disciplines, they are advised to see their counselor to discuss options.

Discipline Family/Related Courses Courses Related in Content
Art1 Ceramics ART 150 C, ART 151 C, ART 152 C, ART 153 C, ART 154 C
Design ART 120 C, ART 121 C, ART 123 C, ART 140 C, ART 141 C, ART 142 C
Drawing ART 182 C, ART 183 C, ART 184 C, ART 185 C, ART 186 C
Gallery Studies ART 161 C, ART 162 C, ART 163 C
Illustration ART 244 C, ART 246 C
Jewelry ART 174 C, ART 175 C
Painting ART 191 C, ART 193 C, ART 194 C, ART 195 C, ART 196 C
Printmaking ART 130 C, ART 131 C
Art Exceptions None

Art Transfer Program

Students should consult a counselor or for lower division major requirements for most California public universities. (See the Standard Definitions section of the catalog for a description of ASSIST.) Students transferring to an independent college/university should consult the catalog of the individual school and a counselor for lower division major requirements.

Patrons of the Arts

The Cypress College Patrons of the Arts is a non-profit, tax-exempt organization that functions under the auspices of the Cypress College Foundation. It was founded in 1975 to encourage community participation in the college’s visual & performing arts programs and exhibits, foster cultural, visual, and performing arts activities at the college, and to raise funds to provide scholarships to talented students in the fields of:

Media Arts Design1

Please contact the Cypress College Patrons of the Arts at [email protected] or (714) 484-7139 for further information.

ART 100 C Fndmtls of Art for Non-Art Mjs 3 Units

This introductory course for non-art majors explores how and why art has been made at different times and in different places in human culture. With an emphasis on how artworks create and communicate meaning, the course uses lectures, discussions, readings, and hands-on making to invite students into a conversation about art that centers their lives and experiences. Pass/No Pass/Letter Grade Option. Cost of Museum visit and materials will not exceed $25.00. (UC/CSU, AA GE, CSU GE, IGETC)

ART 110 C Introduction to Art 3 Units

Advisory: Completion of ENGL 100 C or ENGL 101 C or ESL 110 C.

. Term hours: 54 lecture. This course is designed to expose the student to art from prehistoric times to the present: its purposes, materials, themes, history, and significance. It also acquaints the student with art and artists' roles in present and past societies, and helps the student understand the uses of materials and visual elements (i.e., line, color, etc.) to communicate ideas in architecture, sculpture, painting, ceramics, crafts, filmmaking, printmaking, etc. Major writing assignments are required. Pass/No Pass/Letter Grade Option. Cost of museum visit will not exceed $15.00. (UC/CSU, AA GE, CSU GE, IGETC/C-ID: ARTH 100)

ART 111 C Survey of Art History I 3 Units

Advisory: Completion of ENGL 100 C or ENGL 101 C or ESL 110 C.

. Term hours: 54 lecture. This course studies the development of ancient and medieval architecture, sculpture and painting in the Western and Eastern cultures. Emphasis is placed on examining how art records and shapes history, how style communicates the ideas of the artist and his culture, and how symbols, techniques, materials and subjects are used and transferred from one culture to another. Major writing assignments are required. Pass/No Pass/Letter Grade Option. Cost of museum visit will not exceed $15.00. (UC/CSU, AA GE, CSU GE, IGETC/C-ID: ARTH 110)

ART 112 C Survey of Art History II 3 Units

Advisory: Completion of ENGL 100 C or ENGL 101 C or ESL 110 C.

. Term hours: 54 lecture. This course studies the development of architecture, sculpture and painting in the Western world from the Renaissance through the twenty-first century. Emphasis is placed on examining how art records and shapes history, how style communicates the ideas of the artist and his culture, and how symbols, techniques, materials and subjects are used and transferred from one culture to another. Major writing assignments are required. Cost of museum visit will not exceed $15.00. Duplicate credit not granted for ART 112HC. Pass/No Pass/Letter Grade Option. (UC Credit Limitation/CSU, AA GE, CSU GE, IGETC/C-ID: ARTH 120)

ART 112HC  Honors Survey of Art History II 3 Units

Advisory: Completion of ENGL 100 C or ENGL 101 C or ESL 110 C.

. Term hours: 54 lecture. This Honors-enhanced course studies the development of architecture, sculpture, and painting of the Western world from the Renaissance through the twenty-first century. Emphasis is placed on examining how art records and shapes history, how style communicates the ideas of the artist and his culture, and how symbols, techniques, materials, and subjects are used and transferred from one culture to another. Cost of museum visit will not exceed $15.00. Duplicate credit not granted for ART 112 C. (UC Credit Limitation/CSU, AA GE, CSU GE, IGETC/C-ID: ARTH 120)

ART 114 C Modern Art History 3 Units

Advisory: ART 112 C and completion of ENGL 100 C or ENGL 101 C or ESL 110 C Term hours: 54 lecture.

This course covers the development of modern art and architecture from its 19th century beginnings to the early 21st century. Emphasis is placed on exploring how art and architecture communicate meaning and interact with history, and on examining the ways in which the definition and practice of art has expanded over the past 200 years. Cost of museum visit will not exceed $25. Pass/No Pass/Letter Grade option. (UC/CSU, AA GE, CSU GE, IGETC, C-ID: ARTH 150)

ART 116 C  Arts of Africa, Oceania and Indigenous North America 3 Units

Advisory: ENGL 100 C or ENGL 100HC or ENGL 101 C or ESL 110 C.

. Term hours: 54 lecture. This course is a survey of visual culture within selected regions in Africa, Oceania, and indigenous North America. This course requires out-of-class assignments with a maximum fee of $25. Pass/No Pass/Letter Grade option. (CSU/UC, AA GE, CSU GE, IGETC, C-ID: ARTH 140)

ART 120 C Two-Dimensional Design 3 Units

Term hours: 36 lecture and 72 laboratory. Introduction to the concepts, applications, and art historical and multi-cultural references related to two-dimensional art and composition, including the study of the basic principles and elements of line, shape, texture, value, color and spatial illusion. Development of a visual vocabulary for creative expression through lecture presentations, studio projects, problem solving, and written assignments. $25.00 PAYABLE AT REGISTRATION. (UC/CSU, AA GE, CSU GE, C-ID:ARTS 100)

ART 121 C Three-Dimensional Design 3 Units

Term hours: 36 lecture and 72 laboratory. This course introduces the concepts, applications, cultural and art historical references related to three-dimensional design and spatial composition, including the study of the elements and organizing principles of design as they apply to three-dimensional space and form. Development of a visual vocabulary for creative expression through lecture presentations and use of appropriate materials for non-representational three-dimensional studio projects. The materials fee is for materials provided to the student by the Art Department. $20 materials fee payable at registration. (CSU/UC/C-ID: ARTS 101)

ART 122 C Introduction to Digital Art 3 Units

Term hours: 36 lecture and 72 laboratory. This course introduces the student to the computer as a creative tool for making art, illustration, sculpture and design from the perspective of the fine artist in the studio. Topics include integration of traditional art, design, color, and compositional elements and principles; exploration of contemporary art trends utilizing digital tools, including traditional and non-traditional software and hardware applications and processes for development of critical personal expression; evaluation of cultural and technological history, theory, and artwork of artists employing the computer in their final art practice; and development and creation of a variety of non-commercial artworks that express personal vision. $25 materials fee payable at registration. (UC/CSU, C-ID: ARTS 250)

ART 123 C Color Theory 3 Units

Term hours: 36 lecture and 72 laboratory. This course focuses on the scientific, artistic, and varied cultural understandings of color pertaining to painting, drawing, photography, media arts and design. This course utilizes the historical theories of color by previous artists to study distinct color properties and functions. This course investigates color symbolism and composition through isolation and reintegration of the elements of color theory that combines lecture, demonstration and critique with hands-on exploration in problem solving. Materials fees are provided to the student by the Art Department. (UC/CSU, C-ID: ARTS 270)

ART 130 C Introduction to Printmaking 3 Units

Term hours: 36 lecture and 72 laboratory. This introductory course presents the artist with concepts and techniques of drawing, design, and color through the use of fine art printing medias such as etching, lithography, and woodcut. $20 materials fee payable at registration. (CSU/UC)

ART 131 C Intermediate Printmaking 3 Units

Term hours: 36 lecture and 72 laboratory. This intermediate course will continue with exploration and technical problem solving in fine art printing medias such as etching, lithography, screen printing and woodcut. $20 materials fee payable at registration. (CSU)

ART 146 C  Beginning Sculpture (formerly ART 149 C) 3 Units

Term hours: 36 lecture and 72 laboratory. This course is an introduction to three-dimensional sculptural principles, techniques and concepts utilizing a wide range of materials and practices. Various sculpture methods are practiced with attention to creative self-expression and historical context. This course combines lecture, demonstrations, and critique with hands-on exploration in problem solving. $25 materials fee payable at registration. (CSU/UC)

ART 147 C Intermediate Sculpture 3 Units

Prerequisite(s): ART 146 C with a grade of C or better.

Term hours: 36 lecture and 72 laboratory. This intermediate course further explores three-dimensional sculptural principles, techniques, and concepts utilizing a wide range of materials and practices. Various sculpture methods are practiced with attention to creative self-expression and historical context. This course combines lecture, demonstrations and criticize with hands-on exploration in problem solving. $25 materials fee payable at registration. (UC/CSU)

ART 148 C Introduction to Crafts 3 Units

Term hours: 36 lecture and 72 laboratory. This course is an introduction to traditional and contemporary concepts and processes in a variety of craft media, with emphasis on the development of aesthetic forms based on function and design principles. This course combines lecture, demonstration and critique with hands-on exploration and problem solving. $25 materials fee payable at registration.

ART 150 C Ceramics Handbuilding 3 Units

Term hours: 36 lecture and 72 laboratory. Basic information about ceramics will be covered. Learning to construct ceramic forms with hand-building techniques will be applied to convey ideas, images, and feelings. Visual vocabulary as it pertains to all of the arts will be stressed. Basic technology of clay, glazes, and firing procedures is included. $20.00 Materials Fee - PAYABLE AT REGISTRATION. (UC/CSU, AA GE, CSU GE)

ART 151 C Ceramics Throwing 3 Units

Term hours: 36 lecture and 72 laboratory. This course covers basic information about ceramics with an emphasis on learning to use the potter's wheel as a tool, students will use it to convey ideas, images, and feelings. Visual vocabulary as it pertains to all of the arts is emphasized. Basic technology of clay, glazes, and firing procedures are included. $20.00 Material Fee-Payable at Registration. (UC/CSU, AA GE, CSU GE)

ART 152 C Tech-Conceptual Ceramics 3 Units

Prerequisite(s): ART 150 C or ART 151 C with a grade of C or better.

Term hours: 36 lecture and 72 laboratory. This course deals with advanced technical skills in ceramic construction and visual concepts. Identification and application of one's personal aesthetic will be emphasized. Clay, glazes, and firing techniques are integral to this course. $20.00 Materials Fee - PAYABLE AT REGISTRATION. (CSU/UC)

ART 153 C Ceramic Studio Exploration 3 Units

Prerequisite(s): ART 152 C with a grade of C or better.

Term hours: 36 lecture and 72 laboratory. Advanced technical and conceptual skills will be covered. Synthesizing the individual development of a personal aesthetic will be used. Application of this aesthetic will be used to create ceramic objects. Further technology of clay, glazes, and firing possibilities is expected. $20.00 Materials Fee - PAYABLE AT REGISTRATION. (UC/CSU)

ART 154 C Ceramic Aesthetics & Finishes 3 Units

Prerequisite(s): ART 153 C with a grade of C or better.

Term hours: 36 lecture and 72 laboratory. This class which explores various firing processes, glaze exploration and philosophy is designed for the advanced ceramic student. Developing a personal aesthetic towards the finished product will be emphasized. Experimentation of glazes will be stressed. $20.00 Materials Fee - PAYABLE AT REGISTRATION. (UC/CSU)

ART 155 C Art Open Laboratory 0.5-2 Units

Corequisite(s): Concurrent enrollment in Art 148 C, Art 146 C, Art 150 C-154 C Term hours: 27-108 laboratory.

This course is designed as an open laboratory. Students may utilize the lab while it is open. This open lab with flexible hours and variable units is designed to provide students with space and equipment needed to complete art assignments. Twenty-seven (27) hours are required for each .5 unit up to 108 hours for two (2) units. May be taken for credit 4 times. Pass/No Pass. (CSU)

ART 161 C Intro to Gallery Stds: Exhibit 3 Units

Term hours: 32-36 lecture and 64-72 laboratory. This introductory course, students will be introduced to installation practices required to work in gallery and museum environments. This course will introduce art handling, conservation, visitor relations, installation, construction and maintenance. (CSU)

ART 162 C  Intermediate Gallery Studies - Exhibition Organization and Management Techniques (formerly titled Gallery Studies 2) 3 Units

Term hours: 36 lecture and 72 laboratory. In this intermediate course, students will learn to organize and market exhibitions in gallery and museum environments. Course topics include: Curatorial methods and ethics, exhibition design and management, promotion, community relations, and development of related exhibition programming. (CSU)

ART 163 C Transfer Portfolio Development 3 Units

Term hours: 36 lecture and 72 laboratory. In this course, students will learn to properly strategize, document, and present their portfolio for transfer to animation, art, ceramics, design, drawing and painting, entertainment arts, graphic design, illustration, photography, sculpture, and related transfer programs. Course topics include: portfolio development and continued education, internships, and residencies. (CSU)

ART 166 C Contemporary Art Studio 3 Units

Term hours: 36 lecture and 72 laboratory. This course introduces students to the practices of contemporary art, including current approaches to drawing and painting, sculpture, installation art, performance art, video, sound, and digital technologies. Students use a variety of traditional and digital processes to create works of art. This course is designed for Art majors. (CSU/UC)

ART 167 C Contemporary Art Studio 2 3 Units

Prerequisite(s): ART 166 C with a grade of C or better.

Term hours: 36 lecture and 72 laboratory. This advanced course further explores the practices of contemporary art, including current approaches to drawing and painting, sculpture, installation art, performance art, video, sound, and digital technologies. Students use a variety of traditional and digital processes to create works of art. This course is designed for Art majors. (CSU/UC)

ART 174 C Jewelry Design 3 Units

Term hours: 36 lecture and 72 laboratory. This is a course covering the design and construction of jewelry and small fabricated metal pieces. Emphasis will be placed on fabrication and direct casting techniques and their potential. $35 Materials Fee - PAYABLE AT REGISTRATION. (CSU)

ART 175 C Metalsmithing 3 Units

Prerequisite(s): ART 174 C with a grade of C or better.

Term hours: 36 lecture and 72 laboratory. The emphasis of this course will be placed on the development of advanced design skills, lost wax casting and stone setting techniques. $35 Materials Fee - PAYABLE AT REGISTRATION. (CSU)

ART 182 C Beginning Drawing 3 Units

Term hours: 36 lecture and 72 laboratory. This course is an introductory class in the fundamentals of drawing. The student will be exploring traditional and experimental methods in drawing. There is strong emphasis on foundation skills such as form, value, composition and perspective. Perceptual skills and self-expression will also be stressed. The student will work from nature, man made objects and his or her own imagination. Non objective and abstract considerations will be examined in representational and experimental drawing. A variety of media will be introduced, such as graphite, charcoal, conte, pen and ink. Advanced students will be exposed to more color and mixed media. (CSU/UC/AA GE, CSU GE/C-ID: ARTS 110)

ART 183 C Intermediate Drawing 3 Units

Prerequisite(s): ART 182 C with a grade of C or better

Term hours: 36 lecture and 72 laboratory. This course is a continued study of drawing techniques and media. As a creative process, emphasis is placed upon individual experimentation as well as continued skills development and conceptual application pertaining to drawing. (CSU/UC/C-ID: ARTS 205)

ART 184 C Advanced Drawing 3 Units

Prerequisite(s): ART 183 C with a grade of C or better

Term hours: 36 lecture and 72 laboratory. This course constitutes a study of advanced drawing issues stressing experimentation, traditional and contemporary drawing composition and methods. Emphasis is upon a body of work demonstrating individual conceptualism and material exploration. (CSU/UC)

ART 185 C Beginning Life Drawing 3 Units

Advisory: ART 182 C.

Term hours: 36 lecture and 72 laboratory. This course is an introduction to the representational and expressive drawing of the human figure. It is a foundation for figure painting. The course provides an opportunity for exploration of various methods, approaches, and media in figure drawing. (CSU/UC/AA GE/C-ID: ARTS 200)

ART 186 C Intermediate Life Drawing 3 Units

Prerequisite(s): ART 185 C with a grade of C or better.

Term hours: 36 lecture and 72 laboratory. The is an intermediate course in drawing the human figure. The course emphasizes the refinement of basic skills, exercises and anatomy. Experimentation of different media and encouraged growth and personal vision are encouraged at this level. This course is recommended for all art majors. (CSU/UC)

ART 187 C Advanced Life Drawing 3 Units

Prerequisite(s): ART 186 C with a grade of C or better.

Term hours: 36 lecture and 72 lecture. This is an advanced course in drawing the human figure. The emphasis of this course is a focused review of previous drawing exercises and the refinement of techniques. Advanced studio problems will be addressed, with historical and contemporary examples. Two hours lecture and four hours of studio per week. This course is recommended for art majors. (CSU/UC)

ART 191 C Life Painting 3 Units

Prerequisite(s): ART 185 C or ART 189 C, with a grade of C or better.

Term hours: 36 lecture and 72 laboratory. This course is an introduction to painting the human figure as a means to a more penetrating perception of visual phenomena and as a means of creative expression. Paintings will progress from a limited palette to full color with the emphasis on light, color, composition and form. The course provides an opportunity for examination of historical and contemporary examples of figure painting and for exploration of various methods, approaches and media. This course satisfies the requirements for units in lower division Life Painting for transfer. (UC/CSU)

ART 193 C Portrait Painting 3 Units

Prerequisite(s): ART 191 C with a grade of C or better.

Term hours: 36 lecture and 72 laboratory. This is an advanced course in Life Painting. The emphasis will be developing the portrait through schematic studies and observational methods using models. Paintings will progress from limited palette to full color with emphasis on light, color, facial expression and form. Study of Historical and Interpretive styles in figurative work will be investigated. (CSU/UC)

ART 194 C  Beginning Painting (formerly ART 189 C) 3 Units

Term hours: 36 lecture and 72 laboratory. The purpose of this course is to approach painting as a creative and problem solving process. Emphasis will be placed on the acquisition of technical/formal skills and the development of a personal artistic vision. This course will include a variety of media and the fundamentals of composition, color theory, and craftsmanship as applied to painting and the fine arts. (CSU/UC/AA GE, CSU GE/C-ID: ARTS 210)

ART 195 C Intermediate Painting 3 Units

Prerequisite(s): ART 194 C with a grade of C or better

Term hours: 36 lecture and 72 laboratory. This course is a continued study of painting techniques and media. As a creative process, emphasis is placed upon individual experimentation as well as continued skills development and conceptual application pertaining to painting. (CSU/UC)

ART 196 C Advanced Painting 3 Units

Prerequisite(s): ART 195 C with a grade of C or better.

Term hours: 36 lecture and 72 laboratory. This course constitutes a study of advanced painting problems stressing experimentation, traditional and contemporary painting composition and methods. Emphasis is upon a body of work demonstrating individual conceptualism and material exploration. (CSU/UC)

ART 197 C Beg Watercolor Painting 3 Units

Term hours: 36 lecture and 72 laboratory. Emphasis is on basic skills in watercolor painting through lecture, demonstrations and studio practice, students learn realism, abstract, representational, conceptual approaches and techniques in painting. The basic formal elements and principles of design, as well as observational and theoretical investigation of color theory will be reviewed as it relates to painting. Traditional and experimental techniques are explored. (CSU/UC, C-ID: ARTS 210)

ART 216 C Latin American Art 3 Units

Advisory: ENGL 100 C or ENGL 101 C or ESL 110 C.

Term hours: 54 lecture. This course is a survey of arts and architecture of Mexico, Central America, and South America from 1200 BC to the late 20th century. Cost of museum visit will not exceed $15. Pass/No Pass/Letter Grade option. (CSU/UC/AA GE, CSU GE, IGETC)

ART 244 C Illustration 3 Units

Advisory: ART 182 C.

Term hours: 36 lecture and 72 laboratory. This is an introductory course in the art of illustration. Primary emphasis is on the design and execution of illustrations for various uses in a variety of media. Course content includes designing to communicate a message, composition, style, development of preliminary drawings, preparation of drawings for printed reproduction, and experiments in the use of various media. The business of Illustration is also introduced in this class. $20 materials fee payable at registration. (CSU/UC)

ART 245 C Intermediate Illustration 3 Units

Prerequisite(s): ART 244 C

Term hours: 36 lecture and 72 laboratory. This is an intermediate course in the art of illustration. Primary emphasis is on the design and execution of illustrations for various uses in a variety of media. Course content includes designing to communicate a message, composition, style, development of preliminary drawings, preparation of drawings for printed reproduction, Digital to formal translation and experiments in the use of various media. The business of Illustration is also applied in this class. $20 Materials fee payable at registration. (CSU)

ART 246 C Advanced Illustration 3 Units

Prerequisite(s): ART 244 C with a grade of C or better.

Term hours: 36 lecture and 72 laboratory. This advanced level course in illustration presents the student with the opportunity to create an elevated and accelerated level of problem solving within the creation of finished illustrations, from thumbnail sketches to final art. Emphasis in this course is critical thinking skills, conceptual skills, addressing aesthetic intent for the illustration for printed media, such as books, newspapers, magazines as well as illustration for the web and electronic entertainment, theme park and motion picture industries. Projects are designed to prepare the student for the professional skills necessary in creating an industry appropriate portfolio of work and for transfer to a 4 year institution. $20 materials fee is payable at registration. (CSU/UC)

ART 298 C Art Seminar 0.5-12 Units

Prerequisite(s): May be required

Advisory: May be required

Corequisite: May be required. Term hours: 0-216 lecture and/or 0-864 laboratory depending on units attempted. This course covers various classes which are designed to meet the interests and needs of the student and faculty. Pass/No Pass or Letter Grade option. Fees may be required - payable at registration or bookstore. (CSU)

ART 299 C Independent Study 0.5-2 Units

Prerequisite(s): Approved Independent Study Learning Contract. Term hours: 27-108 Laboratory. This is a course that is designed for the student to increase their knowledge of a particular art discipline. Unit credit may range from 1/2 to 2 units in any given semester. May be taken for credit 4 times.(CSU)

At Cypress College, there are Department Program Student Learning Outcomes and Degree & Certificate Program Student Learning Outcomes.

Department Program Student Learning Outcomes:

The courses taught by this department contribute to the following ISLO/PSLOs: A-Breadth of Knowledge, Competencies, and Skills, B-Communication Skills, C-Critical Thinking, Problem Solving, and Information Competency Skills, and D-Personal, Academic, and Professional Development; specifically, the following ISLO/PSLO subcategories: A1-Humanities and the Arts, B1-Reading, B2-Writing, B3-Communicating, B4-Presenting, C1-Analysis, C2-Computation, C3-Research, C4-Problem Solving, C5-Technology, D1-Personal Responsibility, and D2-Global Citizenship.

A student who completes the Art field of study will be able to:

  • Show their knowledge of various art processes, theory, and technical skills.

  • Effectively communicate content through the principles and elements of design.

  • Critically analyze the principles and elements of design for content and historical importance.

  • Visually articulate and comprehend the interconnection between art and culture.

Degree & Certificate Program Student Learning Outcomes:

The program student learning outcomes for each award can be found on the specific degree or certificate page.